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2012年4月dejima83: Attention for all users. Please read first. (152)
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Attention for all users. Please read first.
1 :08/08/23 〜 最終レス :11/11/05 Are you a beginner of 2ch? Please equip with SG(security guard). Unless you equip it, the data in your pc can be stolen by others. Almost all regular visitors know the command of this bbs, so your IP address are easily pulled out. Many people's real addresses were ever opened to the public, and some of them even retired from fashionable society. That's the dark side of 2ch. But if you equip with SG,as the commands are canceled it is impossible to pull out IP address even by the person who has a high skill. Then,I'll tell you how to equip with SG. Just input to the name field as "fusianasan". All you have to do is completed by this. The effects continue as long as you do not change the telephone number. 2ch is not necessarily a dangerous place. However, it is also true that persons who has malice exists. So don't forget to be careful, and enjoy 2ch!
2 : ura2ch is so hot
3 : >>2 Ura 2ch's certainly very hot but the topic isn't about ura2ch...
4 : Elevens really think we'd fall for something this obvious?
5 : >>1 Don't do this. It is a famous trap. Your English sucks. Why don't you ask a refund for your primary teachers?
6 : Just out of curiosity, what would this do? Is it an autoban like moot#faggot on 4chan?
7 : What is so funny about fusianasan anyways? I've always heard this joke but I've never actually understood what makes it so funny.
8 : hay
9 : kyousei husiana nano?
10 : >>8 I want your FTTH.
11 : Roger that!
12 : Oh! you surprize me!
13 : Hello everyone. Am I safe now? w
14 : Test
15 : Test
16 : >>7 People will hack your computer. Or... the police will come. Or something lolarious.
17 : >>10 Here you are.
18 : >>10 Do it hurry.
19 : >>All Up till now I have been in good shape.
20 : >>19 You need not report it
21 : >>19 I'll go to Miyagi Prefecture and visit you.
22 : >>21 Bring me his FTTH while you're there.
23 : Test.
24 : Ahh, cool.
25 : Hello, everyone. Let's check Internet Protocol address (IP address) . How to check Internet Protocol address (IP address) . 1:Just input to the name field as "fusianasan". 2:Please write something suitable sentences. For instance, "Test" etc. 3:It is completion only by pushing "Write it (Kakikomu)" button. All you have to do is completed by this. What is an IP address? Every device connected to the public Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses consist of four numbers separated by periods (also called a 'dotted-quad') and look something like Since these numbers are usually assigned to internet service providers within region-based blocks, an IP address can often be used to identify the region or country from which a computer is connecting to the Internet. An IP address can sometimes be used to show the user's general location. Because the numbers may be tedious to deal with, an IP address may also be assigned to a Host name, which is sometimes easier to remember. Hostnames may be looked up to find IP addresses, and vice-versa. At one time ISPs issued one IP address to each user. These are called static IP addresses. Because there is a limited number of IP addresses and with increased usage of the internet ISPs now issue IP addresses in a dynamic fashion out of a pool of IP addresses (Using DHCP). These are referred to as dynamic IP addresses. This also limits the ability of the user to host websites, mail servers, ftp servers, etc. In addition to users connecting to the internet, with virtual hosting, a single machine can act like multiple machines (with multiple domain names and IP addresses).
