>>5 BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | US company pulls 'racist' T-shirts http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/1938914.stm No One Is Laughing at Racist Abercrombie & Fitch http://www.dailynexus.com/opinion/2002/2994.html Boycott Abercrombie & Fitch http://www.petitiononline.com/BCAF/petition.html As citizens against racism in any form, we are shocked and disgusted at Abercrombie & Fitch's recent line of graphic T-shirts adorned with Asian caricatures. The prints on the Tees are degrading misrepresentations of Asian Americans that rely on racist stereotypes for their source of "humor AF sells Racism Slogans such as, "Two Wongs can make it White" or "Get your Buddha on the Floor," partnered with stereotypical portrayals of Asian laundrymen wearing rice patty straw hats and Asian woman in a passive manner, have no place in a modern organization looking for the business of Asian Americans or well minded Americans
Similar to images used to portray the Japanese during World War II, the images on the T-shirts encourage a misunderstanding of Asian Americans. http://halogen.note.amherst.edu/~astudent/2001-2002/issue24/opinion/03.html I used to work at Abercrombie and Fitch and after seeing the logos I was very offended. I'm not asian but that doesn't matter. What matters is that a company thinks that they can get away with racism and make money off of it. Abercrombie and Fitch were two young men part of Pearl Harbor who died that day during the Japanese attacks. http://invisionfree.com/forums/The_White_Rider/index.php?showtopic=744&st=0
最近売上が伸びず会社が傾いてるから、DQN日本人にでも売りつければ良いや。 By CEO: Michael S. Jeffries & President: Robert Singer ソース:コロンビア大学 BUSINESS SCHOOL http://www0.gsb.columbia.edu/retailing/articles/files/abercrombie_fitch_may_be_cool.htm Rysts say that the slump in same-store sales in the last few years indicates serious problems. Burt Flickinger III, a managing director for Strategic Resource Group, a retail consulting firm in New York, says the company is being too aggressive in raising prices. "Same-store sales are soft, customer counts are a real concern,'' he said, "so they'll try higher price points and lower units as a way of raising profit margins." As Abercrombie attempts to restore growth, the most promising opportunities may lie overseas. Mr. Singer(president Robert Singer) with his international retailing experience, will help decide if moving the company beyond the United States makes sense. Japan is an even better prospect. "Japanese buyers spend a lot of money on our Web site," Mr. Singer hinted. Abercrombie & Fitch CEO: Michael S. Jeffries President: Robert Singer Address: 6301 Fitch Path New Albany OH 43054 Phone: 614-283-6500 investor_relations@abercrombie.com <investor_relations@abercrombie.com> Website: http://www.abercrombie.com http://biz.yahoo.com/ic/53/53170.html
今年辺りから、宗教色が濃く、クリスチャン教義で有るMerry Christmasを使わずに、 Happy Holidaysや、Seasons Greetingsを使う大手のブランドや、デパートや、公共機関が増えてるのに、 頭が堅くキチガイクリスチャン主義のアバクロは、断固としてMerry Christmasに拘ってます。 アメリカのConservative Christiansが、キチガイで有る事は、アメリカに住んでる奴なら知ってると思うけど? 同じ思考の仕方と主義主張を持ってるのが、アバクロ。 Merry Christmasの代わりに、Happy HolidaysとSeasons Greetingsを使おうと言う動きは、 宗教の自由と、公の場に宗教を持ち込まないと言う法の有るアメリカでは、当たり前の考え方で、 古臭くて頑固で、新しい物について行けないダサダサアバクロではの考え方です。 こんな所の服を着る馬鹿は、同じ主義主張を持っている、頭のおかしい最低な奴と思われても仕方ないな。 http://www.detnews.com/2004/editorial/0412/19/A21-36539.htm Christmas, they fear, has been co-opted by consumerism, political correctness and an obsessively misguided construction of the separation of church and state. Web sites are offering advice to assist Christians in combating the ridiculous banishment of the word "Christmas" from schools, stores and corporate greeting cards. "Happy Holidays" and "Seasons Greetings" don't cut it with them -- they want "Merry Christmas," with the emphasis on the Christ. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-lawrence19dec19,1,7904886.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions Pardon My Values, but Merry Christmas to All By Gary Lawrence, a Republican pollster Eighty-two percent of us are Christians in this nation, but we're wimps. Too many of us have stopped saying Merry Christmas. http://www1.law.ucla.edu/~volokh/harass/breadth.htm#RELIGION Religious Speech: ILLEGAL religious harassment Prof. Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law School
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今年辺りから、宗教色が濃く、クリスチャン教義で有るMerry Christmasを使わずに、 Happy Holidaysや、Seasons Greetingsを使う大手のブランドや、デパートや、公共機関が増えてるのに、 頭が堅くキチガイクリスチャン主義のアバクロは、断固としてMerry Christmasに拘ってます。 アメリカのConservative Christiansが、キチガイで有る事は、アメリカに住んでる奴なら知ってると思うけど? 同じ思考の仕方と主義主張を持ってるのが、アバクロ。 Merry Christmasの代わりに、Happy HolidaysとSeasons Greetingsを使おうと言う動きは、 宗教の自由と、公の場に宗教を持ち込まないと言う法の有るアメリカでは、当たり前の考え方で、 古臭くて頑固で、新しい物について行けないダサダサアバクロではの考え方です。 こんな所の服を着る馬鹿は、同じ主義主張を持っている、頭のおかしい最低な奴と思われても仕方ないな。 http://www.detnews.com/2004/editorial/0412/19/A21-36539.htm Christmas, they fear, has been co-opted by consumerism, political correctness and an obsessively misguided construction of the separation of church and state. Web sites are offering advice to assist Christians in combating the ridiculous banishment of the word "Christmas" from schools, stores and corporate greeting cards. "Happy Holidays" and "Seasons Greetings" don't cut it with them -- they want "Merry Christmas," with the emphasis on the Christ. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-lawrence19dec19,1,7904886.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions Pardon My Values, but Merry Christmas to All By Gary Lawrence, a Republican pollster Eighty-two percent of us are Christians in this nation, but we're wimps. Too many of us have stopped saying Merry Christmas. http://www1.law.ucla.edu/~volokh/harass/breadth.htm#RELIGION Religious Speech: ILLEGAL religious harassment Prof. Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law School