昨日の復習 φ(。。) 2/25 nw9 世界一の鉄 記録達成へ Around that time Japanese petrochemical plants mainly used imported steel from western countries. It was difficult to use Japanese steel because domestic steel makers didn't have data to support the durability of their heat-resistant steel. 小向美奈子逮捕 Metropolitan Police have arrested celebrity Minako Komukai on suspition of receiving illegal drugs from a smuggling group. The TV star is believed to have accepted stimulant at a hotel in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward in May last year. 年金問題 The cabinet of Japan's prime minister Naoto Kan appears inconsistent in the view of a pension system for full-time homemakers. Some people may receive pension money even without paying contributions. The problem involves homemakers whose husbands are company employees. 海外からの観光客増加 An estimated 714,400 foreign tourists visit Japan last month, 11.6% more than a year ago and the largest number ever for January. One fact behind the strong figures is a recovery in tourism from China. プロ野球キャンプ情報 For Yakult, training pitchers who can join starting rotation is an important issue to address. The most likely candidate is Tatsuyoshi Masubuchi, a setup man who is in his fifth year as a pro player.
今日のNEWS7復習.. φ(。。) 逮捕の大学生 就職活動の帰り A male college student had forcibly taken control of a bus and caused its overturn. He reportedly told police he was on his way back from a job-hunting trip. He had taken over the steering wheel in order to cause an accident and commit suicide. NZ地震 身元確認の進め方 A government official reportedly explained that they cannot let the family see the bodies before DNA yses and other designated procedures have been completed. 議員定数 経費削減 The ruling Democratic Party will also come up with proposals to reduce the number of Diet seats as well as the allowances given to lawmakers. Kan says reform must be implemented even at the *** politicians. He says the cabinet under ruling coalition must work together on streamlining the Diet while tacling social security and tax reform. "*** politicians" の***の部分が聞き取れなかった
>>2復習追加 気象情報 春一番 In Kanto we had the first strong souther. Usually next day we have cold weather, and this may be repeaded tomorrow. And in Tokyo we had the southern wind. It was the first strong spring wind, and the wind velocity was about 30km/h. And the temperature rose, reaching 20.8 degrees Celsius in Tokyo, and it was as warm as late April. やたらandが挟まっているのは平井さんの解説の同時通訳だから。 平井さんが風速8mと言ったのをわざわざ時速に換算していた。 早見表でも持っているのか。
今日のnews7 00:00 headlines 01 entrance exam cheating 京大入試などで試験問題投稿 12 new zealand earthquake NZ地震 日本人家族DNA資料提出 支援の動き始まる 19 rugby national championship ラグビー日本選手権 21 tokyo marathon 東京マラソン 25 baharain libya china ハーレーン リビア 中国 反政府運動 27 weather 天気
12 :
...φ(。。) *Some universities have launched emergency probes into entrance exam cheating, following the revelation that student applicants to Kyoto University swapped questions and answers online. Similar cases suspected at Rikkyo, Doshisha, and Waseda universities. *The families of the missing also provided materials for DNA tests through the New Zealand government including toothbrushes, clothes and saliva samples. Some submittedtheir children's notebooks and pencils to collect the fingerprints. *More than 36,000 people took part in today's Tokyo Marathon, Japan's largest. Japan's Yuki Kawauchi came third with the time of 2 hours 8 minutes to qualify for the next world championship. Remarkably, Kawauchi is an amateur who works for Saitama's prefectural government.
