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2013年06月物理131: You speak English (125) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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You speak English

1 :2012/03/20 〜 最終レス :2013/05/25
Because this bord is physics!!!

2 :
I love mekosuji.

3 :
Because this is a discussion boad about physics and its related topics!!!

4 :
Your excellent English!!
We should publish it soon!!!

5 :
You should have stood this thread not in physics but English.
Please delete.

6 :
This is a good thread.
Please do not submit a delete application!

7 :
Studieren Sie die Physik in Deutsch.

8 :
Germany is no good!
English only!!!

9 :
???? ?? ????
??????? ???? ???? ?????

10 :
wo shi ribenren.

11 :

12 :
You are very wise on physics!!
But,English is very very but!

13 :
No, no, no, not that case!
Physicists speak English very well,
because they publish their paper
in English!!!

14 :
You're funny.
Please give a lecture on physics to me.
I love physics

15 :
L'Anglais n'est pas convenable pour une pensee logique.

16 :
Yes, we can mekosuji!

17 :

18 :

19 :

20 :
Can you speak English?

21 :

22 :
Oh, stupid guy.

23 :

24 :
Can you hear me?

25 :

26 :

27 :
Are you brain damaged?

28 :

29 :
Common, fuck in a boy!!!

30 :

31 :
Fuck your asshole!!!

32 :

33 :

34 :

35 :
Is this your pen?

36 :

37 :
Spring has come.

38 :
1>> board not bord

39 :
It is windy in March.

40 :
Are you sleepy, boy?

41 :
Yes, I am a cherry boy.

42 :

43 :
Good evening.

44 :

45 :
How wa your weekend, in hospital?

46 :

47 :
How are you?

48 :

49 :
I am fine thank you.

50 :
We are mekosujist!

51 :

52 :
Its not my business.

53 :
     _______                     __
    // ̄~`i ゝ                    `l |
    / /        ,______   ,_____    ________  | |  ____ TM
   | |     ___ // ̄ヽヽ // ̄ヽヽ (( ̄))   | | // ̄_>>
   \ヽ、   |l | |    | | | |    | |  ``( (.  .| | | | ~~
      `、二===-'  ` ===' '  ` ===' '  // ̄ヽヽ |__ゝ ヽ二=''
                         ヽヽ___//   日本
         ______________  __
         |街宣車の正体  朝鮮人工作員     .| |検索|←をクリック!!


54 :
I wanna meet him in April
I hope he is doing well

55 :
He loves music very much
I respect him because he is dutiful to his parents

56 :
He has a long career in his job
He stands on his own feet

57 :
He loves children so much

58 :
He has a sense of humor

59 :
that's why I wanna meet him
I need to practice English

60 :

61 :
I speak English

62 :

63 :
Who is he?

64 :

65 :
Oh, really!!!

66 :
韓国文化放送(MBC) 〒135-0091 東京都港区台場2-4-8 18F
フジテレビジョン 、、 〒137-8088 東京都港区台場2-4-8 
韓国聯合TVNEWS(YTN) 〒105-0000 東京都港区赤坂5-3-6
TBSテレビ     、 、、 .〒107-8006 東京都港区赤坂5-3-6  ←オウムに坂本弁護士の自宅の住所を教えて殺させた犯罪幇助のテレビ局
大韓毎日   、、、、、、、、、、、、 〒108-0075 東京都港区港南2-3-13 4F
東京新聞(中日新聞社東京本社) 〒108-8010 東京都港区港南2-3-13
京郷新聞  、、、、、、〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-7-2
産経新聞東京本社  〒100-8077 東京都千代田区大手町1-7-2
朝鮮日報   、、、  〒100-0003 東京都千代田区一ツ橋1-1 4F
毎日新聞東京本社 〒100-8051 東京都千代田区一ツ橋1-1-1
韓国日報  、、、、  〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-7-1 8F
読売新聞東京本社 〒100-8055 東京都千代田区大手町1-7-1
東亜日報   、、、  〒104-0045 東京都中央区築地5-3-2
朝日新聞東京本社 〒104-8011 東京都中央区築地5-3-2(AFP、NYT)
日本放送協会 、、 〒150-8001 東京都渋谷区神南2-2-1
韓国放送公社(KBS) 〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南2-2-1NHK東館710-C

67 :
neutrino is faster than light!
but it was lie, oh my gosh

68 :
I raise this thread up! "age"!!! because it's a good thread!!!

