>>68 新型iPad 発熱が酷過ぎて持てない不具合 iPad Overheating Problem: Users Report Uncomfortable Heat In Apple's 'iPad 3' http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/19/ipad-overheating-problems-issues-complaints_n_1362659.html?ref=technology Apple Support Communitiesに寄せられた声 ...It gets rather warm/hot after 30minutes of usage. It has never happened on my iPad 2... 30分使っただけでクソ熱い、iPad 2じゃこんな事なかったのに ...It has been very hot to hold, lower left side... 左下の部分がクソ熱くて持てない ...it was 117 degree after 10 minutes - my little boy says its too hot to hold 10分使用で47℃、クソ熱くて持てないってうちのチビが言ってるよ