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2012年6月五七五・短歌78: 英語で詠むずら (368)
TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼 ▼
高校生活五七五 (754)
いんちき五言絶句 (344)
点取り占い五七五 (355)
クリスマスにちなんで (427)
†神† 田代に捧ぐ五七五 (734)
猫を入れる俳句(もち季語もね) (221)
- 1 :01/07/29 〜 最終レス :12/06/12
- とりあえず、英語でやりましょう。
- 2 :
- noncombustible
toward trenchant satire
seep from a segment
- 3 :
- hot summer
with no rain
- 4 :
- I wonder
who is a best
- 5 :
- How happy!
we have 'HAIKU'
- 6 :
- Oh! my God,
I'ts difficult.
I couldn't!
- 7 :
- do manifold tasks
perfervid perfidious
myrtle mystifies
- 8 :
- Bonjour
Japonais HAIKU
s'il vous plait (French)
Good afternoon
japanese HAIKU
if you please (English)
- 9 :
- pseudy quail
quaff rusty ruthless rye
silt silver lining
- 10 :
- ro-mazizya
- 11 :
- 我思案
- 12 :
- Had no English,
I'd never fail in my
examinations. #かたつむりです。
- 13 :
- notional onus
lies on you,ruminate
silky sheen hair
- 14 :
- Listen To Scream
Lark's Tongues In Aspic
Sun is laughing
- 15 :
- >>13 ありがとうございます。米俳句サイトのアドレスを
- 16 :
- http://ae.boston.com/haiku/new_haiku.html
- 17 :
- with his head aslant
burning him in effigy
hold on like grim death
- 18 :
- >>16 Thank you!
i'll read it
by little and little
learn English poetry #中学英語ですな(笑)
- 19 :
- in the limelight
harrowing experience
limn motley neurons
- 20 :
- invoke evil
invulnerable spirits
ostacize pallor
- 21 :
- cool guy
ever i wanna be
but not yet
- 22 :
- disparaging latchkey
mead opine probing prudery
psychopath regale
- 23 :
- げっ、専用スレあったんですね。スマソ >>11
- 24 :
- reflux of palsy
mews hex meticulous jab
nark plague me with
- 25 :
- >>23
- 26 :
- wearing in her plaits
plaudits plumb soundly sour shroud
loony loquat looms
- 27 :
- incarceration
plinth quails at ramrod
in rancidity
- 28 :
- people of that ilk
nonconformist replenish
lugubrious po
- 29 :
- ratiocinate
ignominy as lissom
contractile settlings
- 30 :
- extravaganza
lists me to interdict
jocose potholing
- 31 :
- mastectomy smacks
repellent fatuous rut
labial salvation
- 32 :
- millipede prods
thumping stave at tympanum
thwarts a hemistich
- 33 :
- Hi! How are you?
See you later. Thanks
- 34 :
- hie to everglade
take a shufty at flowers
spiccato sphagna
- 35 :
- i i i i i
i think so this rule is...
big bust is 575?
- 36 :
- pledger in sanctum
loveydovey minaret
go into a spin
- 37 :
- five-seven-five
nothing is fun
without you!
- 38 :
- slumber moccasins
getting prickle salvoes
hovering in hovel
#Ms.Matchy どうもです。
- 39 :
- remonstrant myrrh
etherize collusion
cutting up didoes
- 40 :
- collywobbles bedaub
sylphlike onomatopoeia
bluster divulgence
- 41 :
- Lots of flowers bloom,
here, the summer comes now
in the very cold place.
- 42 :
- temblor unbosoms
sybaritic menagerie
snogging tenuously
- 43 :
- under indictment
masticate rakish nous
secede quagmire
- 44 :
- 訳ものっけてよ
- 45 :
- theist at roost
proponderant ouzo
sparepart surgery
- 46 :
- 凄いね!みんな
- 47 :
- So hot afternoon
my brain doesn't work so well
That's why here I am
- 48 :
- Oh, hot days,
Oh, fat woman,
Oh, what does it matter?
