Hello, nice to meet you. I`m here for more 2 years. And my english is improved a lot you know. I live in CA, and I have a lot of American friend. How about you? Did you English improved? Let`s talk to your story. I only use English since I came to USA. This is the key to improve English ability, yeah?
Oh,yeah >>1! A way is improving English only talking and writing English all time! I am in Unaited State for 3 years ago. Fast time I was this contry I can not use English nothing. But now I have no problemo my life in United State. Let's talk with you how we are good English!
7 :
Sorry and I going. My frend is cooking Thanksgiving dinner and I go to eat. Talk to you after I come back!
8 :
グラマーやばいね。 わざとやってるでしょ。
9 :
>>4 Tensaku is OK. You can do it for me. But, you know, English is not always correct, but heart is important. Even if it's terrible, if its contents are great, then you can make yourself understand, you know. >>6 Your English is awful. I don't understand even what you are trying to say. But your effort is to be admited. Good luck. >>8 My English is not perfect, because I am Japanese. Grammer is important, but content is more important, you know. If contents are great, people understand broken English.
10 :
I like to introduce my way of studying English! You can do that of course. First, you should throw English-Japanese dictionary away. Don't use them. There are many mistakes in it. And then, you will be able to understand English is English. I mean, as it is. Talking to Native Speaker is the best way. Their English is alive. So, you should try it.
11 :
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13 :
Kaori likes sucking my cock. She ricks it like she eats icecream. She only comes when she is on top. She loves ハメハメ with guys wiz blue eyes and nice butts. She doesn't like Asian men with tiny dicks espeially Jap. Oh yeah, Kaori, that's it. I'm coming!!!!!! ドピュ。
14 :
Stop cleaning, start swiffering!!!!!!
15 :
neta dayo
16 :
>>1 the english are a easy language to study it is simple but also not many words to memorize so do not be over confident enough if you can speak or write good the english in my opinion, the best way to practice is a watch television. it help your writting skill to be better thank you
17 :
in my opinion also the english teaching system in japan are no good. because teacher does not teach how to speak and how to express yourself good. it is important to read textbook but also important to speak withthe english speaker. thank you
18 :
>>13 Unfotunately, I don't like cooking. But icecream is my favorite food. >>16>>17 I agree with you in total point. You can talk! Japan's teaching system are bad. I think so too. Japanese people's study is like only reading, and that's it, so it's not good. Speaking and listening are the most important for Japanese.
19 :
I have got good idea. Let's make this thread English conversation thread. I'm more 2 years old in USA, so I can teach you English!! This idea is great, right?? You can ask me everything you want to know. But you know, my English is still not perfect. But it's enough very good to live in USA.
20 :
おもしろい人ですね。 サンクスギビングにこんな病んだネタスレを…(涙
21 :
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23 :
>>1 are ----> is が正しいね。 あんまりimproveしていないらしい。 誰にでも失敗はある。 もちっとガンガレ。
24 :
hey my niggers, it's good news that >>1 teachs english for everyone of us, isn'it? she says "it's enough very good to live in USA." what a good luck she has! or a fucking ignorant she are! my question ? how can you be so sameless with such fuckin' great english skills, >>1?
25 :
>>20 This thread is not ill. But thank you complement. Many people says I'm interesting and bright and good! >>23 Thank you correction. But you know, grammar mistake is not deeper, because you know the meaning! You don't have to afraid so much when you speak English. Let's try! >>24 I don't understand what you saying. To say in correct English, you should study over again. Good luck.
26 :
Hey, Bill! I know you are feigning to be Japanese. Do not do taht! Do not make fun of Japanese people.