今日のNW9 21:00 entrance exam cheating 京大入試流出 08 nz earthquake NZ地震 不明者の安否 15 diet budget bills 国会 予算審議 21 libya un sanction リビア情勢 国連制裁 26 nhk cameraman arrested NHKカメラマン逮捕 29 new business overcome japan syndrome 出生率アップ 託児ビジネス 39 marathon kawauchi マラソン 公務員ランナー 40 academy award アカデミー賞 bird flu 鳥インフルウィルス検出 japan china relation 日中関係 jal revives symbol 日航鶴丸マーク復活 42 weather 天気 46 sports mlb nishioka メジャーリーグ 西岡 51 nagatomo okazaki サッカー 長友 岡崎 53 yuki saito 野球 斎藤
16 :
..φ(。。) *This is how questions were sent to the site from an examination venue. I try typing in the Kyoto University English language exam question on a mobile phone. Of course it needs to be done discreetly so other people don't notice. It took more than one minute and twenty seconds to type in half the problem. Looking down and keeping this posture for this length of time would make people suspicious. if the camera function on the phone is used, the problem can be stored in the camera in a second. But people would hear the sound of the camera snapping the photo.
17 :
>>16続き Mobile phone cameras are designed to make a noise when pictures are taken, so the others cannot photograph you without your knowledge. *Japan's birth rate has dropped to 1.37, the lowest among advanced nations. If the country's birth rate continues to drop, consumption will decline and economy will shrink. This will hurt the employment situation and household finances and discourage people from having children, thus lowering the birth rate even further. This vicious circle is called the Japan syndrome. ↑「ジャパン・シンドロームについて英語で説明しろ」って設問があったら そのまま使えそうだ
18 :
今日のNW9 21:00 Sky Tree has reached 601m スカイツリー 03 Entrance exam cheating: police have begun investigation 入試問題投稿 09 Tokyo gubernatorial election: matsuzawa will run 知事選 松沢 14 NZ earthquake: doubts are growing over the building's earthquake resistence NZ地震 耐震性に問題 23 the lower house has passed fiscal 2011 budget, 16members absent 衆院予算通過 16人欠席・処分 29 Libya: qadhafi group is attacking towns under control of rebels リビア 32 Japan syndrom series: nursing care business in japan ジャパンシンドローム 42 Chinese government blamed the foreign media 中国外務省 記者と論戦 44 Weather 天気 48 Sports: Japan sumo association chairman apologized for cancelling the tournament 相撲協会が謝罪/ The first game between professional and college baseball was played 野球プロアマ交流解禁 52 MLB Koji Uehara interview メジャー 上原/Matsui appeared in a pre-season exhibition game 松井秀喜 /Chunichi and softbank played an exhibition game 中日-ソフトバンクオープン戦
19 :
..φ(。。) *Sky Tree is expected to reach its final height of 634m before the end of March when it'll become fully operational. Today is March the first, spring is also in the air near Tokyo Sky Tree. *People are asking questions about why this building was damaged so much. It was built in 1975. Prime minister John Key had this to say: "...building was built in 1975, but Building Code changed 1976." The government changed construction standards for reinforced concrete buildings to folloing year. Many buildings that got damaged severely in the latest earthquake are believed to have been built before the revision.
20 :
今日のNW9 21:00 Police have identified a Kyoto University examinee from the Tohoku region as a subscriber to the cell phon used for online cheating. 入試問題投稿 持主特定 07 Twenty eight Japanese people remain missing more than a week after the devastating quake hit Christchurch, NZ. NZ地震 家族ビル倒壊現場へ 12 The confusion in the Middle East is causing the price of crude oil to rise sharply 原油・ガソリン価格高騰 18 Libya: As anti-government forces gain ground, Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi is remaining on the defensive, using security forces and military aircraft. リビア情勢 25 A social networking service based in the United States is bracing the tail of a new and potential lucrative business model. ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス 31 Budget committee meeting schedule 参院予算委開催 見送り 32 Two Chinese naval aircraft flew close to Senkaku Islands 中国軍機が接近 33 The public is now becoming more disillusioned with local city assemblies シリーズ地方政治 43 Welfare Minister Ritsuo Hosokawa says he will consider reviewing the scheme that helps housewives who fail to switch pension programs when their husbands change jobs. 年金救済策 廃止含め見直し 44 Weather 天気 48 Sports: In Japanese professional baseball four pre-season exhibition games played today. And three rookie pitchers are drawing a lot of publicattention and chance to pitch today. 野球オープン戦 54 MLB Matsuzaka interview 59 Exam cheating 携帯 親名義
21 :
今日のNW9 ..φ(。。) 21:00 入試問題 19歳予備校生逮捕 A 19 year-old cram school student has been arrested on suspicion of posting university entrance exam questions online while the test underway. The student has reportedly told police that he really wanted to pass the exam and he was sorry for what he did and he says he acted alone. Shortly after 6 o'clock at the kyoto prefectural police headqurters, this official says an underage male has been arrested on suspicion of using internet during entrance exams at Kyoto University. :08 NZ地震から10日目 On the 10th day after a devastating earthquake hit Christchurch in New Zealand's south island, New Zealand's goverment has announced that it will shift focus of disaster relief operations to recovering victims' bodies. The chances of finding more survivors are now considered very low. The announcement means that rescue operations are effectively at an end. :13 民主党に離党届提出 Today a new development has come. Lower House Democrat Yuko Sato says the party has changed from what was when she was elected because it is now advocating tax increases. Sato belongs to a group of lawmakers close to former DPJ leader Ichiro Ozawa.