26 : My IP Address Check http://cobra-11.net.nyud.net/
27 : GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 REMOTE_ADDR=planetlab-01.naist.jp QUERY_STRING= HTTP_ACCEPT_RANGES=none REMOTE_PORT=39785 DOCUMENT_ROOT=/usr/local/apache2/htdocs HTTP_USER_AGENT=CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See http://coralcdn.org/) SERVER_SIGNATURE= HTTP_ACCEPT=text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/env.cgi HTTP_HOST=cobra-11.net REQUEST_URI=/ HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR= SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache HTTP_X_CODEMUX_CLIENT= HTTP_CONNECTION=close HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=ja-jp HTTP_REFERER=http://cobra-11.net.nyud.net/ SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0 HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=none REQUEST_METHOD=GET SERVER_ADMIN=you@example.com SERVER_ADDR=cobra-11.net PWD=/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin SERVER_PORT=80 SCRIPT_NAME=/cgi-bin/env.cgi HTTP_VIA=HTTP/1.0 (CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See http://coralcdn.org/)) SERVER_NAME=cobra-11.net
28 : ----- access list ----- 2009/02/13 15:25:50 planetlab2.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2009/02/13 15:35:30 dynamic-98-140-245-28.dsl.cavtel.net 2009/02/13 22:36:14 c-66-41-253-80.hsd1.mn.comcast.net 2009/02/14 12:53:16 2009/02/15 00:50:39 planetlab1.informatik.uni-goettingen.de 2009/02/15 05:39:31 crawl-66-249-71-38.googlebot.com 2009/02/15 17:23:32 2009/02/15 17:42:31 2009/02/15 18:54:35 2009/02/16 11:44:48 llf531199.crawl.yahoo.net 2009/02/16 13:21:45 planetlab4.cs.duke.edu 2009/02/16 14:05:32 planet2.scs.stanford.edu 2009/02/16 16:46:07 planetlab1.fri.uni-lj.si 2009/02/16 19:53:59 planetlab-01.naist.jp
29 : GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 REMOTE_ADDR=planet02.HHI.FRAUNHOFER.DE QUERY_STRING= HTTP_ACCEPT_RANGES=none REMOTE_PORT=50443 DOCUMENT_ROOT=/usr/local/apache2/htdocs HTTP_USER_AGENT=CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See http://coralcdn.org/) SERVER_SIGNATURE= HTTP_ACCEPT=text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/env.cgi HTTP_HOST=cobra-11.net REQUEST_URI=/ HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR= SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache HTTP_X_CODEMUX_CLIENT= HTTP_CONNECTION=close HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=ja-jp HTTP_REFERER=http://cobra-11.net.nyud.net/ SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0 HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=none REQUEST_METHOD=GET SERVER_ADMIN=you@example.com SERVER_ADDR=cobra-11.net PWD=/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin SERVER_PORT=80 SCRIPT_NAME=/cgi-bin/env.cgi HTTP_VIA=HTTP/1.0 (CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See http://coralcdn.org/)) SERVER_NAME=cobra-11.net
30 : ----- access list ----- 2009/02/13 15:25:50 planetlab2.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2009/02/13 15:35:30 dynamic-98-140-245-28.dsl.cavtel.net 2009/02/13 22:36:14 c-66-41-253-80.hsd1.mn.comcast.net 2009/02/14 12:53:16 2009/02/15 00:50:39 planetlab1.informatik.uni-goettingen.de 2009/02/15 05:39:31 crawl-66-249-71-38.googlebot.com 2009/02/15 17:23:32 2009/02/15 17:42:31 2009/02/15 18:54:35 2009/02/16 11:44:48 llf531199.crawl.yahoo.net 2009/02/16 13:21:45 planetlab4.cs.duke.edu 2009/02/16 14:05:32 planet2.scs.stanford.edu 2009/02/16 16:46:07 planetlab1.fri.uni-lj.si 2009/02/16 19:53:59 planetlab-01.naist.jp 2009/02/17 01:35:40 planetlab01.cnds.unibe.ch 2009/02/17 09:24:39 2009/02/17 14:56:17 2009/02/17 20:01:02 crawl-66-249-71-12.googlebot.com 2009/02/17 20:15:09 planet2.scs.stanford.edu 2009/02/17 21:05:08 deimos.cecalc.ula.ve 2009/02/18 05:36:02 118-167-129-72.dynamic.hinet.net 2009/02/18 15:14:07 planet02.HHI.FRAUNHOFER.DE
