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2012年6月セキュリティ409: 将来性のないNODは買ってはいけません (311)
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googkle.comに飛ぶとPCが乗っ取られる (594)
【フィッシング対策】 SecureVM for AntiPhishing (237)
Jetico Personal Firewall Part14 (342)
ウィルス対策ソフトに純国産製品がないのは、なぜ? (258)
CATV JCOMのIPアドレス (370)
mixi"ネットワークセキュリティ"コミュの今 (714)
1 :07/08/29 〜 最終レス :11/12/21 NODもうだめぽ
2 : 3. Trend Micro pc-Cillin Internet Security 2007 - 3 User In Stock 4. Norton Internet Security Suite 2007 - 3 User In Stock 5. Microsoft Windows Live OneCare 1.5 Online PC Care Subscription [12 Months] In Stock 6. Norton AntiVirus 2007 In Stock 7. Norton 360 All-In-One Security Annual Subscription - 3 PCs In Stock 8. McAfee Internet Security Suite 2007 In Stock 9. CA Internet Security Suite-Flash Drive In Stock 10. Pc-Cillin Antivirus 2007 In Stock 11. McAfee Total Protection 2007 - 3 Users In Stock 12. Zonealarm Internet Security Suite - 3 User In Stock 53. NOD32 Antivirus System Available from these sellers.
3 : 総務省や文科省もWikipediaを編集していた 「WikiScanner」日本版語版で判明 ttp://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0708/29/news059.html 省庁の内部からもWikipediaを編集――総務省や文部科学省、宮内庁などのIPアドレスから、 行政に関わる内容からエンターテインメント関連までさまざまな項目が編集されていたことが、 「WikiScanner」日本語版を使った調査で分かった。 例えば総務省からは、「電子投票」の項目が10回以上編集され、電子投票のセキュリティーに 関する内容が書き換えられているほか、「水曜どうでしょうの企画」を詳細に説明する書き込みや、 シミュレーションゲーム「蒼き狼と白き牝鹿」に関する書き込みもあった。 文科省のIPからは、本間正明・元政府税制調査会会長に関するスキャンダルが削除されていたり、 「コミュニティ・スクール」の項目で、文科省自身が作成したWebサイトについて「かなり充実している」 と自画自賛も。 厚生労働省からは「薬物」などの項目で編集があったほか、ゲーム「ななついろ★ドロップス」 の項目で解説も書き加えられていた。 宮内庁は、天皇陵や歴史関連の書き込みを編集しており、宮内庁に関連する疑惑の指摘を削除した跡も見つかった。 農林水産省からは、ガンダム関連で大量の書き込みがあった。 雑音、NOD厨、必死だなwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
4 : 53位wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
5 : NOD糞杉ワロタwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
6 : ESET(笑)の行く末を見守るスレ http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1187681559/
7 : NOD売れてないねぇwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
8 : 53位(笑) 何この糞ソフト(笑)
9 : 【劇団ひとり】雑音犬畜生Part40【裸の害虫】 http://tmp6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tubo/1188230746/l50
10 : ESET=害虫
11 : 53位 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1187875568/282
12 : 53位(笑)(笑)(笑)
13 : ESETが早く倒産しますように
14 : NOD32はプロファイルに検査方法や検査対象を登録しておき、 そのプロファイルを指定してスケジュールを組むことが出来る。 プロファイルも自由に複数作成出来るから目的に応じた運用が可能だ。 例えば、書庫類等は検査済みフォルダと検査前フォルダを作成しておき、 検査前フォルダ内の書庫だけを定期的に高速検査するというような運用も行える。 他のAVだと書庫を対象とするか否かの2択しかないものが多く、ムダに時間が掛かる検査となり効率が悪い。 一度検査し安全が確かめられれば検査済みフォルダに移し、 検査済みフォルダの再検査は数か月に一度程度に減らすことで処理効率を上げるというような運用が他のAVでは難しい。 細かな設定をすることでNOD32は処理効率の良い運用が可能になっている。 Eset社の戦略としてシグネチャは出来るだけ少なく最小の発行数に留める方針。 これは近年亜種の急増により発行シグネチャが爆発的に増加している状況への対応策。 このままだと何れ発行シグネチャが増え過ぎで立ち行かぬとの判断が優先された結果であり、 亜種は発行済みシグネチャとアンパッカー技術により検出する方向で改良を続けており、 そこに拡張ヒューリスティックエンジンを組み合わせることで類似ウィルスまで捕捉しようとの試みを含んでいる。
15 : 46 名前: ◆gBLpBEN2TQ [sage] 投稿日:2007/08/29(水) 23:18:34 ID:0gHpuNu00 >>38 貴殿の投稿>>38 を拝見してセキュリティ板に行ってきたら、 貴殿自身がセキュリティ板に板違いなスレッドを立てて板荒らし行為をして、 私怨に基づいた報告をここにしたようですね。 下記の板違いな荒らしスレッドにおいて、同じトリップ付きで「”管理”人」と名乗っているので、 貴殿がその板違いな荒らしスレッドの主催者と見なして間違いないでしょう。 削除依頼スレも見てきましたが、貴殿のトリップによる削除依頼は全く見当たりませんでした。 もし過去に、ここに報告する前に削除依頼を出したのでしたら、 具体的にURLを明示してみて下さい。 【セキュリティー板】「500」「バスター厨」「相模原」粘着荒らし総合スレ http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1187859868/ >355 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/28(火) 00:45:34 >初級ネット板でまたクラック許可出されてるなw >国内からも国外からも標的にされる500w > >ところで中国やロシアに標的にされるということは警察沙汰になる方が天国に思えるほど恐ろしいことだよね? >命まで危なくなるだろうに。 >359 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/28(火) 01:33:25 >冗談抜きで相模原死亡が現実味帯びてきたな・・・ >しかも昨日の昼に中国にIP流してからさらにこの板が静かになってきたし・・・>>300 は本当に中国に流してきたんだな・・・ >364 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/28(火) 01:52:07 >煽りぬきで相模原の命が危なくないか? >もうそこまでの段階に突入したよね・・・・恐ろしい・・・ >445 :”管理”人 ◆DHhoNrB7.2 :2007/08/29(水) 21:29:19 >第一次報告完了。 > >★070829 セキュリティー板バスター信者の連投自演中傷捏造AA宣伝コピペ報告スレ >http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1188388292/
16 : 売れないNOD53を笑うスレ http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1188494442/ ESET(笑)の行く末を見守るスレ http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1187681559/
17 : 良スレあげ
18 : あまぞん米 NODただいまの時間 61位 あまぞん英 NODただいまの時間 圏外(取り扱い無い模様で、検索該当なし) あまぞん独 NODただいまの時間 圏外(取り扱い無い模様で、検索該当なし)
19 : 亜麻尊米の例のあれ ただいま 64位 ↓さらに3Point Down
20 : 売れてる=良ソフトじゃないぞ
21 : ESET(笑)の行く末を見守るスレ http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1187681559/ 将来性のないNODは買ってはいけません http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1188382022/ 売れないNOD53を笑うスレ http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1188494442/ 超低検出ソフトNOD72(笑) http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1188633349/
22 : **雑音** * INTEL製品を頼まれもしないのに擁護/マンセーしライバル製品を攻撃する * 主にAMD製CPU叩きとNOD32及びPestPatrol以外のソフト叩きに異様に執着 * セキュ板、自作PC、PC一般、DTV板、情報システム板、まれにプログラマ板などに出没 * C言語プログラミングはおろかSIMD(MMX,SSEなどの処理系)をSIMMと書き続け、 超超超初級 プログラム問題さえも解けない、完全なプログラミング素人 * BlackIc、Prescotte、シンプルオブベスト、チッンボチップ、骨髄反射、MEMTEST86+で/onecpu、OutLock、ゴミグス、アントネトバ、クアッドPU、ニーと、低商品電力、95umから65umにシュリンクなど想像を絶する間違いを犯す。 結論:頭がおかしい。 * ある自分の無知を晒して以来名無し、別コテで自作自演 * 虫を必死に連呼(連呼するのが雑音なのでわかりやすい) ttp://z-temp.hp.infoseek.co.jp/2ch/Prescott699-.html ttp://
23 : **雑音** * INTEL製品を頼まれもしないのに擁護/マンセーしライバル製品を攻撃する * 主にAMD製CPU叩きとNOD32及びPestPatrol以外のソフト叩きに異様に執着 * セキュ板、自作PC、PC一般、DTV板、情報システム板、まれにプログラマ板などに出没 * C言語プログラミングはおろかSIMD(MMX,SSEなどの処理系)をSIMMと書き続け、 超超超初級 プログラム問題さえも解けない、完全なプログラミング素人 * BlackIc、Prescotte、シンプルオブベスト、チッンボチップ、骨髄反射、MEMTEST86+で/onecpu、OutLock、ゴミグス、アントネトバ、クアッドPU、ニーと、低商品電力、95umから65umにシュリンクなど想像を絶する間違いを犯す。 結論:頭がおかしい。 * ある自分の無知を晒して以来名無し、別コテで自作自演 * 虫を必死に連呼(連呼するのが雑音なのでわかりやすい) ttp://z-temp.hp.infoseek.co.jp/2ch/Prescott699-.html ttp://
24 : ◆セルフ・ディフェンス(AV自己防衛)の評価テスト http://www.hwupgrade.it/forum/showthread.php?t=1541875 ・KIS7.0 32/33 (金) ・Symantec 2007 23.5/33 (銀) ・F-Secure 20/33 銀) ・McAfee 15.5/33(銅) ・ESET 14/33 ・Avast! 11/33 ・Avira Premium 11/33 ※採点方式 代表的な33のAVキラーの攻撃手法により評価 1点:防衛に成功 0.5点:部分的にはアタックに成功するが、AVのメイン機能は有効 0点:アタックが成功して、AVの機能が停止されたり、悪いモジュールに改変されたりする。
25 : >>24 それはFWとAVが一体型のソフト限定の試験みたいね AV単体型の試験ならNOD32がもっと上位に食い込めると思うよ
26 : トレンド社員がファビョってるのかなwww? 2007なんて悪評の嵐だし、2008もやばそうwww
27 : こういうこと http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1158451041/751
28 : >>27 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1066660518/743-744
