Over-learning is a simple technique that helps you improve your memory. Over-learning is the repetitive study of something until it becomes second nature. Even after you think you have learned something, if you continue to study it, you reinforce it in your memory. This practice not only strengthens learning, but it also improves recall speed. Over-learning is the idea behind flashcards, but it can be useful for more things than just your math quiz. Try something as simple as a list of items on a piece of paper that you carry with you. Read through the list several times a day while waiting for the elevator, at a stoplight, in line at a store, before going to sleep, etc. You will learn these items better and recall them more quickly. http://www.braingle.com/mind/18.html
女は時間と金がかかる(girls require time and money)ので Girl = Time × Money ・・・(1) 時は金なり(Time is Money)という諺によると Time = Money ・・・(2) (2)を(1)に代入すると Girl = Money × Money ここで、金は諸悪の根源(money is the root of all evil)だから Money = √(Evil) したがって Girl = √(Evil) × √(Evil) = Evil 女=悪 (証明終