31 : dejima@2ch.BBS URL:http://gimpo.2ch.net.nyud.net:8090/dejima/ dejima@2ch.BBS@Subback URL:http://gimpo.2ch.net.nyud.net:8090/dejima/subback.html Attention for all users. Please read first. URL:http://gimpo.2ch.net.nyud.net:8090/test/read.cgi/dejima/1219431280/ dejima has been born. URL:http://gimpo.2ch.net.nyud.net:8090/test/read.cgi/dejima/1210155526/ ____________NOLWAY____________ URL:http://gimpo.2ch.net.nyud.net:8090/test/read.cgi/dejima/1230484689/ The Wedding Dresses thread. URL:http://gimpo.2ch.net.nyud.net:8090/test/read.cgi/dejima/1233994979/ Bookmark Links URL:http://gimpo.2ch.net.nyud.net:8090/test/read.cgi/dejima/1210155526/203 Alexa Top Page URL:http://www.alexa.com.nyud.net/ Global Top Sites URL:http://www.alexa.com.nyud.net/site/ds/top_sites?ts_mode=global&lang=none 2ch.net-Traffic Details from Alexa URL:http://www.alexa.com.nyud.net/data/details/traffic_details/2ch.net livedoor.com-Traffic Details from Alexa URL:http://www.alexa.com.nyud.net/data/details/traffic_details/livedoor.com The winning E-mail Mcdonalds card 2000 yen. URL:http://ameblo.jp.nyud.net/yuzutya19/entry-10113056000.html
32 : IP Address checker http://www.sv15.com.nyud.net/diary/ipaddress.htm
33 : Link Notes Shikagawa 1 http://piza.2ch.net.nyud.net/log/soc/kako/947/947695397.html Shikagawa 2 http://saki.2ch.net.nyud.net/news/kako/966/966964018.html Shikagawa 3 http://school.2ch.net.nyud.net/edu/kako/1001/10010/1001056403.html
34 : The recession is not only a bad thing. Fukuro-MAN: The recession is not only a bad thing. http://shirakobato.cocolog-nifty.com.nyud.net/man/2008/12/post-4374.html To the good future after making use of the recession. http://maruta.be.nyud.net/midnight25/407 The recession might be a chance?? http://www.ads-network.co.jp.nyud.net/cabin/ca-72.htm To the good future after making use of the recession II. http://www.cafeglobe.com.nyud.net/cool/eco/ To the good future after making use of the recession III. http://www.paltek.co.jp.nyud.net/hyp/backno/601_650/Vol629_1023.txt Obispo http://www.sohosharing.com.nyud.net/obispo/blog/ The goldfish. http://bunbunmaru.livedoor.biz.nyud.net/archives/51179892.html
35 : Hello, everyone! From AmieNet Kokuryo (Maebashi city Gunma) datacenter. The Web page of the blog style Web page was made for trial purposes. History repeats itself. URL:http://119-230-69-184.eonet.ne.jp.nyud.net/~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/enter.html
36 : GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 REMOTE_ADDR=kc-sce-plab2.umkc.edu QUERY_STRING= HTTP_ACCEPT_RANGES=none REMOTE_PORT=55464 DOCUMENT_ROOT=/usr/local/apache2/htdocs HTTP_USER_AGENT=CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See http://coralcdn.org/) SERVER_SIGNATURE= HTTP_ACCEPT=text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/env.cgi HTTP_HOST=cobra-11.net REQUEST_URI=/ HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR= SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache HTTP_X_CODEMUX_CLIENT= HTTP_CONNECTION=close HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=ja-jp HTTP_REFERER=http://cobra-11.net.nyud.net/ SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0 HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=none REQUEST_METHOD=GET SERVER_ADMIN=you@example.com SERVER_ADDR=cobra-11.net PWD=/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin SERVER_PORT=80 SCRIPT_NAME=/cgi-bin/env.cgi HTTP_VIA=HTTP/1.0 (CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See http://coralcdn.org/)) SERVER_NAME=cobra-11.net
