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英語の分からない奴がそれっぽく英語で会話するスレ (617) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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あんたらの理想の旦那像ってどんなのよ? (142)
【娘】子供からのメールを晒せ!【息子】 (949)
あえて農家のいいところ (463)


1 :05/01/25 〜 最終レス :2013/03/16

2 :
2 get

3 :
3 get!!!

4 :
Gyudon is derisyasu.

5 :

6 :
oira kikoku shijo dayo !

7 :
ふあっと きこくしじょ?
じすらいく きついしょじょ?

8 :
あい うおんとぅ はぶ せっくる

9 :
こんがらがっちょん HAHAHA
My brain is こんがらがっちょん too.

10 :

11 :
あい らぶ R

12 :
you should study hard english

13 :
wakan nai n death(><)

14 :
正解はYou should study English harder

15 :
I still have no idea what to write.
I see!

16 :
Me too.
For the time being...

17 :
I wa sleep ga do dekimasen.
I wa dou sureba yoi desuka.

18 :
Pull yourself together. What happened?

19 :
“Masako has become an Imperial drop-out,” said one royal newspaper
reporter. “To be blunt, she is hostile towards the Emperor
and the Empress, and is waiting for them to die. It sounds horrible
and shocking. But this is the truth of what’s happening inside
the Crown Prince’s household and the public doesn’t know about it.”

20 :
I spend so much time reading 2 channel every day. And so I can't have enough
sleep. However I finally found good keijiban what I was looking for.
This place is very good for me to practice English.

21 :
I was so surprised at myself, for I could read >>20.
And I agree to >>20's opinion.

22 :
Oh,very nice >>21
I could not read it,cause I don't know why.
But I deside learn English harder.And someday I talk with foreighner
in English.
See you tomorrow and Good night. With dear.

23 :
Well, my life cycle is in disorder lately.
'cause I can't sleep well at night.
Thank you for listening my worry.

24 :

25 :
My tummy is pekopekolino.
to eat or not to eat...that is my problem.
I remenber that there is a yakinoodle in kitchen,
but I am in 2nd floor, I must go down the staires to get some food...
to be fat, or sleep with hungry tummy rumbling.
what do you think about this?

26 :
I think just as you wish.
That is to say... you should go downstairs and eat eat eat!!

27 :
I am kantetu,totemo nemuuidetu.
nulupo nulupo nulupo

28 :
let's suiming!

29 :
I'm hungry.

30 :
I'm gonna eat cup korean noodle from now on.
Recentlly I am fond of eating gekikara food.
Is it true taking hot food many times make people's ass hole ji ?

31 :
i am under stand!!!

32 :
oh, don't worry you wouldn't become a land owner
(so-called jinushi) simply by eating super-hot food.
But it could harm your health if you eat a lot
this late at night.

33 :
It has became morning.

34 :
Thank you for telling me that. As a mutter of fact, most of my co-superiors at my
office are land owners. We used to talked about it some times and laughed a lot.
This is my beautiful memory.

35 :
>As a mutter of fact
( ´,_ゝ`) プッ

36 :
matter dane〜 I'm Cho-embarrassed. But do I have to use diccionario every time when I can't remember how to spell words?
スレタイ嫁! 間違ってたら優しく指摘汁! 

37 :
oh year

38 :
I'm gonna catch some Z's...

39 :
My hobby is listening to game music.
For example, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Star Ocean series etc...

40 :
What do you mean by Z's?

41 :
hello? saru-?

42 :
Saru ga do-shitano?

43 :
I wanna be a pilot.

44 :
       ∩:' _, ,_':
     ⊂⌒(  ゚∀゚) 
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ
         :'・ω・':  ニューン
       ∩\_, ,_/
     ⊂⌒(  ゚∀゚) 
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ
      (( :'・ω・':  ))
         `"゙"゙"’ ポンッ
       ∩  _, ,_
     ⊂⌒(  ゚∀゚)  < おういえ
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ
       ∩  _, ,_       ,、,,,,,、 キュッ?
     ⊂⌒(  ゚∀゚)     :'・ω・':  
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ      `"゙"゙"’ 

45 :
My partner is stupid.

46 :
What happened, >>45 ?

47 :
>>40  Z's is ZZZZZZ
In a word, sleep!

48 :
Why did you get up early though were a day not requiring of
the box lunch?