セントラルオクラホマ大学留学生ー西村京次郎 http://life.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/world/1067568960/ 西村京次郎 慶應義塾大学経済学部を経て、日米学生会議で2年間実行委員長 の乗竹亮治君の影響と国際交流を目的に University of Central OKlahoma(UCO/*セントラルオクラホマ大学)へ編入 経済学部応用経済学科 経営管理学副専攻4年 西太平洋研究 研究助手 部活・課外活動・資格等:上記に記載 Editor for American Review of China Studies
>>27 What do you mean that? English is you know, the alive language so native speaker even make mistake. I mean I'm Japanese and live in USA more 2 years, so I can speak fruently, but not perfect yet. Well, but that doesn't matter, because I'm so high level. >>29 I don't understand you. Grammar mistake is usual for native speaker, huh? My experience here more 2 years bring me comfidance in speak by English. So, you can try. >>30 Speling and grammar are not important you know. Don't feel so upset, if you make ehort, your English will be improving, you know. >>31 What are you saying? I don't know what are you taking about. Of course, I'm in USA and can speak English for shore. But you know, if you want a perfect English, your dream will never come true. >>32 Grammar is not as impotant as you think. Because I studied grammar in junior high school and seniar high schoo, and here in language school. After I graduating language school, I wanna enter comunity colege and I wanna study ESL, you know. For example, novel prized people can make other people understand in their terible English, because novel prized people's talk's contents are awzam.
35 :
I don't know people say this thread is neta. I don't mean. I never this thread like that. Because I'm writing to tell important is the content, not grammar or vocavurary, you know. My English is satisficated by English native speaking friends. So, my English is not perfect but it's really great I mean.
36 :
I wanna enphasis the important is not surface, but the inside. I'm telling you, you know. If you have a horribe English ability, never mind. Some people laugh your poor English, but bright one never do that. Coz they are interesting of the content, not seeing your surfacial skil, you know. I'm confidant I can argue equal to American intelligent people.
37 :
Kaori, you know you are stupid, don't you? You know you have an air head. YOur English is crappy u know. u know. u know u know what i mean? mthrfkr!!!!!!oh YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
38 :
I don't think that anybody using 2ch takes you seriously. Nobody want to waste their time listening to you.
39 :
2 名前:Kaori ◇SA9boye8Mk :03/11/28 15:15 ID:AXkF7ucc カオリはビラビラは大きくて黒いけど、中はいいわよ。 36 名前:Kaori ◆SA9boye8Mk :03/11/28 15:08 ID:Sn/6m2tZ I wanna enphasis the important is not surface, but the inside.
>>37 I'm not stupid. The person say to somebody stupid is stupid, you know. Didn't you learn it in elemental school? You had better go again. You know that I'm mean? >>38 Your grammar is terible, but that's OK, because important is not surface, but contents. You know? >>40 What do you mean? My English is so good? Thanx. But it's not perfect you know, I'm just straggling it, but native speaker even can not perfect, you know. You don't have to perfect, and you cannot perfect. Everione make mistake, that's wonderful, people will gain something from mistakes, you know.
46 :
47 :
Are you like study to English in America? I am here since 5 yrs and my english is quite good to buy the humburger. English of Kaori is looking pretty good like me. Keep study hard as hell. Oh i gatta go now. my nature is called. I almost pee on my pants!!!!!!! oops, too late. 欝だ氏脳。
48 :
Hey wassup Kaori!!!!! Do you know how cunt smelling? I love speak with your english, but my english is more good from you. I am not stupid you know. However, i suppose you do. I am a 17 year old and i live together with my gay friends.
49 :
>>41 Language is alive. Oral English and writing English are even same. There is some difference for sure, but you know, they are both alive. Language are alive. The important is not grammar, but the content. My English is enough understandable to native. >>42 There you go. Important is to avoid hesitance. Nobody ask you perfect English, because we are Japanese, not native. Even natives makes mistake. Everyone make mistake. I'm in USA for more 2 years. I think 2 years and 8 month passed. >>43 Oh no, my insistent is constant, not changed. Same. Did you read through? If not, you should. Everyday you use English, your English be impove.
50 :
45 名前:Kaori ◆SA9boye8Mk :03/11/28 16:01 ID:Sn/6m2tZ >>37 I'm not stupid. The person say to somebody stupid is stupid, you know. Didn't you learn it in elemental school? You had better go again. You know that I'm mean? 349 :342 :03/11/28 12:17 ID:Sn/6m2tZ >>344 あんたのほうが百倍つまんない。 ほんとバカだね。 は? カスはあんたのほうでしょ? おもしろい事あんたも言えないでしょ? まったく。。。 いかれてるんじゃない?頭。 Kaori = personality disorder, possibly bipolar?
>>46 You are poor. There is no superiar, or inferior in language, you know. You shoud not think that way. I feel pity of you. >>47 You are funny. Enjoy to relieve yourself. >>48 I don't know what this rat saying. You should go bed.