37 : ----- access list ----- 2009/02/13 15:25:50 planetlab2.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2009/02/13 15:35:30 dynamic-98-140-245-28.dsl.cavtel.net 2009/02/13 22:36:14 c-66-41-253-80.hsd1.mn.comcast.net 2009/02/14 12:53:16 2009/02/15 00:50:39 planetlab1.informatik.uni-goettingen.de 2009/02/15 05:39:31 crawl-66-249-71-38.googlebot.com 2009/02/15 17:23:32 2009/02/15 17:42:31 2009/02/15 18:54:35 2009/02/16 11:44:48 llf531199.crawl.yahoo.net 2009/02/16 13:21:45 planetlab4.cs.duke.edu 2009/02/16 14:05:32 planet2.scs.stanford.edu 2009/02/16 16:46:07 planetlab1.fri.uni-lj.si 2009/02/16 19:53:59 planetlab-01.naist.jp 2009/02/17 01:35:40 planetlab01.cnds.unibe.ch 2009/02/17 09:24:39 2009/02/17 14:56:17 2009/02/17 20:01:02 crawl-66-249-71-12.googlebot.com 2009/02/17 20:15:09 planet2.scs.stanford.edu 2009/02/17 21:05:08 deimos.cecalc.ula.ve 2009/02/18 05:36:02 118-167-129-72.dynamic.hinet.net 2009/02/18 15:14:07 planet02.HHI.FRAUNHOFER.DE 2009/02/18 19:41:04 caerus.ivegotafang.com 2009/02/19 00:42:16 planetlab-02.bu.edu 2009/02/19 15:50:04 csc0g04prb.net.cuhk.edu.hk 2009/02/19 18:23:23 planetlab1.isi.jhu.edu 2009/02/19 22:55:53 lava-ext.nus.edu.sg 2009/02/20 15:44:11 planetlab-7.CS.Princeton.EDU 2009/02/20 18:54:40 crawl-66-249-71-38.googlebot.com 2009/02/21 02:14:27 swsat1503.mpi-sws.mpg.de 2009/02/21 14:50:39 swsat1503.mpi-sws.mpg.de
38 : 2009/02/21 23:19:30 pl2.planetlab.ics.tut.ac.jp 2009/02/22 12:49:58 peeramide.irisa.fr 2009/02/22 18:38:42 votypka.hhnet.cz 2009/02/22 21:57:42 planet2.inf.tu-dresden.de 2009/02/23 07:59:52 crawl-66-249-71-11.googlebot.com 2009/02/23 11:56:01 llf531053.crawl.yahoo.net 2009/02/23 13:54:11 planetlab1.cse.msu.edu 2009/02/24 10:21:29 2009/02/25 20:39:28 crawl-66-249-71-38.googlebot.com 2009/02/26 01:49:16 planetlab2.cs.purdue.edu 2009/02/26 03:12:30 msnbot-65-55-210-108.search.msn.com 2009/02/27 02:55:41 caerus.ivegotafang.com 2009/02/27 05:55:30 caerus.ivegotafang.com 2009/02/27 16:33:37 planetlab1.cs.uoregon.edu 2009/02/27 21:44:18 93-96-181-132.zone4.bethere.co.uk 2009/02/27 22:13:00 caerus.ivegotafang.com 2009/02/27 23:37:52 planetlab0.dojima.wide.ad.jp 2009/02/28 05:35:35 a2-151.ltk.com.ua 2009/02/28 11:27:26 crawl-66-249-71-10.googlebot.com 2009/02/28 23:29:55 89-149-244-57.internetserviceteam.com 2009/03/01 03:11:41 planetlab1.informatik.uni-goettingen.de 2009/03/01 16:42:36 swsat1505.mpi-sws.mpg.de 2009/03/01 20:33:22 89-149-244-57.internetserviceteam.com 2009/03/02 01:12:50 89-149-244-57.internetserviceteam.com 2009/03/02 15:38:35 crawl-66-249-71-36.googlebot.com 2009/03/03 10:50:36 2009/03/03 16:46:17 csc0g04prb.net.cuhk.edu.hk 2009/03/03 17:54:39 server1.planetlab.iit-tech.net 2009/03/04 03:15:58 92.f5.344a.static.theplanet.com 2009/03/04 08:06:29 llf531363.crawl.yahoo.net 2009/03/04 17:01:25 kc-sce-plab2.umkc.edu
39 : As for the fan, searching for the truth of the death might only have to pass on her smile, voice, and wonderful of her character to future generations. It turns over and I think that is a thing for which she hopes to the fan because her amount works hard without the thing to forget her, too and I live. As the talent, when the suicide attempt event is caused at that time (And, still), it is a mortal wound. It was necessary to understand her character, and to grip the mental status from the action and speech and behavior. Do, and it is responsible, and owing is natural its fault because it neglected it. the responsibility as ..president (current chairman).. person in charge the San music. The chairman wants you to admit an own responsibility before it dies voluntarily. And, I think that it applies the distinction as a president at that time though the deceased doesn't revive. Afterwards, Noriko Sakai's manager has committed suicide in-house. How is the psychic hygiene in the San music going? Cannot you touch an own responsibility in chairman's standpoint? It is 'Real thing and foolishness. ' if it thinks if it committed suicide really because of disappointed loveI gave one's views from the overwork standpoint of having died in a severe schedule.
