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【みんなで】Miffy and Friends (・x・)【あそぼ】

1 :10/10/25 〜 最終レス :12/04/05
ミッフィーとおともだち "Miffy and Friends"
NHKのHP ttp://www9.nhk.or.jp/anime/miffy/
NHK教育で毎週日曜日 午後5時30分〜5時35分 放送中(・x・)

2 :
【タイトル】 Miffy Lost at the Beach
【 邦題 】 砂のお城
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?season=0&episode_id=60123&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年10月24日

3 :
Miffy Lost at the Beach
One bright day, the doorbell at Miffy's house rang.
Grandpa and Grandma Bunny had come to visit.
"Hello, Miffy!" said Grandma Bunny.
"We thought we would come and visit in your house, but as it is such a lovely and warm day, we thought we could take you to the beach
"Oh, how wonderful!" shouted Miffy. "I would love to show you the beach."
"What a nice idea!" said Mother Bunny.
"I will pack you a nice lunch so you can have a picnic. And you can tell Miffy what the beach was like when you were young."
Father Bunny said, "I will drive you to the beach in our car."
So off they went in Father Bunny's car.

4 :
When they arrived, Grandpa Bunny said, "When we were young, we used to make castles in the sand. Perhaps we can make some more today."
"Yes!" said Father Bunny. "I remember making sandcastles, too. We can all make some together."
"I did it, too" said Grandma Bunny. "I remember that the sand must be wet."
So Miffy picked up her bucket and went down close to the water.
She filled the bucket the wet sand and brought it up to where the others were sitting.
Miffy had to do it many times because it took lots of sand to make a proper castle.
How beautiful it was! And just as the castle was finished, along came Melanie, Miffy's bunny friend.
"Would you like to play ball with me, Miffy?" asked Melanie.
"Oh, yes!" said Miffy.
"Don't go too Far." said Father Bunny. "You might get lost."
"We won't get lost, Father." said Miffy. "Because we know that you will be where the castle is."
So Miffy and Melanie run off kicking the ball along the beach.
Soon they were quite far away.

5 :
Meanwhile the water was slowly rising up the beach.
"Oh, dear!" said Grandma Bunny. "The water is coming very close to our castle. We'd better move back a bit."
And sure enough, soon the water came and washed away the whole castle.
Miffy and Melanie got tired and started to go back.
"Where is your family, Miffy?" asked Melanie.
"I can't see them." "Don't worry, Melanie!" said Miffy. "They are right by our sandcastle."
But Miffy looked and looked and she didn't see the sandcastle.
She didn't know that the seawater washed it away.
She and Melanie walked and walked along the beach.
"Where is the castle?" said Miffy. "Maybe we really are lost, Melanie."
"Miffy! Melanie! We are here! The sea came up and washed our castle away."
"It's nice that our houses are not made of sand." said Miffy.
They were all very happy to be together again.

6 :
砂のお城 → すなのおしろ
(・x・) マチガエチャッタノ...

7 :
【タイトル】 Miffy's Colorful World
【 邦題 】 いろいろないろをさがそう
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60126&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年10月31日

8 :
Miffy's Colorful World
Miffy loved colors.
She looked out of her window to see which color she could spot.
She saw that the sky was blue and that the grass was green.
She saw red flowers and yellow flowers in her garden.
She looked at her hands. "I am white." she said.
"And I'm wearing a blue dress."
"Isn’t it good that we have so many different colors." she thought.
Just then the doorbell rung. It was Melanie.
"Hello, Melanie!" said Miffy.
"Hello, Miffy!" said Melanie.
"I'm going to the playground. Do you want come with me?"
"Oh, yes!" said Miffy. And the two little bunnies went off together.

9 :
On the way to the playground they walked past Poppy Pig's house.
Poppy Pig's house was red with a green roof.
There were some bright yellow flowers growing in the window box.
There was Poppy just coming from her garden.
She had a wheel ballow full of flesh orange carrots.
"Hello, Poppy!" said Miffy.
"Hello, Miffy! Hello, Melanie!" said Poppy.
"What a colorful house you have, Poppy?” said Melanie.
"Thank you." said Poppy Pig. "Isn't it cheerful?"
"Yes, it's lovely." said Miffy.

10 :
Miffy and Melanie wave to Poppy and walked on.
When they arrived at the playground, Miffy and Melanie played on the yellow swing.
They slid down the blue slide.
They went round and round on the red merry-go-round.
Miffy said to Melanie "Look! There are so many different colors everywhere."
"Oh, yes." said Melanie.
"Isn’t that fun? And you are white and I am brown. We are different colors, too."
"We are different colors. But we are really the same." said Miffy.
"Yes." agreed Melanie.
"We just two bunny girls. One white and one brown."
Two friends laughed when they thought of all the different colors.
"There are different colors everywhere we look." said Miffy.
They saw a green bird and blue one and brightly colored butterflies.

11 :
All around the playground there were colorful flowers.
But as they began to walk home, clouds began to gather.
The blue sky turned to gray.
"Oh, dear! I'm afraid it's going to rain." said Miffy.
"We'd better hurry."
But then a bit of sunlight appeared.
And the two friends saw the most colorful sight of all.
"A rainbow!" shouted Miffy.
They both thought what a beautiful colorful world it is.

12 :
wheel ballow → wheelbarrow
(・x・) カキコムマエニ ミナオサナクチャダメヨ...
(・x・) ハイ ママ...