29 : **雑音** * INTEL製品を頼まれもしないのに擁護/マンセーしライバル製品を攻撃する * 主にAMD製CPU叩きとNOD32及びPestPatrol以外のソフト叩きに異様に執着 * セキュ板、自作PC、PC一般、DTV板、情報システム板、まれにプログラマ板などに出没 * C言語プログラミングはおろかSIMD(MMX,SSEなどの処理系)をSIMMと書き続け、 超超超初級 プログラム問題さえも解けない、完全なプログラミング素人 * BlackIc、Prescotte、シンプルオブベスト、チッンボチップ、骨髄反射、MEMTEST86+で/onecpu、OutLock、ゴミグス、アントネトバ、クアッドPU、ニーと、低商品電力、95umから65umにシュリンクなど想像を絶する間違いを犯す。 結論:頭がおかしい。 * ある自分の無知を晒して以来名無し、別コテで自作自演 * 虫、相模原を必死に連呼(連呼するのが雑音なのでわかりやすい) ttp://z-temp.hp.infoseek.co.jp/2ch/Prescott699-.html ttp:// 【劇団ひとり】雑音犬畜生Part40【裸の害虫】 http://tmp6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tubo/1188230746/l50
30 : ■ルール違反の荒らしスレを立てる>>1 が愛用している濃度32の情報 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1194665582/14-28 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1174028244/240-248 ■AV-Comparativesの最新の総合的検出力テストで上位になれず(シグネチャ+ヒューリスティック) http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1087037111/472 ■検知力だけでなくて対応も酷い http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1192931367/12-13 ■多機能なハイブリッド型のマルウェアを、濃度32では検知できなかった http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/pcnews/1098350729/443 ■セキュリティソフトへ攻撃を行うマルウェア実行時の防御力で濃度32は下位 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1087037111/478 ■濃度32のメーカーサイトがクラックされて、危険サイトに作り変えられる http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1190140859/15 ■Webサイト4万ページに不正スクリプトが仕込まれた事件で検知できず http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1194665582/30 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1087037111/506
31 : スマソ。この文章を直すの忘れて投稿してしまった↓orz >■ルール違反の荒らしスレを立てる>>1 が愛用している濃度32の情報 訂正後 ■濃度32の情報
32 : >>30 録音テープみたいに同じ投稿を繰り返す某NOD32厨が、 またズルして独断でID表示申請をやって、 他の運営板常連から怒られていたw http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1167451216/802 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1191581955/182 ※お叱りの投稿 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1191581955/209 >209:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:投稿日:2008/01/05(土) 21:25:37 ID:hYYBIXzo0 >>>182 >しつこいインチキ申請乙。 > >セキュリティ板は自演による議論を行って、しつこく独断でID申請する者が居座っているために、 >昔から強制リモホ表示される下記スレッドで議論を行うことになっています。 >http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sakud/1090504381/ ※ID表示にした方が方が、某NOD32厨にとって都合がよい理由w http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/notepc/1129429479/364
33 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月20日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1位 95% 43 BitDefender 2位 95% 43 AVG 3位 95% 47 AntiVir 4位 95% 50 Ikarus 5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway 6位 93% 63 Kaspersky 7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal 8位 89% 107 ClamAV 9位 88% 116 Norman 10位 88% 120 Microsoft 11位 88% 122 Avast 12位 87% 126 F-Secure 13位 87% 129 VirusBuster 14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3 15位 85% 154 Sophos 16位 83% 169 DrWeb 17位 83% 171 F-Prot 18位 83% 175 TheHacker 19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet 20位 79% 209 VBA32 21位 78% 221 Symantec 22位 78% 224 Rising 23位 77% 230 Panda 24位 74% 259 Fortinet 25位 74% 265 McAfee 26位 72% 282 NOD32v2
34 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月21日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1位 95% 43 BitDefender 2位 95% 43 AVG 3位 95% 47 AntiVir 4位 95% 50 Ikarus 5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway 6位 93% 63 Kaspersky 7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal 8位 89% 107 ClamAV 9位 88% 116 Norman 10位 88% 120 Microsoft 11位 88% 122 Avast 12位 87% 126 F-Secure 13位 87% 129 VirusBuster 14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3 15位 85% 154 Sophos 16位 83% 169 DrWeb 17位 83% 171 F-Prot 18位 83% 175 TheHacker 19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet 20位 79% 209 VBA32 21位 78% 221 Symantec 22位 78% 224 Rising 23位 77% 230 Panda 24位 74% 259 Fortinet 25位 74% 265 McAfee 26位 72% 282 NOD32v2
35 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月22日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1位 95% 43 BitDefender 2位 95% 43 AVG 3位 95% 47 AntiVir 4位 95% 50 Ikarus 5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway 6位 93% 63 Kaspersky 7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal 8位 89% 107 ClamAV 9位 88% 116 Norman 10位 88% 120 Microsoft 11位 88% 122 Avast 12位 87% 126 F-Secure 13位 87% 129 VirusBuster 14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3 15位 85% 154 Sophos 16位 83% 169 DrWeb 17位 83% 171 F-Prot 18位 83% 175 TheHacker 19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet 20位 79% 209 VBA32 21位 78% 221 Symantec 22位 78% 224 Rising 23位 77% 230 Panda 24位 74% 259 Fortinet 25位 74% 265 McAfee 26位 72% 282 NOD32v2
36 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月23日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1位 95% 43 BitDefender 2位 95% 43 AVG 3位 95% 47 AntiVir 4位 95% 50 Ikarus 5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway 6位 93% 63 Kaspersky 7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal 8位 89% 107 ClamAV 9位 88% 116 Norman 10位 88% 120 Microsoft 11位 88% 122 Avast 12位 87% 126 F-Secure 13位 87% 129 VirusBuster 14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3 15位 85% 154 Sophos 16位 83% 169 DrWeb 17位 83% 171 F-Prot 18位 83% 175 TheHacker 19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet 20位 79% 209 VBA32 21位 78% 221 Symantec 22位 78% 224 Rising 23位 77% 230 Panda 24位 74% 259 Fortinet 25位 74% 265 McAfee 26位 72% 282 NOD32v2
37 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月24日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1位 95% 43 BitDefender 2位 95% 43 AVG 3位 95% 47 AntiVir 4位 95% 50 Ikarus 5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway 6位 93% 63 Kaspersky 7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal 8位 89% 107 ClamAV 9位 88% 116 Norman 10位 88% 120 Microsoft 11位 88% 122 Avast 12位 87% 126 F-Secure 13位 87% 129 VirusBuster 14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3 15位 85% 154 Sophos 16位 83% 169 DrWeb 17位 83% 171 F-Prot 18位 83% 175 TheHacker 19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet 20位 79% 209 VBA32 21位 78% 221 Symantec 22位 78% 224 Rising 23位 77% 230 Panda 24位 74% 259 Fortinet 25位 74% 265 McAfee 26位 72% 282 NOD32v2
38 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月26日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1位 95% 78 Ikarus 2位 92% 133 AVG 3位 89% 182 AntiVir 4位 89% 193 BitDefender 5位 88% 208 Webwasher-Gateway 6位 87% 222 CAT-QuickHeal 7位 83% 284 Norman 8位 82% 309 F-Secure 9位 82% 310 Kaspersky 10位 80% 334 ClamAV 11位 80% 337 Microsoft 12位 79% 367 TheHacker 13位 77% 390 VirusBuster 14位 76% 405 F-Prot 15位 76% 415 Avast 16位 74% 447 AhnLab-V3 17位 74% 450 eTrust-Vet 18位 73% 472 Sophos 19位 72% 487 Symantec 20位 72% 488 DrWeb 21位 70% 512 Rising 22位 70% 525 VBA32 23位 65% 599 Panda 24位 62% 653 McAfee 25位 61% 672 Fortinet 26位 59% 703 NOD32v2