49 :
I am sorry. I don't remember what happened. I am stupid.

50 :
>>48 Frankly speaking,
i stay up a long time coz i had gone out.
.....U don't give a damn

51 :
Chicken McNuggets are delicious!!

52 :

53 :
No, I'm a tori-eater!

54 :
I was a sister princess.
But now I am a pricure!

55 :
I see.
By the way, I overslept this morning. How many
alarm clocks do you use?

56 :

57 :
I studing tomorrow tests.I am full-full...orz

58 :
>>55 uh,only one.
It's an alarm of the sellular phone Fa sho !
" rrrrrRRRRRRR!!"

59 :
I am using my daughter's Korasho's clock
which is a sort of free gift from Benesse
to encourage us to subscribe "Korasho the first grade".
>>57 good luck

60 :
What is Korasho?

61 :
Which do you like black or white?
I wanna marry white girl.

62 :
me too!
You are my rival.

63 :
It’s very cold today.Nanoni my husband go to GEO for rental ogeretsu video.

64 :
I’m sorry kaigyo‐dekin.

65 :
How silly he is!
You don't need to let him in when he returns.
Just shut him out.

66 :
what is ogeretu video,Mrs.63?
I want to see it. dokidsoki
can I go your house? Mrs.63 let´s enjoy ogeretu video!

67 :

68 :
Hey! everyone
Do you like gijikka people?
My gi-sister will come my house next holiday.
oh my god help me

69 :
Your KAKIKOMI is fitting for this board.
Sadly I don't have nice advice for you.

70 :
What is gijikka?

71 :
Gijikka is ainsient home of husband or wife。

72 :
aitient house!?
ok is it house like TATEANASIKIJYUKYO??
I don't like it so much.sorry
is this BBS of fan of history?

73 :
How pity you are!
You have my sympathies. How long will she stay at your house?

74 :
Run away! Hurry up! Run to your jikka,now!
No, if you go jikka, your gi-sister must touch every thing in your house!
You must get cold next holiday! or today.
Good luck!

75 :
I'm 72
OH jikka I know. I was so foolish.
don't you get along with law-sister?
gi-** is law-** in English

76 :
I am Ms.68 thank you for your advice .
she will come by car.It will take 4 hour.
In Fact she came here last month.
Maybe she wants to stay for three days.
oops I remember that when my wedding she said to me...gakupuru
"Waaaaaaaann!!Return to my brother!!"
If my pearents live near Iwant to run away.
sorry hitorigatari and chirashinoura

77 :
I'm not married, so I can't imagine how much trouble you have, sorry.
but I can understand you a little by hearing the story.
I hope you will get throught it.

78 :
i am Nurse .
i wanna make foreigner froends.

79 :
I'm in Sensyu Univ siken-kaijo.
English is OWATA(´・ω・`)

80 :
Good job!

81 :
oh! mai gatt.

82 :

83 :
don't worry!! probably,everyone can't get good point. I pray your success.
teki to ni yomeba daijyobu

84 :

85 :

86 :

Sorry for late res (oso-res).

> don't you get along with law-sister?
> gi-** is law-** in English
It's not true.
'girino ane/imouto' is 'sister-in-law'
'girino ani/otouto' is 'brother-in-law'
Be careful!

87 :
I'm 75. really!? thank ynu for your kindness.o(^-^)o
you are good at English. I think you have experience to study abroad.

88 :
Earthquake at Kanto Region!!

89 :

90 :
This is the place we talk in English, isn't this??
if this is not, I'm sorry.

91 :
bon soir!
how about [a thread of writing in French who don't really understand French]?
je suis japonais! comment-allez vous?
Mukashi France-go sentaku shite, kurushindanowo omoidashitayo _| ̄|○

92 :

93 :

94 :
To be to be ten made to be!

95 :
oh! neru hodo za wa-rudo!!!

96 :
Bon soir!
Je suis japonais, too.
Je suis heureuxe de faire votre connaissence!
J'habite Sapporo.Est-ce qu'ou vous habitez?
I'm not good at French^^;
However, I like English very much.
I am planning to study abroad in the States, if possible, in Houston
which is famous for NASA.
I love this thread because there is no "arashi," who is the one making
all the noise. In all likelihood, yhey have no skill to use English
because of their terrible educational background.

97 :

98 :

99 :

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