13 :
【タイトル】 Miffy and Grunty Sleep in a Tent
【 邦題 】 テントにおとまり
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60129&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年11月7日

14 :
It was a lovely summer day and Miffy asked her mother and father if her friend
Grunty could stay with her over night.
"Yes!" said her mother. "And it's worm enough for you both to sleep in a tent in
our back garden."
"Oh, that will be fun!" said Miffy happily.
Farther Bunny said he would take her to Poppy Pig's house to collect her little
niece Grunty.
Off they went in Farther Bunny's car to Poppy Pig's house.
"Hello, Poppy!" said Farther Bunny.
"Miffy would like to invite Grunty to stay with her tonight.
You can pack her things and I will drive her to our house."
Soon they were driving back to Miffy's house and the two young girls were very
excited about sleeping in a tent.

15 :
When they arrived at Miffy's house, her mother had already set up a tent.
"It will be such fun, Grunty!" said Miffy.
"I hope you are not afraid of the dark."
"I won't be scared if you are with me, Miffy?" said Grunty.
The two little girls snuggled inside their sleeping bags inside the dark tent.
"What is that sound?" whispered Grunty. "I'm scared."
"It's only the crickets." whispered Miffy.
"They always jump at night. You mustn't be afraid of them."
"What is that?" whispered Grunty, who was really afraid.
"That's just an owl who always sits in the tree at night," whispered Miffy.
"You mustn't be afraid of her."
Grunty was afraid and she said "Why don't we move the tent to Poppy's house
tomorrow? I'm used to the sounds in her garden."
And two little friends snuggled close to each other and finally fell asleep.

16 :
When the morning came, they woke up.
And Mother Bunny brought them breakfast.
"Did you sleep well?" Mother Bunny asked them.
"Grunty was afraid of the sounds in our garden, Mother.
Can we move the tent to Poppy's house tonight?"
That evening Farther Bunny packed up the tent and drove the two girls to
Poppy's house.
"Can we put up a tent in your garden tonight?" Father Bunny asked.
“Grunty feels she would be more comfortable sleeping in your garden. Miffy is a
very brave little bunny so I don't think she will be afraid."
"Off course!" said Poppy.
Later that night the two friends were tacked into their tent in Poppy's garden.

17 :
Grunty was at home and fell asleep right away but not Miffy.
She heard noises.
"Oh, dear!" whispered Miffy, who was scared.
"Now, I am afraid. What is that sound? Wake up, Grunty!
There's a strange noise I've never heard before."
Grunty began to laugh.
"That's just my aunt Poppy snoring. I hear that all the time."
Now both girls started to laughed.
They laughed and laughed and until they both fell asleep.

18 :
【タイトル】 Miffy Discovers Nature
【 邦題 】 ミッフィーのしぜんかんさつ
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60131&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年11月14日
At Miffy's school the children were learning about nature.
Their teacher said, "Nature can be big things like trees and mountains.
It can also be little things that you can find anywhere even in your garden.
Tomorrow each of you must bring something from nature into our classroom."
All the bunny children were excited and begun whispering together thinking
about what they could find.

19 :
When Miffy arrived home, Father Bunny was in the garden.
“Father!” she said. “Our teacher wants each of us to bring something from
nature to school. What do you think I should bring?”
"Well, just look around you, Miffy. Right here in our garden there was nature
all around us."
Miffy looked and she saw a bright red apple. She saw birds flying in the sky.
She saw a warm crawling out of the ground. She saw some beautiful stones.
And off course there were many flowers all around.
She didn't know what she should choose.
Her father said, "In the morning why don't you pick a nice red apple?
After you show it to your class, you can eat it for lunch.”
Miffy thought that was clever idea.

20 :
In the morning she went out into the garden and just she was about to
pick the apple, a beautiful butterfly landed right on her arm.
"That's it!" whispered Miffy. "I bring this beautiful butterfly to my class."
She walked slowly and quietly towards her school very carefully not to
frighten the butterfly.
"Good morning, Snuffy!" whispered Miffy.
"You can walk along beside me, but you must be very quiet.”
Snuffy wagged her tail happily.
She gave a little bark and the butterfly flew away. Miffy was very sad.
Everyone else in the class had brought interesting things.
Melanie had found an empty bird’s nest.
Winnie brought some bright colorful leaves.
Aggie had a beautiful stone.
They each had something from nature, but Miffy had nothing.

21 :
Then Snuffy, who was waiting outside the school door, gave another happy bark.
And Miffy suddenly had an idea.
She raised her hand. "Please, Miss!" she said.
"I did bring something from nature. But I am not sure I can bring her inside"
"Her? Do you have a friend outside?"
"Yes." she said.
"She is my good friend, Snuffy. Isn't a dog a wonderful part of nature?"
All other bunnies laughed and so did the teacher.
"Yes, you are right. Snuffy is a lovely little dog and she is certainly
an important part of nature. Bring her in."

22 :
【タイトル】 Miffy and the Great Carrot Feast
【 邦題 】 にんじんパーティー
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60125&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年11月21日
One morning Miffy's mother was getting ready to make breakfast,
but she had no carrots. She knew that Miffy loved carrots.
"I was at the market early this morning, but someone had already bought
all the carrots they had. There were no carrots left."
"I know who has carrots in her garden. Poppy Pig! Poppy Pig has a lovely garden
where she grows plenty of carrots."
"If you run down to Poppy Pig’s house, I'm sure she will give you some of
her juicy carrots."

