Q. 公式にあるNightlyBuildとは何でしょう? A. 開発プロジェクトの最新のソースコードを用いて生成されたBuildで、最新の機能などが使える反面 バグや不具合なども多く人柱仕様です、本来はバグや不具合の報告するためのもので、不安定なのが嫌な人はStableBuild(Nightlyの下のx64、またはWin32)を使いましょう。 Q .コーデックは○○がいいの?画質が良いのは?最高の設定は? A. スレチ。 Q. DXVAの設定はどうするの? A. オプション→再生→出力のDirectShowビデオをXPならVMR7/9にVista以降ならEVRにする。 その後、オプション→内部フィルタ→Video Decodersの『H264/AVC (DXVA)』にチェック。 DXVAで不具合が出る場合はチェックを外す。VC1も同様。 madVRの場合、madVRの設定でonにする。 Q. PoweDVDやDivX、CoreAVCのH.264デコーダーを使いたい A. オプション→外部フィルタ→フィルタの追加→参照で追加する。 内部フィルタのH.264のチェックを外すのを忘れずに。 Q. シークプレビューできないの? A. できます。オプション→Interface→Use the preview in the searchにチェックを入れてMPCを再起動 Q. flybarって何? A. タイトルバーやメニューバーを消した状態でも画面上に終了・最大最小化・フルスクリーンや設定などのショートカットを表示させる機能です。 オプション→Interface→Use flybarにチェックを入れてMPCを再起動で使えます。 Q. 起動時の画面サイズを指定出来ますか? A. できます。オプション→再生の項目内にある”出力”(サブ項目じゃない)で自動拡大にチェック、右の項目で好きなのを選んで再起動。
build 2521 2521 Update: ffmpeg git-bf66016e. 2520 Change: MPCVideoDecFilter - now when rewinding on ATI H.264I do not do full reneitsializatsiyu decoder, and only re-creates DXVA2 decoder. 2519 Change: thumb - the construction of the graph we take only the first (main) file, skipping any extra. audio track. 2518 Change: OSD - added checks to On. / Off. OSD, otherwise get off crash at OSD. The same way - a little makeup in the code. 2517 Change: revision r2505 (OSD) - On / Off OSD without having to restart, redid the map and drawing the OSD. 2516 Changes: fixed a crash situation when you kponki STOP and re-creating the decoder. 2515 Change: temporarily canceled the re-creation of the decoder on call :: NewSegment (), will return as will understand. 2514 Change: minor changes and improvements with regards to the new OSD. 2513 Change: MPCVideoDecFilter - Recreate the decoder after rewinding only on the cards ATI, because on NVIDIA & Intel does not need :) 2512 Update: libpng 1.7.0 b9 git-57d6907d; 2511 Change: multiplaylist added to youtube.com, example: http://www.youtube.com/yakfilms Change: small optimization; 2510 Change: forgot the optional disable OSD))
build 2532 2532 update: ffmpeg git-6d7ec4fc. 2531 Changes: OSD - a bit of optimization, avoid re-draw if neither the text of the message, not its location is not changed. Also imposed restrictions on height. 2530 Changes: OSD - update for 2529, and a little makeup in the code. 2529 Changes: fixed incorrect display of the OSD, when at the beginning of the old shows an empty frame size (from previous posts). 2528 Update checker: Properly close the CInternetFile object - (mpc-hc); 2527 DTSAC3Source: fixed search ac3 and eac3 titles. cosmetics. (mpc-hc 8f070977ec) 2526 Correction r.2525; 2525 Changes: Added ani_web.avi, if you save files from youtube, http, ftp; 2524 Changes: modern ani.avi; 2523 Change: "Show OSD (requires restart)" -> "Show OSD"; 2522 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-5369a80f; Change: is automatically deleted after the opening, the temporary youtube playlist - mpc_youtube.m3u; Change: got rid of a ton of time creating youtube and http files;
build 2553 2553 update: ffmpeg git-c7d2a3ab. 2552 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5492. 2551 Change: returned messages output by adjusting the sound in the statusbar 2550 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5489. 2549 Change: improved handling of messages Play / Pause / Stop for OSD, issued a code in MainFrm. Thanks to the team MPC-HC for the tip and the code. 2548 Change: we derive a condition MUTE OSD only when it is really muted. 2547 Changes: OSD disappeared when switching to full screen and / or back. 2546 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-0ece07dc; Losslessly compress png images (mpc-hc); 2545 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2544 Change: small optimization; 2543 korean language update 2542 Change: Mute the volume automatically removed when placing the value to 0, either temporarily or permanently - there posmtrim :). Just added output in the OSD on the status of Mute. 2541 hanges: OSD - when you start / stop correctly reset all variables, we hide the window, etc. This will prevent unnecessary calls :: ShowWindow (SW_HIDE) after calling :: Stop (). Just now correctly displayed in the rediscovery of the OSD file.
build 2574 2574 update: ffmpeg git-b4fc2a10. 2573 Changes: MP4Splitter - corrected roar. 2567, we must be careful)) 2572 Correction: r.2570; 2571 hanges: The New r.2570; 2570 Changes: slightly simplified build; 2569 Changes: Switching topics in the hot mode during playback, the wrong sign was put play / pause; Change: Optimization and cosmetics;