ハイデルベルグ、第1四半期決算報告…赤字拡大 http://www.heidelberg.com/www/html/en/content/articles/press_lounge/company/press_events/annual_accounts_press_conferences/090811_q1_0910_press_release Financial Year 2009/2010 ? Heidelberg Presents Figures for First Quarter 08/11/2009 ・Incoming orders for first quarter stabilize at previous quarters' low level and total EUR 550 million - 52 percent down on previous year's figure boosted by drupa ・Sales 22 percent down on previous year at EUR 514 million ・Operating result falls to EUR -63 million ・Free cash flow improves to EUR -29 million 競合としては嬉しいような、同業としては悲しいような…複雑な気持ち 大企業は大企業なりに大変、中小企業は中小企業なりに大変 本当に未曾有の大不況だ ドイツの生き残りをかけて、ハイデルとマンローランド合併も加速するのでは…
ハイデルとマンローランド合併噂話の続報 http://www.printweek.com/news/928735/ Heidelberg-Manroland-merger-rumours-persist/ Heidelberg and Manroland merger rumours persist Rumours of a possible merger between press manufacturing giants Heidelberg and Manroland have resurfaced, following reports in the German trade press. According to reports in the 21 August issue of Manager Magazin, Heidelberg and Manroland have appointed Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Bank respectively to advise on the potential merger, which it said could lead to the loss of 2,500 jobs. The magazine claimed that the new company would need to dispose of the Manroland sheetfed manufacturing site in Offenbach, which employs 2,500 people, and that in the current market, closure might be the only option. However, Deutscher Drucker has reported that Manroland's major shareholder Allianz Capital Partners is in talks with Chinese printing equipment manufacturer Shanghai Electric (Group) Corp (SEC) to work out a framework for a possible deal for parts of the sheetfed business. Heidelberg, Manroland and SEC could not be reached for comment.
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もし合併したら 中国企業が大株主か・・・ そして更に5,000人のリストラか、楽しいのぉ
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「Shanghai Electric (Group) Corp (SEC)」… 上海電気グループ… 日本/秋山買収、アメリカ/GOSS買収… そしてついに、ドイツ/ハイデル・ローランド買収ですか…
ハイデルとマンローランド合併(ドイツ・ロイター報道) http://de.reuters.com/article/companiesNews/idDEBEE5830E720090904 München/Frankfurt (Reuters) - Nach monatelangen Verhandlungen wollen die kriselnden Druckmaschinenhersteller Heidelberger Druck und Manroland Kreisen zufolge in Kürze die Bedingungen für eine Fusion festzurren. In den nächsten vier bis sechs Wochen könnten die Gespräche zum Abschluss gebracht werden, sagten zwei mit der Angelegenheit vertraute Personen am Freitag Reuters. Allerdings seien sich die Konkurrenten nicht einig, wer welchen Anteil eines wahrscheinlichen Stellenabbaus schultern müsse.
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まだみたいやで。 Kreise - Manroland und HeidelDruck wollen Fusion voranbringen (ManrolandとHeidelDruckは、合併を進めたいです。)