23 :
But just about moment Poppy Pig was sitting down to breakfast.
She was eating the very last carrot from her garden.
"Those carrots were so delicious. I just couldn't resist them.
I should have planted lots some more."
She looked up and saw Miffy coming towards her. "Good morning, Miffy!"
"Hello, Poppy!" said Miffy.
"I came because I would love to taste some of your wonderful carrots."
Poppy felt awful that she had just eaten her very last carrot.
"Oh, dear!" she said. "I don't have a single carrot left today.
If I plant more carrot seeds now, they won't be ready to eat for weeks."
Just then Auntie Alice arrived carrying two heavy baskets.
"Hello, Miffy! Hello, Poppy! I bought all the carrots in the market this morning. Because I'm
going to do something very special with them, and you are both invited for a carrot dinner.
You can bring some friends," she said and off she went on her way home.

24 :
Miffy and Poppy could hardly wait for the evening to come.
Then Boris and Barbara Bear came walking by.
Miffy and Poppy told them that Auntie Alice was preparing a carrot dinner for them.
"Mmm... We don't like carrots very much," said Boris.
"Oh, but you must come," said Miffy.
"My Auntie Alice makes such good dinners from carrots."
All that afternoon, Auntie Alice was busy in her kitchen.
Early that evening Boris Bear was just about to enjoy a large sandwich.
"Boris!" cried Barbara. "What are you doing? You know that we are invited
Auntie Alice's house for a carrot dinner tonight. And it's nearly time to leave."
"Yes, but I don't like carrots," said Boris.
"Neither do I!" said Barbara. "But perhaps if we're hungry enough, we will.
Now leave that sandwich and let's go!"

25 :
As they aproached Auntie Alice's house, they smelled something delicious.
"That smells wonderful!" said Barbara.
"It can't be carrots," said Boris. "Maybe she's cooking something else."
When everybody was ready for dinner, Auntie Alice served them carrot soup,
carrot bread, carrot pie and carrot juice.
"Come on, try a bit!" said Auntie Alice.
Boris and Barbara Bear enjoyed every bit of Auntie Alice's dinner.
"Here is a carrot surprise for dessert," said Auntie Alice.
"Hurray!" shouted Boris.
What a great carrot feast!
On the way home Boris said to Barbara, "That was a delicious meal.
Let's plant lots and lots of carrots in our garden!"

26 :

27 :
(・x・) 字幕ガナイカラ コッソリディクテーションアップシテルノ...

28 :
(・x・) デモ過疎ダカラ 番組ガラミナラナンデモアリニシタラドウカシラ...
(・x・) ソレハイイカンガエエダワ ミッフィー

29 :
【タイトル】 Miffy Worries About Snuffy
【 邦題 】 スナッフィーがしんぱい
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60136&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年11月28日
One morning Boris and Barbara Bear were having fun watching Snuffy running
and playing outside their house.
"Snuffy is having a wonderful time," said Barbara. "She is such a lively little dog."
Then Snuffy wagged her little tail and ran off barking happily through the woods.
On her way to Poppy Pig's house she past Melanie who was riding her scooter to school.
"Oh, dear!" said Melanie. "Snuffy can run so much faster than I can go on my scooter.
She is such a speedy little dog."
Snuffy ran round and round Melanie's scooter.
Then she gave a happy little bark and ran off towards Poppy Pig's house.

30 :
"Good morning, Snuffy!" said Poppy. "You certainly are a happy little dog today."
"Goodness, me!" said Poppy. "I wish I had as much energy as you, Snuffy."
Snuffy certainly did love to run and jump and soon she was running and barking
on her way to visit Miffy. But Miffy was not at home.
Snuffy ran all around Miffy's house but she could not find her.
Soon Snuffy began to get tired and sleepy.
She lay down in Miffy's garden and fell fast asleep.
In a little while Miffy came home from school and saw Snuffy lying there.
Snuffy didn't move at all. Miffy was very worried.
"Snuffy! Snuffy!" she called but Snuffy still did not move.

31 :
Just then Poppy Pig came walking by.
And Miffy said "Oh, Poppy! Look at Snuffy just lying there. I think she must be ill."
"How come?" said Poppy.
"Just this morning she was running and jumping in my garden so very full of life."
"But look how very still she is! I think she must be sick."
Melanie came riding up on her scooter.
"Look, Melanie!" said Miffy. "Snuffy must have something wrong with her.
She's just lying there and not moving."
"Well, she was moving very fast when I saw her this morning."

32 :
Just about moment Boris and Barbara Bear came by carrying a bag of groceries.
"Hello, Miffy" said Barbara. "Why do you look so sad?"
"I'm worried about Snuffy," said Miffy. "She is lying so still. I'm afraid she is ill."
But just then Snuffy opened her eyes and sniffed.
"Look!" said Boris. "Snuffy smells the food in our shopping bag.
She was just very tired, Miffy. But as soon as she smells good food, she wakes up again."
"Here is a biscuit for you, Snuffy," said Barbara.
After her sleep and a biscuit, Snuffy was ready to run and run again.
Miffy was happy to see that Snuffy was just fine.

33 :

34 :
【タイトル】 Miffy and the Birthday Cake
【 邦題 】 ミッフィーのおつかい
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60132&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年12月5日

35 :
One morning Miffy was awakend by her mother who whispered,
"Miffy, get up! Today is your father's birthday and I want baking my chocolate birthday cake."
"Oh, what fun!" said Miffy. "Father loves chocolate cake, and so do I.
May I help you bake the cake, Mother? And may I lick the spoon?"
"Yes, yes, Miffy dear." said Mother Bunny. "But the problem is I have no chocolate and not
enough butter or flour. Could you go and ask Auntie Alice for some?"
"Oh, yes, Mother! Auntie Alice is always baking cakes, so she would surely have those things."
Mother Bunny gave Miffy a basket and said, "Shall I write a list for you?"
"I can remember them by myself. Chocolate, butter... and... and..."
"Flour," said Miffy's mother.
"Yes, flour," said Miffy. "I was just going to say 'Flour'.”
"All right, Miffy. Off you go." said her mother. "But remember, no flour, no cake."