39 : ごじゅうきゅ〜ぱぁ〜せんとですか(wwwwwwwwww
40 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月27日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 75 Ikarus 2nd 92% 124 AVG 3rd 89% 180 AntiVir 4th 89% 186 BitDefender 5th 88% 206 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 87% 213 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 83% 280 Norman 8th 82% 301 F-Secure 9th 82% 302 Kaspersky 10th 81% 322 ClamAV 11th 80% 331 Microsoft 12th 79% 363 TheHacker 13th 77% 390 VirusBuster 14th 76% 402 F-Prot 15th 76% 406 Avast 16th 74% 436 AhnLab-V3 17th 74% 439 eTrust-Vet 18th 73% 468 Sophos 19th 72% 477 DrWeb 20th 72% 479 Symantec 21st 71% 502 Rising 22nd 70% 513 VBA32 23rd 66% 586 Panda 24th 63% 641 McAfee 25th 62% 658 Fortinet 26th 60% 689 NOD32v2
41 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月28日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 75 Ikarus 2nd 92% 129 AVG 3rd 90% 174 AntiVir 4th 90% 175 BitDefender 5th 88% 197 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 208 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 84% 275 Norman 8th 83% 292 F-Secure 9th 83% 296 Kaspersky 10th 81% 315 ClamAV 11th 80% 333 Microsoft 12th 79% 361 TheHacker 13th 77% 386 VirusBuster 14th 77% 400 Avast 15th 76% 404 F-Prot 16th 75% 424 AhnLab-V3 17th 75% 426 eTrust-Vet 18th 74% 454 Sophos 19th 73% 468 DrWeb 20th 72% 481 Symantec 21st 71% 499 Rising 22nd 70% 512 VBA32 23rd 66% 587 Panda 24th 63% 635 McAfee 25th 62% 651 Fortinet 26th 60% 682 NOD32v2
42 : NOD厨雑音が録音と呼ばれていた時代のログ プレス子スレにてSIMMとSIMDの勘違いをした決定的瞬間 http://z-temp.hp.infoseek.co.jp/2ch/Prescott699-.html 自称 年収4500万のスーパープログラマー
43 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月29日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 76 Ikarus 2nd 92% 133 AVG 3rd 90% 172 AntiVir 4th 90% 173 BitDefender 5th 89% 194 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 209 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 83% 283 Norman 8th 83% 287 F-Secure 9th 83% 298 Kaspersky 10th 82% 315 ClamAV 11th 80% 337 Microsoft 12th 79% 367 TheHacker 13th 77% 390 VirusBuster 14th 77% 400 Avast 15th 77% 404 F-Prot 16th 76% 421 AhnLab-V3 17th 75% 424 eTrust-Vet 18th 74% 446 Sophos 19th 73% 463 DrWeb 20th 72% 485 Symantec 21st 71% 499 Rising 22nd 70% 516 VBA32 23rd 66% 590 Panda 24th 63% 638 McAfee 25th 62% 652 Fortinet 26th 61% 685 NOD32v2
44 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月30日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 77 Ikarus 2nd 92% 138 AVG 3rd 90% 171 AntiVir 4th 90% 173 BitDefender 5th 89% 193 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 209 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 84% 281 Norman 8th 83% 285 F-Secure 9th 83% 297 Kaspersky 10th 82% 317 ClamAV 11th 80% 339 Microsoft 12th 79% 363 TheHacker 13th 77% 393 VirusBuster 14th 77% 399 Avast 15th 76% 409 F-Prot 16th 76% 422 AhnLab-V3 17th 76% 423 eTrust-Vet 18th 74% 444 Sophos 19th 73% 464 DrWeb 20th 72% 486 Symantec 21st 71% 504 Rising 22nd 70% 521 VBA32 23rd 66% 591 Panda 24th 64% 638 McAfee 25th 63% 644 Fortinet 26th 61% 682 NOD32v2
45 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月1日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 76 Ikarus 2nd 92% 143 AVG 3rd 90% 169 AntiVir 4th 90% 170 BitDefender 5th 89% 190 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 208 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 84% 275 Norman 8th 84% 279 F-Secure 9th 83% 292 Kaspersky 10th 82% 313 ClamAV 11th 81% 340 Microsoft 12th 79% 361 TheHacker 13th 78% 393 VirusBuster 14th 78% 393 Avast 15th 77% 409 F-Prot 16th 76% 416 eTrust-Vet 17th 76% 421 AhnLab-V3 18th 75% 434 Sophos 19th 74% 459 DrWeb 20th 72% 496 Symantec 21st 72% 501 Rising 22nd 70% 527 VBA32 23rd 67% 587 Panda 24th 64% 633 McAfee 25th 64% 638 Fortinet 26th 62% 674 NOD32v2
46 : Rank Detects Missed Product 検知力テスト(2008年5月2日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 95% 77 Ikarus 2nd 91% 150 AVG 3rd 91% 164 AntiVir 4th 90% 170 BitDefender 5th 89% 185 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 210 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 85% 271 Norman 8th 85% 271 F-Secure 9th 83% 293 Kaspersky 10th 82% 315 ClamAV 11th 81% 346 Microsoft 12th 79% 366 TheHacker 13th 78% 391 Avast 14th 78% 394 VirusBuster 15th 77% 410 eTrust-Vet 16th 77% 414 F-Prot 17th 77% 418 AhnLab-V3 18th 76% 420 Sophos 19th 75% 453 DrWeb 20th 72% 499 Symantec 21st 72% 503 Rising 22nd 70% 533 VBA32 23rd 67% 587 Panda 24th 65% 630 McAfee 25th 64% 639 Fortinet 26th 63% 670 NOD32v2
47 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月3日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 78 Ikarus 2nd 91% 158 AVG 3rd 90% 166 AntiVir 4th 90% 172 BitDefender 5th 89% 186 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 207 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 85% 267 F-Secure 8th 85% 272 Norman 9th 84% 293 Kaspersky 10th 82% 314 ClamAV 11th 80% 351 Microsoft 12th 79% 368 TheHacker 13th 78% 390 Avast 14th 78% 396 VirusBuster 15th 77% 405 eTrust-Vet 16th 77% 410 Sophos 17th 77% 416 AhnLab-V3 18th 77% 418 F-Prot 19th 75% 447 DrWeb 20th 72% 497 Symantec 21st 72% 508 Rising 22nd 70% 541 VBA32 23rd 67% 590 Panda 24th 65% 629 McAfee 25th 65% 637 Fortinet 26th 63% 665 NOD32v2
48 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月4日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 79 Ikarus 2nd 91% 164 AVG 3rd 91% 165 AntiVir 4th 90% 174 BitDefender 5th 89% 185 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 208 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 85% 263 F-Secure 8th 85% 268 Norman 9th 84% 290 Kaspersky 10th 82% 315 ClamAV 11th 80% 352 Microsoft 12th 80% 365 TheHacker 13th 79% 385 Avast 14th 78% 398 VirusBuster 15th 78% 402 eTrust-Vet 16th 78% 404 Sophos 17th 77% 415 AhnLab-V3 18th 77% 422 F-Prot 19th 75% 444 DrWeb 20th 73% 495 Symantec 21st 72% 511 Rising 22nd 70% 540 VBA32 23rd 68% 585 Panda 24th 65% 626 McAfee 25th 65% 631 Fortinet 26th 64% 659 NOD32v2
49 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月5日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 78 Ikarus 2nd 91% 162 AVG 3rd 91% 162 AntiVir 4th 90% 171 BitDefender 5th 90% 183 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 207 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 85% 262 F-Secure 8th 85% 265 Norman 9th 84% 285 Kaspersky 10th 82% 314 ClamAV 11th 80% 353 Microsoft 12th 80% 364 TheHacker 13th 79% 379 Avast 14th 78% 392 VirusBuster 15th 78% 397 Sophos 16th 78% 398 eTrust-Vet 17th 77% 410 AhnLab-V3 18th 77% 418 F-Prot 19th 76% 438 DrWeb 20th 73% 492 Symantec 21st 72% 506 Rising 22nd 70% 534 VBA32 23rd 68% 577 Panda 24th 66% 617 McAfee 25th 66% 621 Fortinet 26th 64% 655 NOD32v2