今日のNW9 ..φ(。。) 21:00 3歳の女の子に何が… Three-year-old Koko, the youngest child of Seiichiro Shimuzu, a nursing care giver, was missing yesterday evening from the supermarket where she was shopping with her family. Today her body was discovered in a river. Police say that Koko went missing after she went alone to the lavatory in the supermarket at around 7:30 p.m. Images of a man carrying a bulging backpack were captured by a security camera in the store. This afternoon, police arrested Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, a twenty- year-old university student, on suspision of abandonment of a body. :15 前原外相 在日から献金 Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara also faced tough questions. LDP Lawmaker Shoji Nishida reffers to a supporter of Maehara who runs a restaurant and asks if the person has Japanese nationality. Maehara says the person is a foreign resident. Nishida asks if Maehara has ever received money from the person. Maehara says he received donations and he plans to return them and revise his finantial statement. :29 元気な企業 Now, Anchor Yuko Aoyama has this report on companies fine in a current harsh business climate. She's going to look at corporate strategies that are succeeding in this age of deflation and appreciating yen.
今日は実況できなかった。 今日のN7から..φ(。。) 19:11 新幹線はやぶさデビュー And about eight this morning, large crowd was waiting on the platform at Tokyo Station. That's because a newer Shinkansen bullet train named Hayabusa, meaning falcon in Japanese, began running on the Tohoku Shinkansen line today. Hayabusa can reach speeds of up to 300km/h and is the fastest in Japan. It can be recognized by its 15- m-long front which is designed to minimize air resistance. The train operator is saying that Hayabusa has a very comfortable to ride, particulary in the most expensive Grand-Class seat which has been introduced in the Shinkansen bullet train for the first time. :16 中国全人代 People in ethnic costumes from around China are meeting to discuss what China should aspire to in the year to come at the Chinese National People's Congress. With anti- government demonstrations being called for in China in the wake of protests in the Middle East, Premier Wen Jiabao stressed the importance of stability. The Chinese government seemed beginning nervous as the National People's Congress approached. A Foreign Ministry spokesperson and journalists quarreled over the detention of foreign reporters. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu blamed foreign journalists for trying to cover the congress without the Chinese government's permission. She said this attracted a crowd of people which disturbed public order and undermined public safety.
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中国人名 Hu Jintao 胡錦濤 Xi Jinping 習近平 Wen Jiabao 温家宝 Jiang Yu 姜瑜(きょうゆ) Liu Xiaobo 劉暁波
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今日のN7から ...φ(。。) 19:00 前原外相辞意 News just in. Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara, because of the receipt of illegal political donations from a foreign resident residing in Japan, has communicated his intention to resign from his post. He's now in the prime minister's official residence. He's talking with Prime Minister Naoto Kan, allegedly communicating his intention to resign. :08 仕分け 対象は規制制度 A government panel has begun to scrutinize the nation's regulation systems. The assesment of not only budget request but also existing systems is the signature policies of The Democratic-Party-controlled government. Government Revitalization Minister Renho says the screening of regulations this time will be defferent from that of budget request. She says the panel will openly discuss whether the regulations should be reformed, strengthen or eased, so that the public can join the debate. :14 スカイツリー This is the view from the observatory which is higher than the top of Tokyo Tower. The observatory provides a 360-degree-view of Tokyo. You can see Tokyo Tower, and Shinjuku. The windows are slanted for better views. The observation deck is three stories high and scheduled to host shops and restaurants.