36 :
One morning Miffy was awakend by her mother who whispered,
"Miffy, get up! Today is your father's birthday and I want baking my chocolate birthday cake."
"Oh, what fun!" said Miffy. "Father loves chocolate cake, and so do I.
May I help you bake the cake, Mother? And may I lick the spoon?"
"Yes, yes, Miffy dear." said Mother Bunny. "But the problem is I have no chocolate and not
enough butter or flour. Could you go and ask Auntie Alice for some?"
"Oh, yes, Mother! Auntie Alice is always baking cakes, so she would surely have those things."
Mother Bunny gave Miffy a basket and said, "Shall I write a list for you?"
"I can remember them by myself. Chocolate, butter... and... and..."
"Flour," said Miffy's mother.
"Yes, flour," said Miffy. "I was just going to say 'Flour'.”
"All right, Miffy. Off you go." said her mother. "But remember, no flour, no cake."

37 :
(・x・) アラ ミッフィー! 35ト36トガ オナジヨ
(・x・) ママ ドウシタライイノ。。。

38 :
Miffy took the basket and repeated to herself.
"Chocolate, butter, flour... chocolate, butter, flour..."
As she walked along Miffy met Poppy Pig who was also carrying a basket.
"Hello, Miffy!" said Poppy. "Where are you going?"
"Chocolate, butter, flour," said Miffy.
"You're trying to remember something you need," said Poppy.
"Me, too. I'm on my way to the shops. I must remember to buy some vanilla, cream and flour."
"I'm on my way to Auntie Alice's house to borrow some chocolate, cream and flour," said Miffy.
"It's good that you can remember what you need," said Poppy.
"Vanilla, cream, flour... vanilla, cream, flour... vanilla, cream..."
Then Miffy saw Barbara Bear. "Good morning, Miffy!" said Barbara Bear.
"I just came from the shop and I bought some potatoes, milk and sugar."
"That's interesting!" said Miffy. "I'm just on my way to my Auntie Alice's house to borrow
some vanilla, cream and sugar."

39 :
"Vanilla, cream, sugar... vanilla, cream, sugar... vanilla, cream and sugar.
Thank you, Auntie Alice!" said Miffy.
"Here you are, Mother," said Miffy. "Here is the vanilla, cream and sugar.
You see? I remembered everything."
Miffy's mother smiled. "Are you sure you remembered everything?
Where is the chocolate? Where is the butter? Where is the flour?"
"Ah, dear!" said Miffy. "I'm sorry. I got all mixed up. Now there will be no chocolate cake
for my father's birthday."
"Don't cry, Miffy dear." said her mother. "With the vanilla, cream and sugar,
I can make some wonderful birthday ice cream."
That evening when they all sat down for the birthday dinner, Father Bunny said,
"This vanilla ice cream is delicious. What a splendid idea!"
Mother gave Miffy a wink. And they all enjoyed the birthday ice cream.

40 :

41 :
(・x・) ドゾドゾ...
(・x・) イエイエ 恐縮デス...

42 :
【タイトル】 Miffy Helps Grunty
【 邦題 】 おてつだいたのしいな
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60137&show_id
【放送月日】 2010年12月12日

43 :
Poppy Pig was working hard in her garden.
There was a lot of work to be done.
The whole garden was covered with fallen leaves.
Poppy's niece Grunty was sitting near by reading a book.
"Can you come and help me, please Grunty?" asked Poppy Pig.
"Oh, Poppy," said Grunty. "I'm so tired."
"How can you be tired?" asked Poppy.
"You haven't done anything all day except read that book.
So please, come and help me! You can rake all the leaves into a heap."

44 :
So Grunty began to rake the leaves, but it was a hard work.
And she huffed and puffed and soon had to sit down again.
"You must finish the job, Grunty," said Poppy.
"We must clean all the leaves up today."
"There are too many leaves, and it's such hard work." said Grunty.
Just then Miffy came walking by.
"May I help you?" said Miffy. "I see that You have a lot of work to do."
"Oh, yes," said Grunty. "We would be very happy if you could help us."
"Oh, yes please," said Poppy. "Grunty said she's too tired to do any work.
Perhaps you'll find that doing the work together is more fun."
"I like to rake leaves," said Miffy. "They make such a nice crunchy sound.
Grunty and Miffy raked the leaves together. The pile became bigger and bigger.
"What's great fun..." said Miffy, "is to jump on the pile of leaves and sink right down inside.
I will show you."

45 :
"Oh, dear!" said Grunty. "Now we have to rake the leaves all up again."
"But it's fun!" said Miffy.
"I'll rake them back into a pile, and this time you can jump into them."
"Well, all right." said Grunty. "Is it really fun?"
"Try it!" said Miffy. Grunty laughed and laughed.
"You are right, Miffy," Grunty said. "It is great fun!"
And soon Miffy and Grunty were taking turns raking, running and jumping in the leaves.
Then the telephone rung. Poppy went to answered it.
When she returned she said, "That was Miffy's mother.
She asked if Miffy could come home and rake the grass."
"Oh!" said Grunty. "May I go and help her, Poppy?"
And Poppy Pig said, "But Grunty, I thought you were too tired."
"Yes, I was. But I'm not any more," said Grunty.
So she promised to go and help Mother Bunny because...
"Raking leaves really is a lot of fun!"

