>>46 インタビュー聞いてないけどフォーラムのまとめには All cars from FM4/Horizon that weren't AAA standard were cut and redone. FM4/FHから収録される車は全て・・・とあるけど、必ずしも4/Hから全車収録されるとは書いてないね
All cars from FM4/Horizon that weren't AAA standard were cut and redone. 「FM4/Horizonから引き継ぐ車のうち、AAAスタンダードモデルじゃなかった全ての車のモデルは 廃棄して作り直した。」
59 :
BIG news: a comment on that link said that they went through the models and redid only the ones they thought weren't up to spec... like FM1/2 cars. >>58 別スレにもこんなレスあったから3以前から生き残ってるようなモデリングで 5にも収録される車種は一新されるのは間違いなさそうだね
コンパウンドはやっぱないらしい Can you pick a different compound for tracks? "We're not getting into tire compounds and compound management." in FM5 like there was in FM2. (1 hr 17 minutes into the podcast) ドラッグ以外にもサッカー、CnMとか4にあったオン対戦形式は実装する予定らしい Will there be drag racing? "We're supporting almost all the same sort of online play that we had in Forza Motorsport 4... [soccer, cat and mouse] Our investment level is roughly the same." 4はレース画面とAVでは別解像度だけど5ではすべて同じ Dan said that in FM4 there were different resolutions used in AutoVista and driving, but in FM5 it's all the same assets, Dynoには将来的に音源として利用することも見据えて1000台以上載せたらしい they did put over 1000 cars on the dyno to get future-proof sounds that can also be mixed/modified/blended/etc.