50 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月6日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 81 Ikarus 2nd 91% 155 AntiVir 3rd 91% 164 BitDefender 4th 90% 168 AVG 5th 90% 174 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 211 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 86% 254 F-Secure 8th 86% 256 Norman 9th 85% 271 Kaspersky 10th 83% 309 ClamAV 11th 81% 349 Microsoft 12th 80% 366 Avast 13th 80% 367 TheHacker 14th 79% 373 Sophos 15th 79% 382 VirusBuster 16th 79% 387 eTrust-Vet 17th 78% 408 AhnLab-V3 18th 77% 417 F-Prot 19th 77% 420 DrWeb 20th 73% 486 Symantec 21st 72% 503 Rising 22nd 71% 531 VBA32 23rd 69% 569 Panda 24th 67% 603 McAfee 25th 67% 608 Fortinet 26th 65% 645 NOD32v2
51 : 世界的にみてもNODの利用者は他のベンダーに比べ多く人気がある。 このサイト右側の What Internet Security? での各ベンダーの 利用者数を示す某グラフを通してもその事がよく分かる。 つ ttp://trtsoftware.blogspot.com
52 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月7日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 81 Ikarus 2nd 91% 154 AntiVir 3rd 91% 165 BitDefender 4th 90% 173 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 174 AVG 6th 88% 224 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 86% 260 Norman 8th 86% 260 F-Secure 9th 85% 276 Kaspersky 10th 82% 322 ClamAV 11th 81% 352 Microsoft 12th 80% 366 Avast 13th 80% 376 Sophos 14th 79% 384 TheHacker 15th 79% 395 VirusBuster 16th 78% 397 eTrust-Vet 17th 77% 417 AhnLab-V3 18th 77% 425 DrWeb 19th 77% 427 F-Prot 20th 73% 497 Symantec 21st 72% 518 Rising 22nd 71% 543 VBA32 23rd 68% 587 Panda 24th 67% 611 McAfee 25th 67% 617 Fortinet 26th 65% 657 NOD32v2
53 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月8日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 79 Ikarus 2nd 92% 143 AntiVir 3rd 91% 155 BitDefender 4th 91% 162 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 177 AVG 6th 88% 220 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 86% 247 F-Secure 8th 86% 250 Norman 9th 86% 257 Kaspersky 10th 83% 316 ClamAV 11th 82% 334 Microsoft 12th 81% 346 Sophos 13th 81% 348 Avast 14th 79% 379 VirusBuster 15th 79% 381 TheHacker 16th 79% 383 eTrust-Vet 17th 78% 403 DrWeb 18th 78% 413 AhnLab-V3 19th 77% 420 F-Prot 20th 74% 485 Symantec 21st 73% 508 Rising 22nd 71% 533 VBA32 23rd 69% 576 Panda 24th 68% 593 McAfee 25th 68% 594 Fortinet 26th 66% 638 NOD32v2
54 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月9日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 78 Ikarus 2nd 92% 137 AntiVir 3rd 91% 152 BitDefender 4th 91% 156 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 177 AVG 6th 88% 217 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 87% 243 F-Secure 8th 86% 246 Norman 9th 86% 251 Kaspersky 10th 83% 311 ClamAV 11th 82% 330 Microsoft 12th 82% 333 Sophos 13th 82% 336 Avast 14th 80% 371 VirusBuster 15th 80% 375 eTrust-Vet 16th 79% 382 TheHacker 17th 79% 391 DrWeb 18th 78% 411 F-Prot 19th 77% 415 AhnLab-V3 20th 74% 477 Symantec 21st 73% 504 Rising 22nd 72% 523 VBA32 23rd 69% 568 Panda 24th 69% 575 Fortinet 25th 69% 579 McAfee 26th 66% 627 NOD32v2
55 : 未来のないNODは買ってはいけません
56 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月10日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 78 Ikarus 2nd 93% 132 AntiVir 3rd 92% 146 BitDefender 4th 92% 151 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 182 AVG 6th 88% 211 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 87% 239 F-Secure 8th 87% 241 Norman 9th 86% 246 Kaspersky 10th 83% 306 ClamAV 11th 82% 323 Microsoft 12th 82% 325 Sophos 13th 82% 331 Avast 14th 80% 367 VirusBuster 15th 80% 368 eTrust-Vet 16th 79% 380 TheHacker 17th 79% 387 DrWeb 18th 78% 408 F-Prot 19th 78% 414 AhnLab-V3 20th 74% 471 Symantec 21st 73% 506 Rising 22nd 72% 525 VBA32 23rd 70% 564 Panda 24th 69% 566 Fortinet 25th 69% 572 McAfee 26th 67% 620 NOD32v2
57 : 友達の家に行って一緒にパソコン開くと たいていお気に入りに2ちゃんねるが入ってるか 2ちゃんねるのスレ一覧が紫だらけになってる でも普段はみんな「2ちゃんねる?なにそれ知らな〜い」 ってしらばっくれるのはなぜですか?
58 : >>57 エロ本が親に見つかった時と同じ感覚だから
59 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月11日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 77 Ikarus 2nd 92% 133 AntiVir 3rd 92% 147 BitDefender 4th 91% 152 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 183 AVG 6th 88% 209 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 87% 239 F-Secure 8th 87% 240 Norman 9th 87% 245 Kaspersky 10th 83% 306 ClamAV 11th 83% 321 Sophos 12th 82% 322 Microsoft 13th 82% 329 Avast 14th 80% 366 eTrust-Vet 15th 80% 366 VirusBuster 16th 80% 377 TheHacker 17th 79% 386 DrWeb 18th 78% 412 F-Prot 19th 77% 420 AhnLab-V3 20th 75% 467 Symantec 21st 73% 508 Rising 22nd 72% 525 VBA32 23rd 70% 562 Panda 24th 70% 564 Fortinet 25th 69% 570 McAfee 26th 67% 618 NOD32v2
60 : 結局AntiVir入れとけばいいって結論でよいの?
61 : まじレスすると、安定度、検出力、システムへの負担の軽さ、FWが通信速度を阻害しない事 煩わしい設定をしないと防御が上げられない、または、デフォルトが硬すぎて設定見直さないと丁度良くできない システムへの負担を低めて快適に使うには煩わしい設定をする必要がある。 これらを全て満たし、煩わしい設定をすることなく入れてそのまま使える快適ソフトは今のところ1つしかないと断言する。 Windows Live OneCare FiveCare http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1207483714/
62 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月12日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 77 Ikarus 2nd 93% 133 AntiVir 3rd 92% 148 BitDefender 4th 92% 152 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 185 AVG 6th 88% 212 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 87% 238 F-Secure 8th 87% 241 Norman 9th 86% 248 Kaspersky 10th 83% 311 ClamAV 11th 83% 321 Sophos 12th 83% 322 Microsoft 13th 82% 331 Avast 14th 80% 368 eTrust-Vet 15th 80% 369 VirusBuster 16th 79% 382 TheHacker 17th 79% 387 DrWeb 18th 78% 416 F-Prot 19th 77% 429 AhnLab-V3 20th 75% 468 Symantec 21st 73% 511 Rising 22nd 72% 529 VBA32 23rd 70% 566 Fortinet 24th 70% 568 Panda 25th 69% 572 McAfee 26th 67% 623 NOD32v2
63 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月16日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 74 Ikarus 2nd 94% 106 AntiVir 3rd 93% 118 BitDefender 4th 93% 122 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 186 AVG 6th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 89% 203 F-Secure 8th 89% 206 Kaspersky 9th 88% 217 Norman 10th 85% 269 Sophos 11th 84% 286 ClamAV 12th 84% 288 Avast 13th 83% 305 Microsoft 14th 82% 333 eTrust-Vet 15th 82% 337 VirusBuster 16th 81% 349 DrWeb 17th 80% 371 TheHacker 18th 79% 394 F-Prot 19th 78% 409 AhnLab-V3 20th 76% 442 Symantec 21st 74% 483 Rising 22nd 73% 501 VBA32 23rd 72% 516 Fortinet 24th 72% 529 McAfee 25th 71% 535 Panda 26th 69% 582 NOD32v2