今日のNW9から ...φ(。。) 21:05 前原外相辞任 Maehara's abrupt resignation has come as a blow to the already shaky administration of Prime Minister Naoto Kan. While Japan facing a number of deplomatic challenges, all eyes are on who'll succeed Maehara as Foreign Minister. Kan says his aim is to establish a strong diplomatic team which is crucial for Japan. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano will take on the duties of Foreign Minister untill the post is filled. Sinior Vice Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto had this to say. Matsumoto pledges for support so that there will be no diplomatic vacuum. :19 東京都心で雪 Spring took a step back today. The Kanto region had light snow earlier in the day, leaving a thin veil of snow on the ground even in central Tokyo. At around ten this morning, the rain in Tokyo started changing into snow. This man says he didn't think of snow so much of this time of year, so he's surprised. :27 中国 全人代の最中もデモ厳戒 Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi says there is no intention in China as far as he can see. What does the call for rallies during the National People's Congress mean to the Chinese government? Professor Ichiro Korogi of Kanda University of International Study says the government is scared because they don't know who is organizing the rallies and how they are spreading. Yang Jiechi 楊 潔?(よう けつち)
Today's Nakarai-san This week it looks as though winter like weather will continue. Rain and snow clouds are covering wide areas along the Japan Sea coast. Some of them are still developing. It will snow on and off along the Sea of Japan until Friday. Tonight the snow may become heavier north of Hokuriku along the Sea of Japan. The snow may ease off by tomorrow morning. But a low pressure system will bring even heavier snow to the area again in the afternoon. Some places will be hard hit by snow storms. Tomorrow it will continue to snow in many areas along the Japan Sea. Between 30 and 40 centimeters are expected by tomorrow afternoon. And the forcast every three hours. Sapporo to Tokyo. Rain or snow is forcast in the afternoon for Sendai and other Tohoku cities on the Pacific coast. Sunny weather will prevail in Tokyo and Kushiro. Daytime highs in Tokyo will be 12℃, 2℃ higher than today.
>>30 l.13-14 think of snow... => think of its snow of this time of the year
35 :
今日のNW9から ...φ(。。) 21:00 窮地の菅政権 Sinior Vise Agricultural and Fisheries Minister Nobutaka Tsutsui says if the cabinet's approval ratings fall any further, the prime minister may have to step down along with the entire cabinet. Prime Minister Naoto Kan is facing dissent within his government. He has just been dealt a blow by the resignation of Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara over political funding. so Tsutui's comments come at an unpropriate time for him. Tsutsui is a Democratic Party member who holds his post as a political appointee. :16 原油高騰 暮しへの影響 The tense situation in Libya is causing the price of crude oil to soar, affecting people's lives. Rising gasoline prices across Japan are leading to concerns that the prices of varioty of other products will also go up. Gasoline prices continue to go up in many places. At a gas station in Kitami City, Hokkaido, the price for a leader of gasoline yesterday went up nine yen to 146 yen. This customer says the nine yen increase (???) since he wheels up his car every day, further price hike(?) will be hard to bear. Another customer says it's affecting his life. 実況してる時から難しく感じたけど書き取ってみてやっぱり難しくて不明箇所が出た。