46 :
年末恒例 ミッフィーとおともだちスペシャル 放送予定
12月28日 11:17〜11:41
12月29日 10:46〜11:10
12月30日 10:41〜11:05
12月31日 10:46〜11:10
年末はBSで (・x・) ¥

47 :
【タイトル】 Miffy and the Christmas Trees
【 邦題 】 さんぼんの クリスマスツリー
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60158&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年12月19日

48 :
Poppy Pig was passing by Miffy's house pulling a cart carrying a large Christmas tree in the pot.
"Good morning, Poppy!" said Miffy. "Where did you get that beautiful tree?"
"Boris gave it to me, Miffy," said Poppy. "Christmas is coming.
And I asked him if he could find me a nice tree."
"What a good idea!" thought Miffy. "We will also need a Christmas tree."
Miffy went inside and asked her mother.
"May I go into the forest to ask Boris Bear to find us a Christmas tree?"
"Yes, Miffy. But you must be home in time for lunch."
So off she went across the meadow and into the forest.
When she arrived at Boris and Barbara's house,
they were already decorating their own tree for Christmas.
"Hello, Boris!" said Miffy. "And a Merry Christmas to you and Barbara.
I would like to ask you if you can find a nice Christmas tree for our family?"
"Yes, I can," said Boris. "But you know I mustn't cut down a forest tree.
I can dig all up for you, and then put it into a pot, so the tree can stay alive for next year."

49 :
In the morning Miffy was on her way to school and little Snuffy was running along with her.
When they arrived at school, there was Boris with a very big tree for the school yard.
"Hello, Miffy!" said Boris. "This is the tree that you said too big for your house.
But I thought it would be just perfect for your school."
The school teacher and all the children were very pleased to have such a wonderful tree
for their school.
All the children were soon at work making decorations for their new tree.
It was going to be so beautiful.
Then Boris knocked on the window. "I have another surprise for you, Miffy.
I also brought the tiny tree. I think it would be a perfect for Snuffy."
"How wonderful!" said Miffy. "Snuffy's own special Christmas tree to put near her dog house!"
All the school children were happy with their big tree
At Christmas Miffy and her parents were happy with their medium sized tree.
And little Snuffy was very very happy with her very own tiny tree.

50 :
【タイトル】 Miffy's Snowfall
【 邦題 】 ゆきのひのおでかけ
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60128&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2010年12月26日
One day Poppy Pig invited Miffy to her house for tea and biscuits.
Miffy asked her mother if she could go.
"Off course you can go,Miffy," said Mother Bunny. "Be careful riding your scooter.
It's cold outside and it might be slippy if it starts to snow."
"I'll be careful, Mother,"said Miffy.
"And I'll be sure to bring some of Poppy's biscuits back for you."
Miffy rode her scooter towards Poppy's house. She soon reached Poppy's house with no problem.

51 :
Poppy had baked some delicious biscuits and made some tea.
Miffy and Poppy had a lovely time together.
Miffy forgot all about the time. Suddenly the telephone rung.
"Hello, It's your mother," said Poppy.
"She said you should start to head home because it looks like it will snow."
"Oh, dear!" said Miffy. "I had such a good time with you, Poppy. But I must leave."
Miffy put on her coat and her scarf.
She was ready to say good bye to Poppy when she remembered her promise to her mother.
"Can I take some biscuits home to my mother, please?" she asked Poppy.
"Off course!" Poppy put some of the biscuits into a little bag and placed it
in the basket of Miffy's scooter. "Do be careful riding home on your scooter, Miffy."
When Miffy began to ride home, it started to snow. She scooted along as careful as she could.
In a short while there was so much snow that it became quite slippy.
And when she tried to ride down a little hill... Boom!
Miffy wasn't heart, but she decided to walk with her scooter the lest of the way home.

52 :
At home Mother Bunny was beginning to worry.
"I hope nothing to happened to Miffy." she thought.
Then she saw Miffy. "What a relief!" She quickly opened the door.
"Hello, Miffy!" said her mother. "I'm glad to see that you walked home with your scooter."
"I started to ride. Then I skidded and fell off my scooter.
So I decided to walk the lest of the way. I wasn't hurt at all.
I brought you some of Poppy's biscuits." Miffy looked inside the bag.
"Where were the biscuits?"
"Oh, dear!" said Miffy.
"When I fell down, all of the biscuits got broken. Now there's nothing in the bag but crumbs."
Just then Father Bunny came home. "Hello, everyone," he said.
"There is lovely snow everywhere. It's a perfect time for a sledge ride."
"Oh, no!" said Mother Bunny. "That's way too much cold for me. I prefer my warm oven.
I'll bake a fresh batch of your favorite biscuits." They all laughed.
Then while Mother Bunny was busy in the kitchen, Miffy enjoyed to ride on the sledge.

53 :
サンボンノ クリスマスツリー ヒトツヌケチャッタ。。。マンナカニ ソーニュー シテネ
So they went into the forest, and they saw many beautiful trees.
Miffy saw one that was a specially beautiful.
"But I think that one is too big to put inside our house."
"Well, what about that charming little one over there?"
"Oh, that one is too small. All our Christmas tree decorations wont fit on such a tiny tree."
Then Boris pointed to a medium sized tree. "Do you think this one will do?" he asked.
"Yes!" said Miffy. "That's a lovely one. Can you dig that one up for me, please?"
So Boris dug up the tree being very careful not to damage its roots.
"I will bring it to your house tomorrow."
Miffy was home just in time for lunch.
And she told her mother about the lovely tree that Boris was going to bring them.
The next evening Miffy and her mother and her father were busy decorating the tree.
It looked so beautiful and even had flushing lights.

