He's got a Yamaha CD-R and a DVD-ROM (reader, not writer) in his PC. He uses the newest Nero (with DVD-copy enabled in "expert mode" settings). When the wizard comes up, he chooses to copy the DVD from the DVD reader to the CD-R writer. He uses standard blank DVD-R's in his CD-R drive, and starts burning. He has told me that there have been NO problems getting his CD-R dirve to copy a DVD onto DVD-R media!! This is not DIVX or VCD we're talking about, it's actually using your CD-R drive to write as a DVD-R drive!! I will post more as more info comes out about this." ふーん… けどDVD-R買うのが勿体なくて実験する気になれん。
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nantonaku souzou tuita. dekisou dakedo, mono wo soroeru noga mendou souda... demo drive to soft sae soroeba yasuku dvd yakeru noha miryoku dana...