Q2 STOWとMALTONの違いは? A2 There is no difference! The Stows are available from stock in 4 colours on a leather sole The Maltons are only available with a Commando sole in C shade The patterns are the same! And the leathers are of the same quality! Q2 MaltonとSTOWの違いは? A2 http://gimpo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/shoes/1229008679/364 According to some dealer in Japan, Malton which are sold in Japan is different to those sold in UK and narrower than those sold in UK; however as far as I know Malton's last is 4497S, same as STOW. Is this true? One of the dealer called "FLISCO" is claiming this. http://item.rakuten.co.jp/flisco/trickers-j2508-001/ 日本で売られているMaltonはイギリスで売られているMaltonと違い、 幅が細いと説明している販売店(例えばFLISCO)がありますが、本当ですか? MaltonとSTOWは4497Sラストですよね? 〜トリッカーズからの回答〜 You are correct! They are made from the same pattern and the same last Just different leathers, in the UK the Malton is also available in a wide fitting (6) その通り! MaltonとSTOWは同じパターン、同じラストで作られています。 革の種類が違うだけです。 また、イギリスではMaltonはワイドフィッティング(6)でも購入可能です。