54 :

55 :

56 :
(・x・) ソノウチ 再放送スルカラ マッテテネ...

57 :

58 :

59 :
謹賀新年 規制解除
専心聴兎 大願成就
(・x・) ミナサマノ ゴタコウヲ オイノリシテ ... ピョン!
【タイトル】 Miffy Makes and Bakes
【 邦題 】 つくるのだいすき
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60142&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2011年1月9日

60 :
"You have so many wonderful tools, Grandpa," said Miffy.
In Grandpa Bunny's workshop there were hammers and a saw and other special tools,
"Will you show me how to make something with your tools, Grandpa?" asked Miffy.
Grandma Bunny was surprised. "I thought I teach you how to bake a cake today," she said.
There were so many interesting things to do when Miffy visited her grandparents
that Miffy didn't know which to do first.
"Well, some little bunnies like to learn how to sew or do things in the kitchen,"
said Grandpa. "But they can also learn how to make things with tools."
"In fact it's the same thing," said Grandma Bunny.
"Whether you bake a cake or make a bookshelf, you have to put certain things together."
"I know what to do!" said Miffy.
"I will bake a cake and I will make a wooden box to put the cake in."
"That's a wonderful idea!" said Grandpa Bunny.
"First you can make the cake, and then we will know how big to make the box."
"I will bring it home to Mother and Father as a present," said Miffy.

61 :
Miffy went into the kitchen with her Grandma.
She began to put together everything she would need to make a cake.
"First we must measure the right amount of flour and shifted into a mixing bowl,"
said Grandma Bunny. "Then we must prepare the eggs, milk, sugar and chocolate powder
in just the right amounts and mix them together."
Miffy used special measuring cups to be sure she used the right amount of each ingredient.
It was all written in Grandma's cookery book.
When everything was mixed together, the cake mixture was ready to be baked.
Miffy poured the mixture into a special round cake tin.
She measured the tin with Grandma's ruler. Then it went into the hot oven.
Now Miffy was ready to make the box for the cake.
She told her Grandpa how big the cake would be.
And He showed her how to use the same ruler to measure the wood for the box.
She marked the wood at just the right length and used one of Grandpa's clamps
to hold each piece to his work bench.

62 :

The clamp held the wood steady so Grandpa could saw each plank to the right size.
Miffy liked to see Grandpa working with the saw back and forth and back and forth
until it cut right through the wood.
Now she had pieces wood for the bottom and top of the box and for the four sides.
She used a hammer and some nails. And together they nailed all of the pieces together.
Just as the box was finished, Miffy smelt something delicious in the air.
"The cake is ready!" called Grandma Bunny from her kitchen. "It has finished baking."
What a beautiful cake! And how lovely it smelt when Grandma took it out the oven!
"Look!" said Grandpa Bunny. "It fits perfectly."
When Miffy arrived home that day, she was a very proud little bunny.
She had learnt that careful work and putting the right things together
could make a delicious cake or beautiful box.
Father Bunny and Mother Bunny were very proud of her.

63 :
her Grandpa → her grandpa

64 :
>61 だった(汗
her Grandma → her grandma
her Grandpa → her grandpa

65 :
【タイトル】 Miffy and the Snowbunny
【 邦題 】 ゆきだるまをつくろう
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60114&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2011年1月16日
Miffy loved to play in the snow.
She loved to ride her sledge down the snow hills.
She loved to slide over the snow on her skies.
She loved to lie in the snow and move her arms to make snow angels.

66 :
What she liked best of all was to make big snow bunnies.
It was a hard job and she needed help to make them.
Who do you think came along to help her? It was Snuffy the dog.
Snuffy loved to run and jump in the snow.
And when she saw Miffy trying so hard to push and roll a big snowball,
she ran up and helped her. They pushed and pushed together.
As the snowball rolled along, it picked up more and more snow.
It got bigger and bigger. "That's big enough for the snow bunny's body," said Miffy.
"Now we can roll a smaller snowball for this snow bunny's head."
Miffy made a little snowball with her hands.
Snuffy was able to push it along with her nose. But when it got bigger,
Miffy joined in the pushing until it was big enough to be the snow bunny's head.
"Now we must put it on top of the big snowball," said Miffy.
No matter how they tried, they could not lift the heavy snowball.

67 :
Just then Miffy's friend Boris Bear arrived.
"Hello, Miffy," said Boris. "What are you doing?"
"We are trying to make a giant snow bunny," said Miffy.
"But its head is too heavy and we can't lift it."
"I have an idea, Miffy," said Boris. "I was taking these planks to my work shop.
But we can use them to make a ramp to the top of the big snowball."
Boris placed the planks against the snow bunny's body.
The planks made a perfect ramp right to the top of it.
Now they could role the smaller snowball up the ramp.
It was still hard work, but it was not so hard as lifting it would be.
There it was. At last the snow bunny's head was resting right on top of its body.

68 :
Then Miffy went to find sticks to make the ears.
She stuck the two sticks into the top of the head.
"They don't look like bunny's ears?" said Miffy.
She had an idea. She packed snow firmly around one stick.
She packed more snow around the other stick. Two perfect bunny ears!
Snuffy ran off over the snow and returned with two rubber balls she often played with.
Miffy laughed. She pushed the balls into the snow bunny's head.
"Now he has eyes," said Miffy. "He can see what a wonderful job it is!
It was all with your help, Snuffy and Boris. You are such clever friends."
Finally Miffy added it a carrot to make the snow bunny's nose.
Now the snow bunny was complete.

