>>20 I'm posting a part of my favorite song's lyrics. It should sound odd but you should know any Japanese songs use this kind of strange English lol. >>21 I got short mail on my cell phone, it surprise me. And I was happy to find it.
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fuck faceってどういう意味ですか?
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お願いします HELLO DEAR, HOW ARE YOU DOING? I MISS TALKING WITH YOU DEAR. なんて言ってるのでしょ 優しく親切で賢いそこのあなた! お願いします また、これにたいして無難な返事はどうすれば…
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>>24 やあ、こんにちは。元気にしてます?あなたとまたお話したいよ。 無難な返事ってどんなの?私社会性ないから分からない・・・ とりあえず罵りたいのなら"GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU COCKSUCKER"とかでいいと思う
youtubeじゃないんですけどいいですか? 登録したクレカ番号をどうしたら完全削除出来るのか質問したら I shall try and find out for you. If you check out as a guest you can input new details. I shall be back in touch って返って来たんですが翻訳サイトかけてもいまいち分かりません お願いします
これなんですけど hello I am halima! How are you? hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health. Please I went through your profile and i read it and took interest in it, please if you don't mind i will like you to write me on this ID hope to hear from you soon, and I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you. 大雑把に意味はわかるんだけど・・・。翻訳されたらどうなるのかなあと。
Hiya, Just noticed one of your videos on youtube, incredible! As good as your videos are I was a bit perplexed that more people weren't watching them. It really blows me away that some of the ϲrap that's on here gets so popular, and then the truly good stuff like yours gets lost in the crowd. Do you realize that your videos are some of the better ones that youtube has to offer? Thank you so much for making them! Finally something new and unique. It really blows me away that more people aren't seeking out videos like yours, they are so much better than most of the garbage on there. A friend of mine also used to have a hard time getting views to my videos and then he found becomeviral dot COM How it works іs that they send a ton of views to your videos. the views really help your video get into the youtube search engine which then gets your video even more exposure and views.
海外通販でこんな返事が来たんだけど誰かたのむ Hi Customer, Yes I saw the payment but the shipping cost is not included.I need to check the total shipping cost and let you know tomorrow. Thanks & Best Regards,
Burnett, so, we meet again. You got something for me? バキューン、バキューン! Hey, I think I've got one over here! Lieutenant, I've found another one over here!
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また海外通販なんだけど誰かよろしく Sorry for the late reply, the shipping cost and handling fee is total SGD75.We are using FedEx.Please kindly let me know whether it is ok for u.If not,I will refund you. Thanks & Best Regards, Mike
So cute! Yesterday, my husband had left the shopping of piggy greens on the loungeroom floor to go back to the shops as he had forgotten to buy something (piggy greens being the priority that is never forgotten, of course). One of our piggies decided he wasn't going to wait to be fed. I walked into the loungeroom to find two bottom cheeks sticking out, from the shopping bag, at me and some seriously quick eating going on from within it.
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During the Hits Tour in 1994, Mari Hamada was the opening act for Kim Wilde at least during the European dates, to promote her album "Introducing... Mari Hamada". This Japanese singer is a big success in her homeland. Her performance in Holland earned her a few not too friendly nicknames "Mari Huana" and "Hara Kiri".
このピアノ演奏の楽譜が欲しいんですが、他にも欲しい人が何人もいるようです その事について何と書かれているんでしょうか? 和訳をお願いします .Tony Bennett ft. Lady Gaga - The Lady is a Tramp (Piano Cover) . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNvvCl6RD78
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自分のメールを書いて誰かがスコアを送ってくれるのを待つのが基本のようだ。 名前がわかる人ではCarla Diazという人が I Got the Sheets ? want them ? (スコアシート持ってるけど要る?) これに対してのレスで TheKleineMuetzeが please send them to my e-mail adress kleine_muetze@web.de I'm begging? you ^^ (スコアを私のe-mailに送ってくれると感謝します) Quang Lilleso could you send them to me? to? that would make me so happy quang.lm11@dansomusikal.se (それを私に送ってもらえますか?そうしていただけたら本当にうれしい) TheNess159 can you send me? the sheets to rigaudnn@hotmail.com? (スコアシートを私に送ってもらえる?) zezulettka oh god, please, would you be so kind to send? me them ? I´d like to play it to my grandma at her 80s birthday party, she always loved this song :) (ああ、神様お願い。親切に私にスコアを送っていただけたらとても感謝します。私はそれを わたしのおばあちゃんの80歳の誕生日に演奏したいの。彼女はこの曲がいつも大好きなの。
We do apologize for any difficulties you have encountered with the Authorization Hold. Since the Authorization Hold is still sowing on your account we do suggest contacting your banking institution and asking why they have not released the Authorization Hold from your account. We do apologize since we did not place the Authorization Hold on your account we are unable to remove it.
We hope to see you placing an order with us again soon. スレ違いですが翻訳していただけると助かります