64 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月17日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New 1869 Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 73 Ikarus 2nd 94% 99 AntiVir 3rd 94% 111 BitDefender 4th 93% 115 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 181 AVG 6th 89% 195 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 89% 196 F-Secure 8th 89% 197 Kaspersky 9th 88% 208 Norman 10th 86% 253 Sophos 11th 85% 274 Avast 12th 85% 275 ClamAV 13th 84% 295 Microsoft 14th 82% 322 eTrust-Vet 15th 82% 326 VirusBuster 16th 82% 337 DrWeb 17th 80% 363 TheHacker 18th 79% 382 F-Prot 19th 78% 397 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 429 Symantec 21st 74% 470 Rising 22nd 73% 488 VBA32 23rd 73% 502 Fortinet 24th 72% 515 McAfee 25th 72% 520 Panda 26th 69% 566 NOD32v2
65 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月18日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 95% 87 AntiVir 3rd 94% 99 BitDefender 4th 94% 103 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 178 Kaspersky 6th 90% 180 AVG 7th 90% 183 F-Secure 8th 89% 189 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 196 Norman 10th 87% 229 Sophos 11th 86% 254 Avast 12th 85% 261 ClamAV 13th 84% 283 Microsoft 14th 83% 305 VirusBuster 15th 83% 307 eTrust-Vet 16th 82% 315 DrWeb 17th 80% 358 TheHacker 18th 79% 372 F-Prot 19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 414 Symantec 21st 75% 457 Rising 22nd 74% 475 VBA32 23rd 74% 480 Fortinet 24th 73% 489 McAfee 25th 73% 498 Panda 26th 70% 541 NOD32v2
66 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月19日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 95% 83 AntiVir 3rd 94% 95 BitDefender 4th 94% 99 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 173 Kaspersky 6th 90% 177 AVG 7th 90% 179 F-Secure 8th 89% 189 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 193 Norman 10th 87% 223 Sophos 11th 86% 249 Avast 12th 86% 257 ClamAV 13th 84% 278 Microsoft 14th 83% 299 VirusBuster 15th 83% 302 eTrust-Vet 16th 83% 309 DrWeb 17th 80% 357 TheHacker 18th 80% 368 F-Prot 19th 79% 378 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 410 Symantec 21st 75% 453 Rising 22nd 74% 470 VBA32 23rd 74% 472 Fortinet 24th 73% 483 McAfee 25th 73% 491 Panda 26th 70% 535 NOD32v2
67 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月20日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 95% 81 AntiVir 3rd 94% 94 BitDefender 4th 94% 97 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 170 Kaspersky 6th 90% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 178 AVG 8th 89% 188 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 190 Norman 10th 88% 219 Sophos 11th 86% 248 Avast 12th 86% 257 ClamAV 13th 84% 276 Microsoft 14th 83% 298 VirusBuster 15th 83% 299 eTrust-Vet 16th 83% 305 DrWeb 17th 80% 359 TheHacker 18th 79% 367 F-Prot 19th 79% 380 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 406 Symantec 21st 75% 451 Rising 22nd 74% 465 VBA32 23rd 74% 468 Fortinet 24th 73% 477 McAfee 25th 73% 488 Panda 26th 71% 528 NOD32v2
68 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月21日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 95% 81 AntiVir 3rd 94% 94 BitDefender 4th 94% 97 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 170 Kaspersky 6th 90% 175 F-Secure 7th 90% 177 AVG 8th 89% 185 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 191 Norman 10th 88% 216 Sophos 11th 86% 245 Avast 12th 86% 257 ClamAV 13th 85% 274 Microsoft 14th 83% 296 eTrust-Vet 15th 83% 298 VirusBuster 16th 83% 303 DrWeb 17th 80% 358 TheHacker 18th 80% 366 F-Prot 19th 79% 380 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 406 Symantec 21st 75% 449 Rising 22nd 74% 465 VBA32 23rd 74% 468 Fortinet 24th 73% 477 McAfee 25th 73% 489 Panda 26th 71% 528 NOD32v2
69 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月22日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 96% 74 AntiVir 3rd 95% 85 BitDefender 4th 95% 90 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 160 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 176 AVG 8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 188 Norman 10th 88% 203 Sophos 11th 87% 237 Avast 12th 86% 251 ClamAV 13th 85% 268 Microsoft 14th 84% 285 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 290 VirusBuster 16th 84% 292 DrWeb 17th 80% 358 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 378 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 403 Symantec 21st 75% 446 Rising 22nd 74% 460 Fortinet 23rd 74% 461 VBA32 24th 74% 468 McAfee 25th 73% 484 Panda 26th 71% 521 NOD32v2
70 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月23日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 96% 71 Ikarus 3rd 95% 80 BitDefender 4th 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 156 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 173 AVG 8th 89% 186 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 189 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 231 Avast 12th 86% 255 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 282 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 288 VirusBuster 17th 80% 359 TheHacker 18th 80% 360 F-Prot 19th 79% 376 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 401 Symantec 21st 76% 442 Rising 22nd 75% 458 Fortinet 23rd 75% 459 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 73% 481 Panda 26th 71% 518 NOD32v2
71 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月24日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 96% 71 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 173 AVG 8th 89% 187 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 189 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 256 ClamAV 13th 85% 265 Microsoft 14th 84% 283 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 288 VirusBuster 17th 80% 361 TheHacker 18th 80% 364 F-Prot 19th 79% 386 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 402 Symantec 21st 76% 444 Rising 22nd 75% 459 Fortinet 23rd 75% 462 VBA32 24th 74% 467 McAfee 25th 74% 484 Panda 26th 72% 520 NOD32v2