- 49 :
- >>46 I'ts→It's スマスマソ〜。あまりのドジに一人で(爆
- 50 :
- "I love you"?
I love a good compliment.
- 51 :
- #かたつむりです。>>44るり御前のご要望にお答えし、和訳つき。
i'm busy
i'm not a field poppy,
but busy
多忙なり 虞ビジンならねど ビジーなり
- 52 :
- weirdo has a kip
of senile dementia
- 53 :
- Whisky
has some magic
- 54 :
- mores vacillate
slatternly ormolu whop
restate piquantly
- 55 :
- inflorescence
placate hypothermia
brais artichoke
- 56 :
- stimulative!
please give me
more vodka.
- 57 :
- not on your life
mercurious temperament
nolo contendere
- 58 :
- ( # Is there any rule? )
- 59 :
- nondurable goods
priory preside a sheaf of
unwieldy tenon
- 60 :
- 音節が基本的には
- 61 :
- おんせつ・・母音てことなのかな? (-_-;) むちゅかちーのね
- 62 :
- unyoke vulpine
wedgeshaped primordial
oaten referral
- 63 :
- 今日はとりあえず夕餉にシマス〜 Seeya
- 64 :
- でもいろんな流派があるようですので
- 65 :
- mercantile imbibe
not in the same league
musty leadpipe
- 66 :
- bots extol gyp
disabuse contravention
clunk palpable clump
- 67 :
- Happy birthday
to you, happy birth-
day to you!
- 68 :
- So hot summer morn'
It's so hard to sleep so well
That's why here i am
- 69 :
- embarkation on
lobotomizing orrery
- 70 :
- indissoluble
evasive statula
schuss into dungeon
- 71 :
- meandering dustup
occlude inviolable
parvenu prithee
- 72 :
- a fig for debacle
evening primrose raze
gravel probity
- 73 :
- mickle of oxlip
in greasy spoon haul up
obstetric notary
- 74 :
- How heavy you are!
plants and fruits are hide and seek
573's image
- 75 :
- from a to z
teach me cause i'm a
bolts & nuts type
- 76 :
- >>75
Tell me from the top
Teach me that from A to Z
and I'll compose them
How do these words sound?
- 77 :
- >>76
mr.573's words are too much difficult to me.
so >>74 is just a silly whisper.
thanks for your kindness.
- 78 :
- げっ >>74 → >>75 mistake,sorry
- 79 :
- あっ!
>>74 cor.
× plants and fruits are hide and seek
○ plants and fruits play hide and seek
- 80 :
- are you ready?
here we go everybady
#mo-musu.It's not 575、soory…
- 81 :
- in passing falsies
get around homeopathy
samey minaret
- 82 :
- simian bifurcate
oviparous rake-off
- 83 :
- Frau hotwire
silty laity expiate
at the peep of day
- 84 :
- ineffable rook
keep his eyes peeled
transfix oriel
- 85 :
- cloying bow window
fling dirt at cloud-land
in common measure
- 86 :
- a bounty hunter
take evasive action
in indigence
- 87 :
- rasping and ricking
travesty of passing muster
snuggle like tangelo
- 88 :
- plucky mimeograph
stipple recondite swiz
going through the mill
- 89 :
- where are you?
In order to look for you,
I came here.
- 90 :
- moribound morel
getting into hot water
ongoing nipinth
- 91 :
- pachydermatous
standing you in goood stead
testacy of sealed book
- 92 :
- flaccid heave-ho
recounting intercesssion
beyond his tether
- 93 :
- flamethrowere
flat out in novellette
high-octane glop
- 94 :
- notoriety
over-the-transom,more's the pity
spiv of rutty gulch
- 95 :
- the riffraff chortle
have a rough passage
nonpareil lento
- 96 :
- the pangs of conscience
every nook and cranny
in a seaway
- 97 :
- his debauchery
singing his own death warrant
fair reputation
- 98 :
- foreordination
efforts foredoomed to failure
the heebiejeebies
- 99 :
- digging his heels in
jubilant with his discovery
like a drowned mouse
- 100read 1read
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