69 :
Speak English!! Hey, come on!!!

70 :
how shitty thread

71 :
This thread seems shitty at first sight,
but it is interesting to continue a shitty thread in English.

72 :
This thread is good to show how Japanese physicists are shitty.
In this sense, this is a good thread, actually the best thread in the world!!!

73 :

74 :
Oops, I have opened a shitty thread

75 :
Japanese people are hilarious.

76 :
I am mekosujist.

77 :

78 :
          __ノ)-'´ ̄ ̄`ー- 、_
        , '´  _. -‐'''"二ニニ=-`ヽ、
      /   /:::::; -‐''"        `ーノ
     /   /:::::/           \
     /    /::::::/          | | |  |
     |   |:::::/ /     |  | | | |  |
      |   |::/ / / |  | ||  | | ,ハ .| ,ハ|
      |   |/ / / /| ,ハノ| /|ノレ,ニ|ル' 
     |   |  | / / レ',二、レ′ ,ィイ|゙/   私は只の数ヲタなんかとは付き合わないわ。
.     |   \ ∠イ  ,イイ|    ,`-' |      頭が良くて数学が出来てかっこいい人。それが必要条件よ。
     |     l^,人|  ` `-'     ゝ  |        さらに Ann.of Math に論文書けば十分条件にもなるわよ。
      |      ` -'\       ー'  人          一番嫌いなのは論文数を増やすためにくだらない論文を書いて
    |        /(l     __/  ヽ、           良い論文の出版を遅らせるお馬鹿な人。
     |       (:::::`‐-、__  |::::`、     ヒニニヽ、         あなたの論文が Ann of Math に accept される確率は?
    |      / `‐-、::::::::::`‐-、::::\   /,ニニ、\            それとも最近は Inv. Math. の方が上かしら?
   |      |::::::::::::::::::|` -、:::::::,ヘ ̄|'、  ヒニ二、 \
.   |      /::::::::::::::::::|::::::::\/:::O`、::\   | '、   \
   |      /:::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'、::::\ノ  ヽ、  |
  |      |:::::/:::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'、',::::'、  /:\__/‐、
  |      |/:::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O::| '、::| く::::::::::::: ̄|
   |     /_..-'´ ̄`ー-、:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|/:/`‐'::\;;;;;;;_|
   |    |/::::::::::::::::::::::\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|::/::::|::::/:::::::::::/
    |   /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::O::|::|::::::|:::::::::::::::/

79 :
          __ノ)-'´ ̄ ̄`ー- 、_
        , '´  _. -‐'''"二ニニ=-`ヽ、
      /   /:::::; -‐''"        `ーノ
     /   /:::::/           \
     /    /::::::/          | | |  |
     |   |:::::/ /     |  | | | |  |
      |   |::/ / / |  | ||  | | ,ハ .| ,ハ|
      |   |/ / / /| ,ハノ| /|ノレ,ニ|ル'
     |   |  | / / レ',二、レ′ ,ィイ|゙/  I don't go date with simple math otaku.
.     |   \ ∠イ  ,イイ|    ,`-' |    Smart, good at math, and cool, they are the necessary conditions.
     |     l^,人|  ` `-'     ゝ  |      In addition, if you write a paper on Ann.of Math, it will be a sufficient condition.
      |      ` -'\       ー'  人        The ones who I dislike the most is the silly guys who write junk papers which
    |        /(l     __/  ヽ、         delay the publication of good papers.
     |       (:::::`‐-、__  |::::`、     ヒニニヽ、       How much is the probability that your paper is accepted by Ann of Math?
    |      / `‐-、::::::::::`‐-、::::\   /,ニニ、\          Maybe, recently, is Inv. Math. superior?
   |      |::::::::::::::::::|` -、:::::::,ヘ ̄|'、  ヒニ二、 \
.   |      /::::::::::::::::::|::::::::\/:::O`、::\   | '、   \
   |      /:::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'、::::\ノ  ヽ、  |
  |      |:::::/:::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'、',::::'、  /:\__/‐、
  |      |/:::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O::| '、::| く::::::::::::: ̄|
   |     /_..-'´ ̄`ー-、:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|/:/`‐'::\;;;;;;;_|
   |    |/::::::::::::::::::::::\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|::/::::|::::/:::::::::::/