72 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月25日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 67 AntiVir 2nd 96% 71 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 170 F-Secure 7th 90% 172 AVG 8th 90% 185 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 188 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 287 VirusBuster 17th 80% 359 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 384 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 401 Symantec 21st 76% 443 Rising 22nd 75% 457 Fortinet 23rd 75% 460 VBA32 24th 74% 467 McAfee 25th 74% 483 Panda 26th 72% 517 NOD32v2
73 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月26日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 67 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 170 F-Secure 7th 90% 171 AVG 8th 90% 185 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 187 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 287 VirusBuster 17th 80% 356 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 399 Symantec 21st 76% 442 Rising 22nd 75% 454 Fortinet 23rd 75% 457 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 74% 482 Panda 26th 72% 515 NOD32v2
74 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月27日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 67 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 169 F-Secure 7th 90% 171 AVG 8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 187 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 285 DrWeb 16th 84% 287 VirusBuster 17th 80% 356 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 399 Symantec 21st 76% 441 Rising 22nd 75% 454 Fortinet 23rd 75% 457 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 74% 482 Panda 26th 72% 514 NOD32v2
75 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月28日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 67 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 169 F-Secure 7th 90% 171 AVG 8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 187 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 285 DrWeb 16th 84% 287 VirusBuster 17th 80% 356 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 399 Symantec 21st 76% 441 Rising 22nd 75% 454 Fortinet 23rd 75% 457 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 74% 482 Panda 26th 72% 514 NOD32v2
76 : aaa
77 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月29日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 66 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 82 BitDefender 5th 91% 156 Kaspersky 6th 90% 168 F-Secure 7th 90% 171 AVG 8th 90% 186 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 187 Norman 10th 89% 197 Sophos 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 265 Microsoft 14th 84% 283 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 285 DrWeb 16th 84% 288 VirusBuster 17th 80% 355 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 385 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 398 Symantec 21st 76% 441 Rising 22nd 75% 452 Fortinet 23rd 75% 458 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 74% 482 Panda 26th 72% 515 NOD32v2
78 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月30日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 66 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 82 BitDefender 5th 91% 156 Kaspersky 6th 91% 168 F-Secure 7th 90% 172 AVG 8th 89% 187 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 188 Norman 10th 89% 197 Sophos 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 255 ClamAV 13th 85% 266 Microsoft 14th 84% 284 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 289 VirusBuster 17th 80% 356 TheHacker 18th 80% 364 F-Prot 19th 79% 388 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 398 Symantec 21st 76% 442 Rising 22nd 75% 453 Fortinet 23rd 75% 459 VBA32 24th 74% 467 McAfee 25th 74% 483 Panda 26th 72% 516 NOD32v2
79 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月31日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 64 AntiVir 2nd 96% 74 Ikarus 3rd 95% 79 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 81 BitDefender 5th 91% 152 Kaspersky 6th 90% 169 F-Secure 7th 90% 173 AVG 8th 89% 191 Norman 9th 89% 192 CAT-QuickHeal 10th 89% 195 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 258 ClamAV 13th 85% 272 Microsoft 14th 84% 284 DrWeb 15th 84% 284 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 289 VirusBuster 17th 80% 365 F-Prot 18th 80% 366 TheHacker 19th 79% 391 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 400 Symantec 21st 76% 440 Rising 22nd 75% 453 Fortinet 23rd 75% 458 VBA32 24th 74% 468 McAfee 25th 74% 484 Panda 26th 72% 517 NOD32v2
80 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月1日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 95% 76 Ikarus 3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 84 BitDefender 5th 91% 154 Kaspersky 6th 90% 170 F-Secure 7th 90% 177 AVG 8th 89% 195 Norman 9th 89% 197 CAT-QuickHeal 10th 89% 198 Sophos 11th 87% 235 Avast 12th 85% 263 ClamAV 13th 85% 277 Microsoft 14th 84% 289 DrWeb 15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 294 VirusBuster 17th 80% 370 F-Prot 18th 79% 376 TheHacker 19th 78% 399 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 403 Symantec 21st 76% 444 Rising 22nd 75% 458 Fortinet 23rd 75% 463 VBA32 24th 74% 472 McAfee 25th 73% 488 Panda 26th 72% 520 NOD32v2
81 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月2日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 96% 76 Ikarus 3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 84 BitDefender 5th 91% 155 Kaspersky 6th 90% 171 F-Secure 7th 90% 178 AVG 8th 89% 195 Norman 9th 89% 197 Sophos 10th 89% 198 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 234 Avast 12th 86% 262 ClamAV 13th 85% 276 Microsoft 14th 84% 288 DrWeb 15th 84% 288 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 295 VirusBuster 17th 80% 370 F-Prot 18th 79% 378 TheHacker 19th 78% 401 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 402 Symantec 21st 76% 445 Rising 22nd 75% 459 Fortinet 23rd 75% 463 VBA32 24th 74% 473 McAfee 25th 74% 488 Panda 26th 72% 523 NOD32v2
82 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月3日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 69 AntiVir ADVANCED+ 2nd 95% 77 Ikarus 3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 84 BitDefender 5th 91% 156 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 179 AVG 8th 89% 196 Norman 9th 89% 198 Sophos 10th 89% 200 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 235 Avast 12th 86% 263 ClamAV 13th 85% 277 Microsoft 14th 84% 289 DrWeb 15th 84% 290 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 296 VirusBuster 17th 80% 372 F-Prot 18th 79% 379 TheHacker 19th 78% 403 Symantec 20th 78% 404 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 447 Rising 22nd 75% 460 Fortinet 23rd 75% 465 VBA32 24th 74% 475 McAfee 25th 74% 489 Panda 26th 72% 524 NOD32v2 ADVANCED+(wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
