再倭奴…強姦国民的遺伝汚濁血之屑人種可能自殺? またジャップか…強姦国民の汚い血を引く屑は自殺したほうがいいんじゃない? 또 와놈인가 …강간 국민이 더러운 피를 그리는 쓰레기는 자살한 편이 나은 것은 아니니? Moreover, is it Jap … Should rubbish that pulls rape people's dirty bloods not commit suicide? De plus, est il Jap … Si les détritus qui tirent devraient violer les sangs sales de gens ne commettent pas suicide? Überdies, ist es Jap … Wenn Abfall, den Rucke die schmutzigen Blut von Leuten vergewaltigen, keinen Selbstmord begehen sollte? 村上春樹為自作自演内文学板此悪態悪行為爾也、故責任不可能的転嫁、必然可死責任。 村上春樹は文学板で自演しながらさんざん悪態をついてきたのをどう責任とるつもりなんだよ? Rばいいのに 무라카미하루키는 문학판으로 스스로 연기하면서 몹시 욕설을 퍼 부어 온 것을 어떻게 책임질 생각인 것이어요? 죽으면 좋게 Is Haruki Murakami any responsibility?You only have to die, too better. He has been severely cursing it while performing it with a literary board. Est-ce que Haruki Murakami est toute responsabilité? Vous devez seulement mourir, trop mieux. Il l'a maudit sévèrement en l'exécutant avec un comité littéraire. Ist Haruki Murakami irgendeine Verantwortung? Sie müssen nur sterben zu besser. Er hat es schwerwiegend verflucht, während er es bei einem literarischen Ausschuß aufführt.
Tarnya I say over rated. I bought 'the wind up bird chronicle' after readin reviews on here and amazon and was really dissapointed. It was boring and childlike and nothing really happened, which for a book which was as thick as a brick was rather annoying! I much prefer Ryu Murakami..but maybe thats because i like things that shock me(過大評価です。ここやアマゾンの書評をみてねじ巻き鳥クロニクルを 買ったががっかり。退屈で子供っぽく、本当に何も怒らない。レンガのように厚くうんざり。村上龍の方が好き。)
村上春樹はあらゆる世界の言語で過大評価された作家。私も翻訳者が悪いのかと 思っていた。しかし、結局彼が何も言うことを持っていないのだと気がついた。 http://howtojaponese.com/2009/05/27/q-teen-eighty-four-early-release/ Jahana Noboru Says: May 31st, 2009 at 5:18 am Murakami Haruki: Most overrated novelist in any language. I used to think it was just bad English-language translations, but I’ve finally realized that he has nothing to say. \Underground\ was his best book, probably because it comprised interviews he conducted with those involved with the attack at the Kasumigaseki station and therefore there was no room for him to name check pop tunes, pop brands, pop celebs. Let me make a suggestion to his handlers and marketing geniuses who have guided this odd career as consciously as any \idol\ or genetically modified crop: Sell his books exclusively at \combini\ like 7-Eleven, Lawson’s, Hot Spar, and the like. As a courtesy, the clerks can ask if you want it heated up in the microwave before you consume it like a postmodern o-bento. His spoken English also is iffy considering he lived in the US for quite a while. Maybe he should have gone out into the streets and talked to living, breathing people. Really, if you want to know the location of the \otaku\ phenomenon any cultural GPS will give you the coordinates of one, Murakami Haruki.
Tarnya I say over rated. I bought 'the wind up bird chronicle' after readin reviews on here and amazon and was really dissapointed. It was boring and childlike and nothing really happened, which for a book which was as thick as a brick was rather annoying! I much prefer Ryu Murakami..but maybe thats because i like things that shock me(過大評価です。ここやアマゾンの書評をみてねじ巻き鳥クロニクルを 買ったががっかり。退屈で子供っぽく、本当に何も怒らない。レンガのように厚くうんざり。村上龍の方が好き。)
31 :
世界で笑いものになる村上春樹 世界で人気のfacebook(笑)では春樹の過大評価をめぐって語り合ってるよ。参加しよう(笑) http://bs-ba.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2659210195&topic=6692 Haruki Murakami: writer of classics or completely over-rated?(春樹は完全な過大評価?) Andy I just finished reading "Kafka on the shore",my second and I believe last experience of Murakami.As when reading "After Dark" ,I kept thinking to myself,this just can't be as bad as it seems. There is something naive about his charaters and their dialogues ,that can only be a reflexion of the author's own mind.There is so much meaningless name dropping throught his work,that pretentious and contrived,is my overall conclusion of his writing. (海辺のカフカを読み終わった。春樹体験は2度目でこれが最後になると信じる。ずっと これはそこまでひどくないぞと自分にいいきかせた。著者自身の内省にちがいない 性格や対話にはナイーブななにかがある。彼の作品には無意味な名前がちりばめられすぎだ。 もったいぶった偽者のね。これが彼の仕事に対する私の結論だ)
Tarnya I say over rated. I bought 'the wind up bird chronicle' after readin reviews on here and amazon and was really dissapointed. It was boring and childlike and nothing really happened, which for a book which was as thick as a brick was rather annoying! I much prefer Ryu Murakami..but maybe thats because i like things that shock me(過大評価です。ここやアマゾンの書評をみてねじ巻き鳥クロニクルを 買ったががっかり。退屈で子供っぽく、本当に何も起こらない。レンガのように厚くうんざり。村上龍の方が好き。)