54 :
まぁ、感謝祭に勉強してるくらいだから この先も頑張るんだろうな。>>かおりさん
55 :
56 :
>>51 What are you mean? Nobody make mistake deribalate. My English is not perfect of course, you know, but NOBODY are perfect. That's what anybody know. NOONE can perfect, you know? >>52 What are you saying? There are no point corection my English, because everybody understand it. But you are not wrong, but right in spesific point. Grammar is important, but not first place, right? Content is most important you know. You should need to know it, man.
>>54 You can say that agan. I'm kinda hardwoker, you know. If not, I can't be here 2 years, right? You know what I'm mean? >>55 This thread's intension exactly is to comunicate with people are studying in abroad, and wanna talk, you know.
People who don't like to take any advice usually don't improve themselves..
61 :
>>57 You are wrong. Everybody make mistake. This is right. I'm say right. And, Japanese people are not native English speaker. This is right too. And you know, why we have to perfect? We never ever can perfect, you know. Nobody can perfect in whole universe. But we can make mistake, don't you think this is great? We can learn from mistake, you know.
62 :
الصدق هو مطابقة القول للواقع، وهو أش
الأخبار: إيطاليا تعتقل أربعة الرياضة: اسبانيا تغضب لعزف سلام وطني خطأ ب
63 :
64 :
英語の練習なら一般の英語のBBSやチャットに行けよ。 ウザ杉。
65 :
>>59 You are wrong. I have a load of friend. I mean native English speaker friend, you know. But you for sure are correct, I don't wanna talk Japanese student, because I'm in USA, not Japan. If I talk Japanese people everyday and night in Japanese, my English never get good like this, you know. We have some hard time in life, we have to enduar.
66 :
You know, She is Kaori. She is queen. She can whatever i wanna.
67 :
Kaori, what is plural for friend? friends, isn't it rite?
68 :
>>62>>63 I can't read Korean or Rusian. >>64 No, I'm not practice English, but I'm here for teach you guys English, you know. I'm in USA more 2 years, so I can speak great English and I can teach it. Don't feel sad.
69 :
ハングルもキリル文字もしらんのね。 アラビアンとタイ語の区別もつかんのね!!! Kaori's face is full of shit!!!!!!! おめーまぢでばかだろ?
70 :
Do you wanna me fuck you up?
71 :
What is your idea of good English, Kaori? don't you need to study English grammer too? if you really want to speak good English, having friends and talk to them is not enough.at least you need to know correct English grammer also.
72 :
>>69 What's that? I don't need know it, you know. You can never tell people whether briliant or not by language ability, you know? You should know, that will be benehit for you, for sure, you know. You will know.
73 :
>>71 Yeah, I partly ugly with you. But you know, nobody are perfect. Everyone make mistake. You are making mistake, aren't you. If you say to me "You should study grammar", then I will say the same to you.
74 :
Do you know why I tell you that? To be honest with you, your English grammer is terrible. You never listen don't you? but most of people think so. What is the reason that you don't want to study English grammer so much? Why are you avoiding it? you sounds like that you really want to improve your English, and what you say is totally opposite from what you want.
Hello, Kaori. How are you? I have a question for you. I am studying biology right now. Can you tell me why people's faces with Down's Syndrome look similar? I wonder why..... Oh one more question to ask, are they mentaly retarded just like you?
78 :
>>74 You should study grammar before you tell me. How many times I say, you will understand? Grammar mistake is trivia. You understands me, and I understand you. Even if our English is not perfect, you know? Why you think grammar is so important? Is your English have perfect grammar? >>75 What do you meaning?
79 :
>>76 Your imajination is horible. >>77 I don't know. But I know you are poor boy, aren't you. You have to study ethics, not biology.
80 :
以外と76さんのいってる事はありえるかもね。 じゃないとあまりにも Unusual!
81 :
Oh it was a big surprise you knew the word "ethics". I was amazed, baby!!!!
82 :
>>80 What you mean? Do you realize your English is terible?
83 名前:Kaori ◆SA9boye8Mk :03/11/28 16:55 ID:Sn/6m2tZ >>81 Your English is not good too. Oh poor. You are supposed to say my English is not good EITHER. Haven't you leaned at school how to use "too" and "either"? Oh poor. YOu are very poor, u know. Ok then, what did i wrong? Can you correct my English for me please? かおりタン、ネカマだよね?