83 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月4日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 95% 77 Ikarus 3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 83 BitDefender 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 179 AVG 8th 89% 196 Sophos 9th 89% 196 Norman 10th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 264 ClamAV 13th 85% 275 Microsoft 14th 84% 289 DrWeb 15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 295 VirusBuster 17th 80% 374 F-Prot 18th 79% 380 TheHacker 19th 78% 402 Symantec 20th 78% 408 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 448 Rising 22nd 75% 459 Fortinet 23rd 75% 466 VBA32 24th 74% 473 McAfee 25th 74% 490 Panda 26th 72% 524 NOD32v2
84 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月5日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 95% 77 Ikarus 3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 83 BitDefender 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 179 AVG 8th 89% 196 Sophos 9th 89% 196 Norman 10th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 264 ClamAV 13th 85% 275 Microsoft 14th 84% 289 DrWeb 15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 295 VirusBuster 17th 80% 374 F-Prot 18th 79% 380 TheHacker 19th 78% 402 Symantec 20th 78% 408 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 448 Rising 22nd 75% 459 Fortinet 23rd 75% 465 VBA32 24th 74% 473 McAfee 25th 74% 490 Panda 26th 72% 524 NOD32v2
85 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月6日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 95% 77 Ikarus 3rd 95% 80 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 83 BitDefender 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 179 AVG 8th 89% 195 Sophos 9th 89% 195 Norman 10th 89% 200 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 231 Avast 12th 86% 263 ClamAV 13th 85% 275 Microsoft 14th 84% 286 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 287 DrWeb 16th 84% 295 VirusBuster 17th 80% 372 F-Prot 18th 79% 379 TheHacker 19th 78% 401 Symantec 20th 78% 409 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 447 Rising 22nd 75% 457 Fortinet 23rd 75% 464 VBA32 24th 75% 471 McAfee 25th 74% 488 Panda 26th 72% 522 NOD32v2
86 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月7日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 70 AntiVir 2nd 95% 79 Ikarus 3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 84 BitDefender 5th 91% 158 Kaspersky 6th 90% 173 F-Secure 7th 90% 180 AVG 8th 89% 197 Sophos 9th 89% 199 Norman 10th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 264 ClamAV 13th 85% 276 Microsoft 14th 84% 288 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 292 DrWeb 16th 84% 299 VirusBuster 17th 80% 375 F-Prot 18th 79% 381 TheHacker 19th 78% 404 Symantec 20th 78% 415 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 449 Rising 22nd 75% 461 Fortinet 23rd 75% 468 VBA32 24th 74% 475 McAfee 25th 73% 493 Panda 26th 72% 527 NOD32v2
87 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月8日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 AntiVir 2nd 95% 81 Ikarus 3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 85 BitDefender 5th 91% 159 Kaspersky 6th 90% 175 F-Secure 7th 90% 181 AVG 8th 89% 199 Sophos 9th 89% 201 Norman 10th 89% 202 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 234 Avast 12th 86% 265 ClamAV 13th 85% 277 Microsoft 14th 84% 290 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 293 DrWeb 16th 84% 302 VirusBuster 17th 80% 378 F-Prot 18th 79% 385 TheHacker 19th 78% 407 Symantec 20th 78% 419 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 453 Rising 22nd 75% 465 Fortinet 23rd 75% 471 VBA32 24th 74% 478 McAfee 25th 73% 496 Panda 26th 72% 529 NOD32v2
88 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月9日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 AntiVir 2nd 95% 82 Ikarus 3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 85 BitDefender 5th 91% 160 Kaspersky 6th 90% 175 F-Secure 7th 90% 184 AVG 8th 89% 199 Sophos 9th 89% 203 Norman 10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 234 Avast 12th 86% 268 ClamAV 13th 85% 277 Microsoft 14th 84% 293 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 296 DrWeb 16th 84% 305 VirusBuster 17th 80% 381 F-Prot 18th 79% 388 TheHacker 19th 78% 410 Symantec 20th 77% 423 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 456 Rising 22nd 75% 468 Fortinet 23rd 75% 474 VBA32 24th 74% 481 McAfee 25th 73% 499 Panda 26th 72% 532 NOD32v2
89 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月10日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 70 AntiVir 2nd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 82 Ikarus 4th 95% 86 BitDefender 5th 91% 159 Kaspersky 6th 90% 174 F-Secure 7th 90% 184 AVG 8th 89% 199 Sophos 9th 89% 202 Norman 10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 236 Avast 12th 86% 268 ClamAV 13th 85% 281 Microsoft 14th 84% 294 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 296 DrWeb 16th 84% 305 VirusBuster 17th 80% 380 F-Prot 18th 79% 388 TheHacker 19th 78% 410 Symantec 20th 77% 427 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 458 Rising 22nd 75% 468 Fortinet 23rd 75% 474 VBA32 24th 74% 481 McAfee 25th 73% 499 Panda 26th 72% 534 NOD32v2
90 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月11日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 70 AntiVir 2nd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 82 Ikarus 4th 95% 86 BitDefender 5th 91% 159 Kaspersky 6th 90% 174 F-Secure 7th 90% 184 AVG 8th 89% 201 Sophos 9th 89% 202 Norman 10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 236 Avast 12th 86% 269 ClamAV 13th 85% 281 Microsoft 14th 84% 296 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 297 DrWeb 16th 84% 307 VirusBuster 17th 80% 383 F-Prot 18th 79% 389 TheHacker 19th 78% 410 Symantec 20th 77% 435 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 458 Rising 22nd 75% 470 Fortinet 23rd 75% 476 VBA32 24th 74% 482 McAfee 25th 73% 502 Panda 26th 72% 537 NOD32v2