80 :
anus is great physics

81 :
I love reading very much
I love books!!!

82 :
I'mn't genius.
Please help me!

83 :
Let's study together!

84 :
Oh, my heartful frend!!

85 :
age! age!! age!!!
Raise up this great thread!!!!!!
Am I a shit eater? NO! NO!! NO!!!!!

86 :
We should master mekosujido.

87 :
Oh no!
You eat a shit.
I eat a shit.
He eats a shit.
Are you ok?

88 :
And then, ...
You ate a shit yesterday.
I ate a shit yesterday.
He ate a shit yesterday.
Are you ok?

89 :
And furthermore,
You have eaten a shit many times.
I have eaten a shit many times.
He has eaten a shit many times.
Are you ready?

90 :
If you are asking, ...
Do you eat a shit?
Do I eat a shit?
Does he eat a shit?
Do you understand?

91 :
In the same way,
Did you eat a shit?
Did I eat a shit?
Did he eat a shit?
Are you ready to eat it?

92 :
If you are asking experience, ...
Have you eaten a shit?
Have I eaten a shit?
Has he eaten a shit?
Is it ok?

93 :
If you don't want to eat a shit, ...
You don't eat a shit.
I don't eat a shit.
He doesn't eat a shit.
Are you satisfied?

94 :
For the case of yesterday, ...
You didn't eat a shit yesterday.
I didn't eat a shit yesterday.
He didn't eat a shit yesterday.
Are you ok?

95 :
I can speak English of a little.

96 :
OK! great!!! excellent!!!!
You can speak English!
Then, the rest of lesson, let's start.
If you have no experience of eating a shit, then, ...
You have never eaten a shit.
I have never eaten a shit.
He has never eaten a shit.
It's too easy for you!!

97 :
Maybe, simply you didn't eat a shit yet this time, then you can say
You have not yet eaten a shit.
I have not yet eaten a shit.
He has not yet eaten a shit.
That's all. Now you are a great English speaker!!!!!

98 :
OK! Let's summarize today's lesson.
I eat a shit today. / I don't eat a shit today. / Do I eat a shit today?
You eat a shit today. / You don't eat a shit today. / Do you eat a shit today?
He eats a shit today. / He doesn't eat a shit today. / Does he eat a shit today?
I ate a shit yesterday. / I didn't eat a shit yesterday. / Did I eat a shit yesterday?
You ate a shit yesterday. / You didn't eat a shit yesterday. / Did you eat a shit yesterday?
He ate a shit yesterday. / He didn't eat a shit yesterday. / Did he eat a shit yesterday?
I have eaten a shit already. / I have not yet eaten a shit. / Have I eaten a shit yet?
You have eaten a shit already. / You have not yet eaten a shit. / Have you eaten a shit yet?
He has eaten a shit already. / He has not yet eaten a shit. / Has he eaten a shit yet?
I have eaten a shit many times. / I have never eaten a shit. / Have I ever eaten a shit?
You have eaten a shit many times. / You have never eaten a shit. / Have you ever eaten a shit?
He has eaten a shit many times. / He has never eaten a shit. / Has he ever eaten a shit?
That's it. Congratulations for your great English conversation!!!!!!

99 :
What's up? Shit will happen. You speak shit, more more.

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