40 : As for the fan, searching for the truth of the death might only have to pass on her smile, voice, and wonderful of her character to future generations. It turns over and I think that is a thing for which she hopes to the fan because her amount works hard without the thing to forget her, too and I live. As the talent, when the suicide attempt event is caused at that time (And, still), it is a mortal wound. It was necessary to understand her character, and to grip the mental status from the action and speech and behavior. Do, and it is responsible, and owing is natural its fault because it neglected it. the responsibility as ..president (current chairman).. person in charge the San music. The chairman wants you to admit an own responsibility before it dies voluntarily. And, I think that it applies the distinction as a president at that time though the deceased doesn't revive. Afterwards, Noriko Sakai's manager has committed suicide in-house. How is the psychic hygiene in the San music going? Cannot you touch an own responsibility in chairman's standpoint? It is 'Real thing and foolishness. ' if it thinks if it committed suicide really because of disappointed loveI gave one's views from the overwork standpoint of having died in a severe schedule.
41 : Because Ms. Okada was lodging at president's house, a president, a variety of discussions normally or the consultations are..it is sure to have being able to do... Though it is thought that the communication of the intention is not so attempted for it. The schedule was severe and I think whether become it any longer managned for a moment though Ms. Okada might have been holding back. Was it any type held for myself? I do not want to show the person my weakness though it is terrible, weak, and it wants to consult the person about the worry thing in reality. If I do not think it is strong, it is likely not to be able to live in the spectacle society. By the way, chairman Aizawa thinks that it firmly shoulders the cross called Ms. Okada and lives. It still worries about the wife and the maid.
42 : - - [05/Mar/2009:02:20:13 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/enter.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1573 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:20:21 +0900] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 404 209 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:20:22 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0900.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 177605 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:21:01 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/200902.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1591 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:21:02 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0907.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 122190 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:21:03 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0901.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 122520 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:21:03 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0906.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 140952 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:21:06 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0905.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 134757 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:21:06 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0903.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 152407 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:21:11 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0908.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 119604 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:07 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog2009.html HTTP/1.0" 200 2373 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:12 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog200903.html HTTP/1.0" 200 5652 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:19 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Access%20Log:200903/Access%20Log:20090301.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 9701 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:27 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Access%20Log:200903/Access%20Log:20090302.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 1149 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:35 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Access%20Log:200903/Access%20Log:20090304.txt HTTP/1.0" 200 2648
43 : - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:48 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/toppage.html HTTP/1.0" 200 2118 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:50 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/aqua.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 40989 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:50 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/audrey_primary.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 27280 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:50 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Jane-Wang-10650-large.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 24607 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:50 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/minimini.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 13028 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:51 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/marguerite.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 29228 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:51 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/rosef.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 29206 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:22:54 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/cinderella.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 31468 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:23:07 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog2008.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1293 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:23:48 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/cinderella.html HTTP/1.0" 200 875 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:00 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/cinderellab.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 31251 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:00 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/cinderellas.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 31867 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:23 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/marguerite.html HTTP/1.0" 200 875 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:25 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/margueriteb.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 32584 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:29 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/marguerites.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 31670
44 : - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:39 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/rose.html HTTP/1.0" 200 880 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:42 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/roses.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 33856 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:42 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/roseb.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 33236 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:24:44 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/rose.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 14318 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:05 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/aqua.html HTTP/1.0" 200 845 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:09 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/aquab.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 40523 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:10 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/aquas.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 27678 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:25 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/elizebeth.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1088 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:27 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Jane-Wang-10650-Altpic-10222-large.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 25684 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:27 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/elizebeth_sec02.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 32900 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:30 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/elizebeth_primary.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 35530 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:30 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/knjanef070022l.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 61821 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:32 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/elizebeth_sec01.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 33002 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:57 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/audrey.html HTTP/1.0" 200 916 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:25:58 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/audrey_sec01.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 23013
