情弱って本当に無知なのなWWWWW ノードのクラスター化などグヌーテラで先に実装されてる もうそれを知らなかったお前に発言権は無いな http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnutella2 However, as Hub organize themselves in so called "Hub clusters", where each Hub mirrors the information stored by its neighbours, the Leaf is returned the information of the entire Hub cluster (usually 7 Hubs).
>>21 どうしてパクリ朝鮮人って英語読めねーのかな? かな? https://freenetproject.org/understand.html Freenet Routing As more documents are inserted by the same node, they will begin to cluster with data items whose keys (see below) are similar, because the same routing rules are used for all of them. More importantly, as data items and requests from different nodes "cross paths", they will begin to share clustering information as well. Freenetは最初から以下のキーでクラスタリングしてる CHK - Content Hash Keys SSK - Signed Subspace Keys USK - Updateable Subspace Keys KSK - Keyword Signed Keys