91 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月12日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 70 AntiVir 2nd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 82 Ikarus 4th 95% 86 BitDefender 5th 91% 159 Kaspersky 6th 91% 175 F-Secure 7th 90% 184 AVG 8th 89% 201 Sophos 9th 89% 202 Norman 10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 236 Avast 12th 86% 271 ClamAV 13th 85% 282 Microsoft 14th 84% 298 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 299 DrWeb 16th 84% 308 VirusBuster 17th 80% 384 F-Prot 18th 79% 389 TheHacker 19th 78% 414 Symantec 20th 77% 442 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 459 Rising 22nd 75% 471 Fortinet 23rd 75% 477 VBA32 24th 75% 484 McAfee 25th 73% 505 Panda 26th 72% 542 NOD32v2
92 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月13日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 84 Ikarus 4th 95% 86 BitDefender 5th 91% 161 Kaspersky 6th 90% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 185 AVG 8th 89% 203 Sophos 9th 89% 203 Norman 10th 89% 207 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 237 Avast 12th 86% 272 ClamAV 13th 85% 283 Microsoft 14th 84% 300 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 301 DrWeb 16th 84% 309 VirusBuster 17th 80% 386 F-Prot 18th 79% 391 TheHacker 19th 78% 416 Symantec 20th 77% 445 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 461 Rising 22nd 75% 473 Fortinet 23rd 75% 478 VBA32 24th 75% 486 McAfee 25th 73% 507 Panda 26th 72% 544 NOD32v2
93 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月14日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 84 Ikarus 4th 95% 86 BitDefender 5th 91% 161 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 186 AVG 8th 89% 204 Norman 9th 89% 205 Sophos 10th 89% 207 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 239 Avast 12th 85% 274 ClamAV 13th 85% 284 Microsoft 14th 84% 302 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 303 DrWeb 16th 84% 311 VirusBuster 17th 80% 388 F-Prot 18th 79% 392 TheHacker 19th 78% 418 Symantec 20th 77% 447 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 462 Rising 22nd 75% 475 Fortinet 23rd 75% 479 VBA32 24th 75% 487 McAfee 25th 73% 509 Panda 26th 71% 547 NOD32v2
94 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月15日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 84 Ikarus 4th 95% 87 BitDefender 5th 91% 164 Kaspersky 6th 90% 179 F-Secure 7th 90% 186 AVG 8th 89% 205 Norman 9th 89% 207 Sophos 10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 243 Avast 12th 85% 275 ClamAV 13th 85% 290 Microsoft 14th 84% 308 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 309 DrWeb 16th 84% 313 VirusBuster 17th 80% 388 F-Prot 18th 79% 397 TheHacker 19th 78% 420 Symantec 20th 76% 454 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 468 Rising 22nd 75% 478 Fortinet 23rd 75% 482 VBA32 24th 74% 490 McAfee 25th 73% 512 Panda 26th 71% 553 NOD32v2
95 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月16日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 84 Ikarus 4th 95% 87 BitDefender 5th 91% 163 Kaspersky 6th 91% 177 F-Secure 7th 90% 186 AVG 8th 89% 206 Norman 9th 89% 207 Sophos 10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 246 Avast 12th 86% 272 ClamAV 13th 85% 291 Microsoft 14th 84% 311 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 312 DrWeb 16th 84% 314 VirusBuster 17th 80% 388 F-Prot 18th 79% 398 TheHacker 19th 78% 420 Symantec 20th 76% 458 AhnLab-V3 21st 75% 471 Rising 22nd 75% 481 Fortinet 23rd 75% 483 VBA32 24th 74% 494 McAfee 25th 73% 514 Panda 26th 71% 556 NOD32v2
96 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月17日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 AntiVir 2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 83 Ikarus 4th 95% 87 BitDefender 5th 91% 162 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 185 AVG 8th 89% 205 Norman 9th 89% 207 Sophos 10th 89% 208 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 246 Avast 12th 86% 271 ClamAV 13th 85% 290 Microsoft 14th 84% 312 DrWeb 15th 84% 312 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 313 VirusBuster 17th 80% 387 F-Prot 18th 79% 398 TheHacker 19th 78% 420 Symantec 20th 76% 458 AhnLab-V3 21st 75% 471 Rising 22nd 75% 479 Fortinet 23rd 75% 482 VBA32 24th 74% 492 McAfee 25th 73% 513 Panda 26th 71% 554 NOD32v2
97 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月18日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 84 Ikarus 4th 95% 89 BitDefender 5th 91% 163 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 185 AVG 8th 89% 206 Norman 9th 89% 208 CAT-QuickHeal 10th 89% 209 Sophos 11th 87% 247 Avast 12th 86% 272 ClamAV 13th 85% 291 Microsoft 14th 84% 314 DrWeb 15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 315 VirusBuster 17th 80% 388 F-Prot 18th 79% 400 TheHacker 19th 78% 423 Symantec 20th 76% 462 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 473 Rising 22nd 75% 481 Fortinet 23rd 75% 483 VBA32 24th 74% 495 McAfee 25th 73% 514 Panda 26th 71% 557 NOD32v2
98 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月19日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 73 AntiVir 2nd 95% 85 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 87 Ikarus 4th 95% 90 BitDefender 5th 91% 165 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 185 AVG 8th 89% 207 Norman 9th 89% 209 Sophos 10th 89% 211 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 245 Avast 12th 86% 275 ClamAV 13th 85% 291 Microsoft 14th 84% 313 DrWeb 15th 84% 315 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 316 VirusBuster 17th 80% 390 F-Prot 18th 79% 403 TheHacker 19th 78% 423 Symantec 20th 76% 464 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 475 Rising 22nd 75% 483 Fortinet 23rd 75% 484 VBA32 24th 75% 495 McAfee 25th 74% 514 Panda 26th 72% 560 NOD32v2
99 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月20日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 87 Ikarus 4th 95% 90 BitDefender 5th 91% 164 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 185 AVG 8th 89% 207 Sophos 9th 89% 207 Norman 10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 245 Avast 12th 86% 274 ClamAV 13th 85% 289 Microsoft 14th 84% 311 DrWeb 15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 316 VirusBuster 17th 80% 389 F-Prot 18th 79% 402 TheHacker 19th 78% 422 Symantec 20th 76% 462 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 474 Rising 22nd 75% 482 Fortinet 23rd 75% 484 VBA32 24th 75% 494 McAfee 25th 74% 514 Panda 26th 72% 557 NOD32v2
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