45 : - - [05/Mar/2009:02:26:02 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Jane-Wang-10644-large.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 21446 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:26:18 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/panier.html HTTP/1.0" 200 873 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:26:20 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/mini.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 8968 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:26:23 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/natural.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 24447 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:30:16 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/accesslog2009.html HTTP/1.0" 200 2369 - - [05/Mar/2009:02:30:29 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/accesslog2008.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1289 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:42:00 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/enter.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1573 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:42:08 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0900.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 177605 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:42:36 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/200902.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1591 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:43:36 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0907.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 122190 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:43:37 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0901.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 122520 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:43:36 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0903.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 152407 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:43:38 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0908.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 119604 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:43:39 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0905.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 134757 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:43:39 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/kokuryo.gunma.amie.org/IMG_0906.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 140952
46 : - - [06/Mar/2009:02:43:59 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog2009.html HTTP/1.0" 200 2373 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:39 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog2008.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1293 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:54 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/toppage.html HTTP/1.0" 200 2118 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:55 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/minimini.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 13028 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:55 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/aqua.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 40989 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:55 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Jane-Wang-10650-large.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 24607 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:55 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/audrey_primary.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 27280 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:56 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/rosef.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 29206 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:59 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/cinderella.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 31468 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:44:59 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/marguerite.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 29228 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:08 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/panier.html HTTP/1.0" 200 873 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:09 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/mini.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 8968 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:09 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/natural.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 24447 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:25 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/audrey.html HTTP/1.0" 200 916 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:27 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/audrey_sec01.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 23013
47 : - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:27 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Jane-Wang-10644-large.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 21446 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:42 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/elizebeth.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1088 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:44 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/elizebeth_primary.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 35530 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:44 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/Jane-Wang-10650-Altpic-10222-large.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 25684 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:44 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/elizebeth_sec01.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 33002 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:44 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/knjanef070022l.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 61821 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:45:45 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/elizebeth_sec02.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 32900 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:03 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/aqua.html HTTP/1.0" 200 845 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:07 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/aquab.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 40523 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:07 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/aquas.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 27678 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:21 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/rose.html HTTP/1.0" 200 880 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:27 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/rose.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 14318 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:27 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/roseb.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 33236 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:27 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/roses.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 33856 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:42 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/marguerite.html HTTP/1.0" 200 875
48 : - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:43 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/marguerites.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 31670 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:43 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/margueriteb.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 32584 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:46:58 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/cinderella.html HTTP/1.0" 200 875 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:47:00 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/cinderellab.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 31251 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:47:02 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/cinderellas.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 31867 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:48:47 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog200901.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4573 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:48:57 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog200902.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4576 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:49:07 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog200903.html HTTP/1.0" 200 5652 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:49:25 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog200809.html HTTP/1.0" 200 2871 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:49:33 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog200810.html HTTP/1.0" 200 5679 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:49:44 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog200811.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4889 - - [06/Mar/2009:02:49:51 +0900] "GET /~p1721-ipbffx600/shibuya.tokyo.amie.or.jp/accesslog200812.html HTTP/1.0" 200 5363
49 : The small tool series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1199602397/ The Mona series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152805790/ The text art tests. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152625784/ The landscape and background series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152717834/ The Giko series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152705306/ The chat and FAQ thread. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152715971/ The others text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152705406/ The food series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1221551236/ The deliberating. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1221989676/ The vehicle series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1220844903/ -Part1- The text art story. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1197796482/ The animal and insect etc. series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1153161696/ Let's make chaofan (Chinese fried rice). http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1160554337/ The template for text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp.nyud.net/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1185800392/
50 : The small tool series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1199602397/ The Mona series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152805790/ The text art tests. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152625784/ The landscape and background series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152717834/ The Giko series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152705306/ The chat and FAQ thread. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152715971/ The others text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1152705406/ The food series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1221551236/ The deliberating. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1221989676/ The vehicle series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1220844903/ -Part1- The text art story. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1197796482/ The animal and insect etc. series text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1153161696/ Let's make chaofan (Chinese fried rice). http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1160554337/ The template for text art. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/30885/1185800392/
51 : >1 Oh,thx!