今日のNW9復習 ...φ(。。) :01 東北地震 津波注意報 The 60cm tsunami was recorded at Ofunato Port. The sealevel changed dramatically in ten minutes even areas deep inside the port protected by breakwaters. So what is the 60cm tsunami like? We conducted an experiment. He says he couldn't stand still. Waves are strong enough that even an adult can't stay standing. The evacuation advisory was issued in parts of Ofunato City. About 1,000 people headed for shelters upon point(?). breakwaters 防波堤 :18 もうすぐロイヤルウェディング Britain will have a royal wedding soon. Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting married in about one month time and there is crawling enthusiasm for the event among Britons. This travel agency has prepared a tour programs for those who want to have firsthand exprience of the celebration. The tour offers an opportunity to visit places associated with Britain's royal family during the celebration. They include Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey where the wedding ceremony will be held. Tourists will have no access to the service itself, but they might be able to get a glimpse of the new royal couple. :33 カイゼンで元気に The slogan "Kaizen" has supported Japanese manufacturing. It is a Japanese slogan used for making cost-cutting efforts by enhancing work efficiency. It's a well-known slogan throughout the world nowadays. The slogan is now spreading to unexpected areas to help invigorate workplaces. The word Kaizen has been used all over the world to learn about Japan's manufacturing. These cakes look delicious. Henri Charpentier sells quality confectionery. confectionery (集合的に)菓子類
今日のNW9復習 ...φ(。。) 21:00 菅グループの幹部が… Doi visited South Korea in late February as a member of the group of the christian lawmakers from both countries. There he signed a certain declaration. The document took issue with Takeshima Island which is controlled by South Korea and called on the Japanese government to renounce its claim on the island. Back then, Doi had this to say. He says that instead of merely asserting their respective positions the two countries should promptly study how they can seek concret ways to resolve the dispute. Yet today he had this to say. Doi says he wasn't able to study with details of part of the declaration concerning Takeshima. He says he forgot he was representing the nation during the group's exchanges. :23 坂上次郎さん死去 Comedian Jiro Sakagami died of his stroke this morning at the hospital in Tochigi Prefecture. He was 75. Slapstick duo Konto 55 go featuring him and Kinichi Hagimoto was a sensation. Their physical comedy made the audience burst into laughter, and this footage is from 1968. Sakagami performed in Asakusa, Tokyo, before he became popular. This person says she is sad to hear the news, and he says not many people do comedy these days, so he'll miss Sakamoto. Hagimoto says Sakagami is a great fool to leave him behind. He says Japan's leading comedian is gone now.
46 :
>>42 a tour programs => a tour program この程度の間違いいちいち直してたらキリがないな(´・ω・`)
47 :
地震直後のNHK The Meteorological Agency is warning that very high tsunami are expected in the following areas: The coast of Iwate Prefecture, the coast of Miyagi Prefecture, the coast of Fukushima Prefecture. The wave can be more than 3 meters high in some of the areas mentioned. Everyone near the coast must evacuate to higher ground. The Meteorological Agency is also warning that tsunami are expected in the following areas: The east coast of Chiba Prefecture, the coast of Izu Island, the central part of the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, the Pacific coast of Aomori Prefecture, the coast of Ibaraki Prefecture. The waves can be up to 2 meters high in some of the areas mentioned. Everyone near the coast must evacuate to higher ground. あと中国語・韓国語、多分スペイン語でも放送してた。
昨日のNW9復習 ...φ(。。) 21:00 強い決意胸に迎えた4月1日 On the first day of Japan's new business year, co-aching(?) tsunami victims pledged to rebuild their communities. Thirteen new fire fighters began working in Kesennuma City today. Six fire fighters in the city died while taking people to the higher ground. Four remain missing. The head of the local fire brigade says he expects the new fire fighters to come face to face with the harsh reality and go on with the work never forgeting how they felt today. One new recruit talked about his feeling, saying he wants to work in such a way that his colleague who lost their lives will never be ashamed of him. 22:00 八百長相撲 Seventeen masters were also reprimanded on the ground of failed supervisory responsibility. Some were demoted and others were slapped with a halt to promotion for some time period.
