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2012年6月昔492: Hello, ignorant people (270)
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Hello, ignorant people
1 :04/01/17 〜 最終レス :11/07/16 I think that your existence value is equal to nothing. Cut why? Since it is coming to a site like a garbage sake. Japanese people plot together, and hurl abuse and suit in the stinking place. It twists [ I can simply understand and ] and is actual. If a noble American like me is in a garbage sake forever, a smell will stick. Good-bye, ignorant people.
2 : 板の活性化にご協力頂きありがとうございました。 またのお越しをお待ちしております!
3 : If it is activation, such a corrupt bulletin board will not be activated.
4 : It is a boy silently.
5 : http://www.toto.co.jp/kids/song/index.htm
6 : You,get fuck out of here.
7 : I think more conversations should be in this thread.
8 : They are unsightly ignorant people. If it is a beast, please do not say to a foolish Japanese like ? you.
9 : I do not think that the honest talk is made by me with the beasts accustomed to the pig.
10 : When I looked at those sentences , I was driven by an impulse to kill a man.
11 : It was playing all my own work(・∀・)!
12 : It is very trivial. Do Japanese people kill people only impulsively? It is a barbarian too.
13 : It is very trivial. Do Japanese people kill people only impulsively? It is a barbarian too.
14 : It is difficult to use a Bulletin Board System if you can penetrate a lie is a lie.
15 : ignorant people like you do such a thing -- there is nothing
16 : Didn't your god say, "Love thy neighbor."?
17 : Is a barbarian's God barbarous too? God which I worship is noble and shining.
18 : American is worse than excrement of a dog. They are mere industrial wastes and can't be dealt with, although even excrement of a dog becomes manure!
19 : hey,Where is a "maturi"?
20 : >>1 KILL YOU
21 : http://game4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poke/1074322566/
22 : It is excrement in toto etc. and inax strongest!!
23 : Can a Japanese dirtier than the feces of a dog scorn the feces of a dog?
24 : http://game5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gameover/1074322611/l50
25 : You Japanese have survived only by bowing to the United States. :)
26 : >>1 もういいから日本語で話そうぜ
27 : >>25 hey toto When you reply here, carry out like this. >>(Number) (Text)
28 : >>1 You bastard!
29 : 日本語喋れカス
30 : >>1 You are fool
31 : >>25 Good point but JP not bow to US. Do U think what happn at US
32 : A mouth is likely to become stinking only by talking. :-)
33 : God is gay
34 : >>32 You are so ghetto!
35 : >>1 You are the person who cannot do conversation. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
36 : >>27 I thought that Japanese people did not teach etc. It is except.
37 : - - - - - - - - - - - - The End - - - - - - - - - - - - -
38 : Many Japanese think that it is barbarous and they are only transformations.
39 : Toto is mofo. He did tons of bad stuff.
40 : >>38 undersutand
41 : >>38 son of a bitch.
42 : >>39 Japanese people are foolish too. It is to abuse me in English of babble. A mouth should also brush its teeth from a smell.
43 : toto is d e s p e r a t e
44 : 飽きてきた
45 : Such a barbarian should have and compensate for death.
46 : m a n k o
47 : Hey,toto! You,re stupid. It returns to a country.
48 : >>44 You is the extent after all. :-)
49 : toto is a pen.
50 : >>47 I have looked down on you. In me, Japanese people have heard that it is barbarous and there is also a fellow with the sword.
51 : >>49 warata.
52 : >>48 「あなたは結局範囲です。」???
53 : toto, why did you write your nationality? Is that matter ? Do you really think American is noble?
54 : っつーか、他板に宣伝してきていい?ハングル板とか。
55 : >>50 私はあなたを軽蔑しました。私では、日本の人々が、それが未開であると聞いていました。 また、さらに剣を持った仲間がいます。 ↑ ???
56 : >>53 Americans are noble and differ from a barbarian. :-)
57 : ごめんもう飽きてきた
58 : Why do you think American is noble? You dont answer my question and Where are you now ?
59 : 実は俺韓国人
60 : 古逸、はんのー尾そいな
61 : 俺も俺も
62 : 肛門が拡張主義
63 : Americans are because it went up to the top on the peak by the decision. >>58
64 : 漏れのタイpingよりおそい。
65 : なんだこりゃ、クソスレだな
66 : kiss my ass!
67 : >>62 Loosen the buttocks and take out feces.
68 : I can't understand english.
69 : >>64 Excite翻訳ですから
70 : What kind of decision? your opininon is very vague.
71 : and prove your nationality! if you are reall american, prove now
72 : It is irony. >>68
73 : are you newbie for this bbs ? Mr./Mrs toto
74 : デブマトリクスとコロッケおさえとけば たいがい大丈夫!!
75 : >>1 I'm sorry...
76 : 陣工夢脳?それともニダーさんかとおもったが。ちがたか?
77 : I came from the LAUNGE. Is it KUSORURE?
78 : ニダーさんじゃなかったら漏れ替えるw
79 : I will declare that it is a genuine American. And you are genuine barbarians.
81 : Il offre sa confiance et son amour.
82 : >>1 You know LOUNGE?
83 : I can't speak English.
84 : >>77 I do not use other names. >>78 What?
85 : you dont answer my question. Where are you and Prove your nationallity
86 : >>82 Does a lounge have relation in this site?
87 : >>86 ↓LOUNGE http://ex.2ch.net/entrance/
88 : give me chocolate!!
89 : 秋田w
90 : There are a lot of foolish people in thd Lounge.
91 : I am a pen. HAHAHAHAHA
92 : >>86 I am the principle of not seeing recklessly the address which Japanese people stretched.
93 : I was pesu
94 : ニダーさんぽくないや。鮭かってけふの工劇にそなえることにする
95 : >>90 I think that it is natural.
96 : >>94 What?
97 : I dislike you.
98 : これの何処が祭りだよw
99 : ('3')toururururururruru
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