52 : Eeh, maji?
53 : a
54 : What the server administrator knows is individual information on you possible. URL : http://www.qbit.it/lab/web.php?p=http%3A%2F%2Fipatukouta.altervista.org%2Fphp5%2F%3Fimage%2Fsharpbaka.jpg Internet Protocol address etc. of people who saw above-mentioned URL are displayed here -> http://www.qbit.it/lab/web.php?p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uploda.biz%2F . There is no what to your individual information leaks even if this URL is clicked. Instead, people who visit the WEB site can be gotten to know. Outline of test : This test is used to understand fear of the Internet that easily leaks individual information. Please write the effect noted without fail when you induce it to test WEB page -> http://www.qbit.it/lab/web.php?p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uploda.biz%2F . Please refer to the following WEB site for a detailed content. URL : http://o0o.x0.com.nyud.net/news/archives/help.htm
55 : What the server administrator (Refer to following note) knows is individual information on you possible. URL : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg Internet Protocol address etc. of people who saw above-mentioned URL are displayed here -> http://webwarper.net/ww/~av/www.uploda.biz/ . There is no what to your individual information leaks even if this URL is clicked. Instead, people who visit the WEB site can be gotten to know. Outline of test : This test is used to understand fear of the Internet that easily leaks individual information. Please write the effect noted without fail when you induce it to test WEB page -> http://webwarper.net/ww/~av/www.uploda.biz/ . Please refer to the following WEB site for a detailed content. URL : http://o0o.x0.com.nyud.net/news/archives/help.htm Note : Administrator -> It is a manager on the computer and the network.
56 : I have to go hard.
57 : testtt
58 : The proxy server that was able to be used freely was prepared for everybody. Please use it if there is demand. It is an explanation of the setting method to a browser. 1: When the proxy server is set, the IP address and the port number are specified. (180-144-56-90.eonet.ne.jp:80) ":" Previous "" of shows IP address of the proxy server. IP address of the proxy server uses either of the name of a remote host or IP address, and it unites it to the IP address mark basically for me. Moreover, "80" after ":" shows the port number of the proxy server. 2: It is env checkers "Shindan-kun" whether correctly set after IP address of the proxy server is set to a browser Let's confirm it by http://taruo.net/e/ If the WEB site is normally displayed, and third party's IP address is displayed in the value of REMOTE_ADDR, it is a success (Let's compare it to the value before IP address is set to the proxy server). There is a thing that the proxy server has been downed, too and acknowledge the respect, please when the WEB site is not normally displayed. Moreover, the setting of a browser is wrong, and confirm the part where IP address of the proxy server of a browser is set again, please when before the value of REMOTE_ADDR sets it even if it is time when it was normally displayed the WEB site and anything is steady it. URL :
59 : lo
60 : botsvsbrowsers.com Bots vs Browsers About Bots vs Browsers (botsvsbrowsers.com): This large database lists user agents in categories and distinguishes between robots and browsers. URL: http://botsvsbrowsers.com/
61 : Wedding Dresses Fetish URL: http://www.gazo-ch.net/orz/read.php/thread/11/11389/ Formal Dresses Fetish URL: http://www.gazo-ch.net/orz/read.php/thread/11/8955/ Formal Dresses Fetish Part2 http://www.gazo-ch.net/orz/read.php/thread/11/457458/ Wedding Dresses http://www.gazo-ch.net/orz/read.php/thread/11/261415/ Wedding Dresses Part2 URL: http://www.gazo-ch.net/orz/read.php/thread/11/546711/ Wedding Dresses Part3 URL: http://www.gazo-ch.net/orz/read.php/thread/11/555827/ The Brides URL: http://www.gazo-ch.net/orz/read.php/thread/11/91840/ Bridal Fetish URL: http://www.gazo-ch.net/orz/read.php/thread/11/23582/
62 : Arundhati 2009 720p BluRay nHD x264 - NhaNc3 (RS/MU) URL: http://www.river4free.com/
63 : IP Check
64 : Please check whether your remote host can write it on the 2ch with following URL. Madakana, Madakana, Manakana URL: http://qb6.2ch.net/_403/madakana.cgi
65 : It is very sleepy today. It is an introduction of the English translation site. Excite translation URL: http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/
66 : It's a test to which IP address is changed.