今日のN7復習 ...φ(。。) 19:14 放射性物質問題 酪農は 漁業は Dairy farmers in Fukushima Prefecture are prohibited from shipping raw milk since it was found with radioactivity exceeding the legal limit. Kenichi Hasegawa raises fifty cows on his farm in Iitate village. Everyday he milks the cows only to discard all the milk. His income is down to zero. But he must still pay 1.7 million yen every month for feed and electricity for the cow sheds. Meanwhile in Ibaraki Prefecture, three fishing cooperatives in Oarai Town on Friday fished six types of marin products at a spot 500 meters offshore prior to resuming full-scale fishing operations. A lab in Ibaraki Prefecture found that the amount of radioactive cesium in the catch was below 500 becquerels per kilogram, the legal limit for marin products. The highest level found was 66 becquerels for sandeels, followed by 30 becquerels for anchovies and 19 becquerels for clams. Based on the findings, the cooperatives declared the marin products are safe to eat. sandeels コウナゴ
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昨日の復習続き ...φ(。。) :39 長引く避難生活 ペットと暮らせない In a petshop in a suburb of Sendai, the people who have been affected by the quake are asking the shop to take care of their pets. The owner of the petshop says owners don't really want to be separated from their pets but the people around them say the pets are not clean so they have been forced out of the evacuation centers. The pet shop is taking care of over 120 dogs and cats including dogs that have been separated from their owners. They don't know when the owners will come to claim their pets, but have managed to pull through with the help of relief supplies from throughout the nation and assistance of volunteers.
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今日のN7復習 ...φ(。。) 19:37 支援にこたえて頑張りたい People are already preparing to rebuild their houses. In Minamisanriku Town, 70% of houses were destroyed or swept away by the tsunami. People are receiving certificates proving their lost property at emergency shelters. The certificate is needed to receive disaster relief benefits from the government or to become exempt from taxation on property. :42 各国の原発政策 We now look at nuclear policies in other countries in the wake of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Plant. As of January 2010, a total of 432 nuclear reactors were operating, and 66 more reactors were being built in 30 countries and regions. What are these countries doing with these plants after the crisis in Japan. "From ABC News, live from New York. The first confirmed report that radioactive water is now leaking directly from that nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean..." Since the crisis began at the Fukushima Daiichi Plant, four media have been sending daily dispatches reporting on the struggle to bring it under control.
今日のNW9復習 ...φ(。。) 避難生活長期化へ 課題は衛生 Service provider Akihiko Suzuki says Self Defence Force personnel also provide bathing services but they are unable to help the bedridden or people who need wheelchairs. He says he hopes to provide the bathing service to as many people as possible. 義援金 いつ被災者のもとに To help people affected by the March 11th quake and the ensuing tsunami, more than 160 billion yen has been donated to the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Central Community Chest of Japan. It is hoped that the donations will be quickly delivered to the survivors and be put to use for purposes. But the most of the money has not reached the people who need them. The Central Community Chest of Japan (赤い羽根)中央共同募金
NW9 22:12 流出続く汚染水コウナゴ漁中止に As we reported earlier, contaminated water from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant continues to pour into the ocean. Elevated levels of radioactive materials have been found in young sand lances caught yesterday off Kitaibaraki city. Fisheries cooperatives across Ibaraki Pref. decided not to fish for young sand lances for the time being. The head of one of the local fishing cooperatives says that what they have feared has happened. Young sand lances have been found to be contnaiminated. Ibraki Prefecture revealed that 526 becquerels of radioactive cesium were detected per kilogram of the young fish caught the day before. This is the first time radioactive materials exceeding the permissive limit have been detected in marine products. Fisheries cooperatives across Ibaraki Pref. have suspended young sand lance fishing for the time being. Meanwhile, water containing hight levels of radioactive substances has been pouring into the sea from a cracked concrete pit near the Number 2 reactor. Tokyo Electric Power Company suspected that contaminated water was seeping into the gravel through cracked pipes, and then flowing into the sea through the damaged concrete pit. Today it injected white powder into the gravel to trace the flow of the water. White water was then confirmed to be coming from the pit. Following this discovery TEPCO injected 1,500 liters of liquid glass into the gravel. TEMPCO says the volume of water has dropped. It plans to inject another 1,500 liters of liquid glass.