69 :
but it was a hard work. → but it was hard work.
Poppy went to answered it. → Poppy went to answer it.
(・x・) ハズカシイ...

70 :
【タイトル】 Miffy finds Snuffy
【 邦題 】 スナッフィーどこなの
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60140&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2011年1月23日
One day Miffy's mother took her large tray of fresh biscuits out of the oven.
"Oh, they smell delicious!" said Miffy. "And there are so many, Mother.
Maybe I can take some to Boris and Barbara Bear. They love biscuits, too."
"That's a nice thought, Miffy," said her mother.
"I will put some in a paper bag and you can take it to Boris and Barbara on your scooter."
Miffy put the bag of biscuits into her scooter basket and headed out of the woods
where Boris and Barbara Bear lived.

71 :
Just then she heard the sound of barking. Snuffy was running after her.
"Good morning, Snuffy," said Miffy.
"Would you like to come along with me to visit Boris and Barbara Bear?"
They traveled along together into the woods.
But the ground in the woods was very bumpy.
This didn't bother Snuffy who ran around happily.
She ran ahead much faster than Miffy. Miffy had to ride very carefully.
When she went over a very large bump, she didn't notice that the bag of biscuits had fallen out.
When Miffy arrived at Boris and Barbara's house, Snuffy was already there.
Miffy wanted to give Barbara her present. But she realized that it had gone.
"I wanted to bring you some of Mother's freshly baked biscuits," she said to Barbara.
"But I have lost them somewhere in the forest."
"Never mind," said Barbara. "I baked some biscuits, too.
So we can still have a nice little feast." And so they did.

72 :
When it was time for Miffy to go home, she looked around for Snuffy. But she couldn't see her.
"I can't go home without Snuffy," said Miffy. "She might be lost."
"Don't worry about Snuffy," said Boris. "All dogs know their way home."
So Miffy started home on her scooter, but she wondered where could Snuffy be.
"Snuffy? Snuffy?" she called. "Where are you?"
She went on a bit father and called out again. "Snuffy? Snuffy? Where are you?"
Now Miffy was beginning to get a bit worried. "Snuffy? Snuffy?..."
Certainly Miffy saw the bag that her mother had filled with biscuits.
"Oh!" she said. "At least I found the biscuits."
But when she picked up the bag, it was empty. There were no biscuits inside.
Then she heard the little sound from behind the tree and went to see what it was.
And there was Snuffy sound asleep with just a few biscuit crams next to her on the ground .
"So there you are, Snuffy!" said Miffy. "I see that you had a nice feast on your way home."

73 :
【タイトル】 Miffy in the Winds
【 邦題 】 ミッフィーのまっかなたこ
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60134&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2011年1月30日

74 :
It was a windy day at the beach.
Miffy and her father were pulling Miffy's little wagon.
But the wind was blowing so hard that it was very difficult to pull.
Miffy was very tired for pulling the wagon.
Miffy said, "Father, isn't this a good place for our tent?" "Yes," said Father Bunny.
"But because of the wind is blowing so hard, it will be difficult to put out the tent."
They worked together and soon the tent was up.
And they put all of their things inside to protect them from the wind.
"That was difficult," said Miffy. "But it's very cozy inside here."
"Yes, Miffy," said Father Bunny. "I think we deserve a biscuit now.
But we must eat them quickly before everything gets covered with sand."
When the biscuits were finished , Miffy and her father went out to play with the ball.
But the wind was too strong. "Oh, no!" cried Miffy. "My ball will blow into the water."
But Father Bunny was able to stop the ball just in time.
"Throwing the ball is too difficult in this wind," he said.

75 :

"But I have an idea. This wind is perfect for flying a kite."
So Miffy went inside the tent and brought out her beautiful red kite.
"OK, Miffy," said her father. "I will hold the kite up high,
and you will hold on to the string. When the wind blows, I will let go.
And if you hold on tight to the string, the kite will fly up in the air."
A strong gust of wind blew, and Father released the kite.
And it flew high up into the air. The red kite looked beautiful against the blue sky.
But the wind was very strong, and the kite danced this way and that in the air.
It was hard for little Miffy to hold on to the string.
She was afraid that the wind would lift her off the ground and up into the air.
"Hold on tight, Miffy!" shouted her father. "I'm coming to help you."
But it was too late. The kite hit the ground so hard that it was broken and toned.
"Oh, dear," cried Miffy. "My lovely kite is smashed..."

76 :
Father Bunny said, "Don't cry, Miffy. The wind is too strong at the beach today.
I think we should go home."
They carefully folded up the tent and put all of their things into the car.
Miffy held her broken kite on her lap. She didn't cry anymore, but she was very sad.
Miffy's mother made some worm cabbage soup for them. Then Miffy went to bed.
She was very tired after her big adventure at the beach.
Mother Bunny said to Father Bunny, "Do you think you can repair the kite?"
"I will try," said Father Bunny.
The next morning when Miffy woke up, she blinked her eyes in astonishment.
There, at the end of her bed, was her beautiful red kite as good as new.
"My father is so clever," she thought.

77 :

78 :
(・x・) ガンバッテネ

79 :
Miffy in the Winds
She was afraid that the wind would lift her off the ground and up into the air.