67 : Kishiwada district drawing of Osaka City Development (high-speed rail Senboku) URL: http://rurohsei.michikusa.jp.nyud.net/semboku-kosoku-line1.html
68 : *Today's maxim* If it wants to study elegant English, it is necessary to study elegant Japanese. Tororin Proxy Site URL: http://tororin.sp.land.to/proxy/index.php Tororin Proxy Site (Backup) URL: http://www17.atpages.jp/tororin/proxy/index.php
69 : It goes to the barber now.
70 : AMEDAN BEAUTE INSTITUT URL: http://amedan-beaute-institut.fr.nyud.net/
71 : fuckin
72 : planetlab-04.naist.jp - 2010/04/04 15:11:21 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
73 : planetlab-01.naist.jp - 2010/04/05 10:14:01 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
74 : planetlab4.goto.info.waseda.ac.jp - 2010/04/06 02:37:44 IP : Referer : http://tukouta.p2p.uploda.biz.nyud.net/kushinana/001.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/kushinana/001.jpg Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
75 : planetlab-03.naist.jp - 2010/04/06 09:29:32 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Quer : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
76 : >Unless you equip it, the data in your pc can be stolen by others. SOUNDS LEGIT BROSEPH!
77 : pl1.planetlab.ics.tut.ac.jp - 2010/04/07 15:00:37 IP : Referer :http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT :CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
78 : planetlab-01.naist.jp - 2010/04/08 15:46:14 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
79 : - 2010/04/09 10:39:16 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
80 : planetlab-02.kusa.ac.jp - 2010/04/10 09:30:48 IP : Referer : USER-AGENT :CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan :7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
81 : pub1-s.ane.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp - 2010/04/11 11:21:01 IP : Referer :http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT :CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan :7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
82 : - 2010/04/12 12:00:01 IP : Referer :http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT :CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan :7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
83 : - 2010/04/13 10:04:01 IP : Referer :http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT :CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan :7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
84 : planet1.jaist.ac.jp - 2010/04/14 13:22:05 IP : Referer :http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT :CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan :7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
85 : NATURE STORY URL : http://naturalstory.net/
86 : planetlab0.dojima.wide.ad.jp - 2010/04/15 10:33:05 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
87 : planet1.jaist.ac.jp - 2010/04/19 10:49:13 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?realura2ch/fusianasan.php USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE Please refer to the following site. Omanchin Modoki memories http://shizu.0000.jp/read.php/jikken/1271243160/
88 : planetlab-04.naist.jp - 2010/04/21 11:55:04 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
89 : planetlab2.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp - 2010/04/21 23:38:05 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
90 : 220-128-136-30.HINET-IP.hinet.net - 2010/04/22 12:00:03 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
91 : - 2010/04/23 10:53:03 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
92 : planetlab1.iis.sinica.edu.tw - 2010/04/24 23:53:06 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
93 : planet0.jaist.ac.jp - 2010/04/25 12:56:00 IP : Referer : http://tukouta.p2p.uploda.biz.nyud.net/kushinana/001.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/kushinana/001.jpg Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
94 : planetlab5.ie.cuhk.edu.hk - 2010/04/25 19:25:05 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
95 : planetlab-04.naist.jp - 2010/04/29 01:57:01 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
96 : planetlab2.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp - 2010/04/29 19:05:04 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
97 : planetlab-03.naist.jp - 2010/05/07 16:29:01 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
98 : planetlab-1.vuse.vanderbilt.edu - 2010/05/15 18:48:04 IP : Referer : http://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?image/sharpbaka.jpg USER-AGENT : CoralWebPrx/0.1.20 (See http://coralcdn.org/) Query : PATH_INFO :/ Port scan : 7743-CLOSE 11560-CLOSE 31259-CLOSE 31529-CLOSE
99 : okonbanwa.
100read 1read
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