80 :

81 :

82 :
【タイトル】 Miffy's Late for School
【 邦題 】 あさねぼうたいへん!
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60135&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2011年2月6日
One morning Miffy was fast asleep in her bed.
She was having a beautiful dream.
Suddenly her mother rushed into her room and said,
"Miffy dear! Wake up! It's late. You'll be late for school!"
Miffy quickly sat up and looked at her clock. It was very late.
Miffy rushed her wardrobe. "What should I wear, Mother?" she said.
"Just wear anything!" said Mother Bunny.
"You must get dressed very quickly so that you won't be late for school."
So Miffy chose her yellow dress.
"Come and have your breakfast, Miffy," called her mother,
"I have carrots and tomatoes already for you."

83 :
But when Miffy came into the kitchen, her mother was surprised.
"Miffy!" she said. "You have a big spot on your dress."
"Oh, dear!" said Miffy. "If I have to change my clothes, I'll be later than ever."
"But you must," said her mother. "You should wear clean clothes to school.
When you're rushing, everything goes wrong."
So Miffy changed into a clean dress. "Now I must really run to school," she said.
"Hold on, Miffy!" called her mother. "You have forgotten your lunch bag."
Before Miffy got very far, she remembered that she had promised her teacher
a nice red apple from the tree in her garden.
She knew she would be later still but ran back home to get the apple.
But Miffy could not reach the apple in the tree.
"Mother!" she called. "Could you please come and pick an apple from the tree for me?
I promised to bring one to my teacher."
"Oh, dear Miffy!" said her mother. "You're getting later and later."
But she picked the apple for Miffy, and off Miffy went again.

84 :
Miffy ran and ran all the way to school. "Oh, I'm so late," she cried.
But the door did not open. It was locked.
Miffy looked at the playground. It was empty. And there were no scooters parked there.
Then there was her mother in the car. "Miffy!" she called.
"In our rush we completely forgot that today is a school holiday.
You're not late. There is no school today."
Miffy laughed and laughed.
"You see, Miffy," Mother said, "When you're rushing, everything goes wrong."
"But not everything," said Miffy.
"Now I have a delicious apple to eat, and tomorrow I'll pick a fresh one for the teacher."
Miffy rode home with her mother and enjoyed the rest of her school holiday.

85 :

86 :

87 :

88 :
誤>She had a wheel ballow full of flesh orange carrots.
訂>She had a wheelbarrow full of fresh orange carrots.

89 :
>She knew she would be later still but ran back home to get the apple.
She knew she would be later still.But she ran back home to get the apple.

90 :

91 :

92 :

93 :

94 :
【タイトル】 Miffy's Flower Pot
【 邦題 】 おはなのプレゼント
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60145&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2011年2月13日
Miffy and Melanie were walking home from school.
And Melanie said, "Miffy, tomorrow is the last day of school before our summer holiday.
Shall we make a present for our teacher?"
"Oh, yes!" said Miffy. "I will ask my mother to give me a flower pot,
and I will paint a nice design on it."
"Good!" said Melanie. "And I will make some pretty paper flowers to go into your pot."
"Yes!" said Miffy. "That way our present will be from both of us together."
So the two little girls went home, each to make their part of the present.

95 :
Miffy painted a lovely heart on her flower pot.
And Melanie made some beautiful paper flowers.
The next day the two girls walked to school with each of their presents wrapped in gift paper.
When the school class started, the teacher said, "Dear, children,
today is the last day of school before our summer holiday. So this would be a special day."
Miffy and Melanie raised their hands. "We would like to give you a present," said Miffy.
Melanie and I have made something special just for you."
"Oh, how nice of you!" said the teacher. "What a wonderful surprise!"
First Miffy gave the teacher her present. The teacher unwrapped it very carefully.
"What a lovely flower pot, Miffy! Did you paint it yourself?"
Then Melanie came forward and gave her present to the teacher. When the teacher unwrapped it,
she said, "How thoughtful! Lovely flowers to go into a lovely flower pot!"
She was very pleased and thanked both girls.
"Now," said the teacher, "It's time for us to all go out and have fun in the play ground."
So all the children had lots of fun on the last day of school.

96 :
Miffy and Melanie played on the seesaw.
And while they were going up and down, Melanie pointed to the school room window
which was lined with the real flowers in the real flower pots.
"At the end of each school year, each of us has to take home one of the real flower pots
and take care of it until school starts again," said Melanie.
"I wonder which of the pots we shall get," said Miffy.
When they all returned to the classroom, The teacher said,
"And now children, I will give you each one of the flower pots to take home."
And she began to hand each pupil one of the flower pots.
When Melanie and Miffy left the classroom, they looked back
and saw the teacher putting the pot with paper flowers in the windowsill.
"Because our flowers aren't real, they could stay in the classroom all summer," said Miffy.
"Now everyone has some lovely bright flowers even a classroom."

97 :
>Miffy wasn't heart, but she decided to walk with her scooter the lest of the way home.
Miffy wasn't hurt, So I decided to walk the lest of the way.the rest of the way home.
>So I decided to walk the lest of the way. →the rest of

98 :

99 :
【タイトル】 Snuffy's Dog House
【 邦題 】 スナッフィーのおうち
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60139&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2011年2月20日
One morning Father Bunny was reading the paper.
"Wouldn't it be nice if Snuffy could stay with us sometime?"
"It would be nice," said Father Bunny. "But we must first build a little house for her to stay in.”
"Boris Bear has lots of wood," said Miffy.
"I'm going on my scooter and ask him if he could give us enough to make a doghouse."
So Miffy took her scooter and set out for the forest where Boris and Barbara Bear lived.

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