BNPパリバの河野氏の日銀審議委員を巡る英文記事 -------------------------------------------- ttp:// LDP Rejection of Bank of Japan Nominee Adds Pressure By Takashi Hirokawa and Andy Sharp on April 04, 2012 Bloomberg News 自民党は日本銀行の審議委員候補を拒否、圧力を増す ビジネスウイーク・ブルームバーグ “It looks very difficult for the nomination to be passed,” said Yasuhide Yajima, senior economist at NLI Research Institute Ltd. in Tokyo. “The BOJ may feel more pressure to ease this month because of this disagreement.” NKI研究所のYasuhide Yajima氏は、河野氏に対する自民党などの拒否について「審議委員にパスすることは甚だ困難になった」 という。「日本銀行は、この拒否事件にために、金融緩和へのより強い圧力を感じるだろう」 Kono said last month that BOJ policy alone cannot solve structural problems in the economy and warned of risks associated with “aggressive monetary policy” in a country with a ballooning public debt. Echoing Shirakawa His comments echo the views of Shirakawa, who has warned that monetary policy cannot solve all of Japan’s woes and financing public debt would damage the economy over time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *記事のトーンから見て、ブルームバーグも日銀や白川総裁に優しくない(w *河野氏の推薦は、どう見ても逆効果というか、金融緩和あるべし派を活性化し、日銀法改正議論まで呼び起こす始末で(ry
こういう商品名ってありなの? 【米国】中国製「日本ダイエットピル」に発がん性物質、服用しないよう呼びかけ--FDA[12/04/04] 米食品医薬品局(Food and Drug Administration、FDA)は3日、 「Japan Rapid Weight Loss Diet Pills(日本急速減量ダイエットピル)」という名で 販売されている中国製ダイエット用錠剤について、発がん性がある疑いのある物質を 含んでいるとして服用しないよう消費者に呼びかけた。
ttp:// 【社説】緊縮財政の「わな」 消費増税で日本の危機回避は本当に可能か 2012年 4月 4日 16:20 JST ttp:// Japan's Latest Austerity Trap With the economy growing at last, Noda wants to double the national sales tax. *WSJの増税批判社説を日本語版が掲載しているけれど、タイトルの翻訳は不正確
ttp:// Signs of a New Tiananmen in China April 04, 2012 By Minxin Pei 中国の新たな天安門のサイン By Minxin Pei 4日、ディプロマット
Pervasive corruption, lawlessness among the ruling elites, and a sense of a loss of direction permeating all levels of Chinese society. The conditions for another Tiananmen may be there. 腐敗の蔓延、支配層エリートの法規無視、すべてのレベルの中国人社会の方向性喪失感の浸透、新たな天安門事件の条件が 揃っているのかも知れない ・・・・ Another, perhaps more important reason, is that more than two decades after the Tiananmen crackdown (and after Deng Xiaoping famously admonished his colleagues there should be “no arguing,” essentially ending the ideological debate among the ruling elites over whether post-Mao China was embracing capitalism), members of China’s thinking class have come to realize that the post-Tiananmen consensus, which might be characterized as giving economic reform and development a chance to solve China’s political problems (one-party rule and poor governance), has basically broken down. In other words, the post-Tiananmen model, all but intellectually bankrupt, provides no useful guidance in the coming decades. One may be tempted to dismiss such discussions as idle chatter among marginalized Chinese intellectuals. This would be a mistake. Some of the participants in these discussions are influential opinion makers or advisors to the Chinese government. Their views reflect the thinking of at least some insiders of the Communist Party. So the frustrated tone and anxiety conveyed by their views could suggest that more open-minded elements in the party, some of whom may be in line to assume senior or important positions as a result of the leadership transition, share the same sense of crisis and urgency. ・・・・ Since the Tiananmen tragedy 23 years ago, a question on many people’s minds is whether another Tiananmen will happen. The Chinese government has done everything imaginable to ensure that it won’t. As China enters a more uncertain decade, what’s becoming increasingly apparent is that many of the social and political conditions for producing a Tiananmen-style crisis have re-emerged. An intellectual renaissance is certainly one of them. *ポスト天安門コンセンサス(=経済成長が、いずれ中国の諸問題を解決してくれる)が今や怪しげになって、あるいは魅力的で 説得的ではなくなって、中国に様々のイデオロギー、主義主張(そのなかには薄熙来 のネオ毛沢東主義も含まれる)が現れている という。それは天安門の時代に似ていると。
参考資料 グローバル化の進展により飢餓人口は減少中 2010 Global HunGer Index The Challenge of hunger: Focus on The Crisis of Child undernutrition 2011 Global Hunger Index The challenge of hunger: Taming price spikes and excessive food price volatility The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool adapted and further developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to compre- hensively measure and track global hunger. Global Hunger Index Global and regional trends The 2011 GHI report shows how the hunger situation has developed since 1990 at global, regional, and national levels. Globally, the GHI fell over one fourth from 19.7 in 1990 to 14.6 in 2011. The global GHI 2010 had been 15.1.
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ttp:// South Sudan says it shoots down Sudanese jet By MICHAEL ONYIEGO, Associated Press ? 1 hour ago 南スーダン軍は北スーダンの戦闘機を撃墜と発表 AP JUBA, South Sudan (AP) ? South Sudan's military said it shot down a Sudanese fighter jet Wednesday after two Sudanese military planes dropped bombs around South Sudanese oil fields. Military spokesman Col. Philip Aguer identified the downed plane as a Sudanese MiG-29 jet fighter flying in South Sudan's Unity State. Aguer said he saw the confrontation and that the downed Sudanese MiG was one of two flying over the Naar and Toma South oil fields. He said the two MiGs had dropped "many" bombs since morning. South Sudanese forces shot down the MiG with an anti-aircraft gun, he said. The Sudanese "don't know that we have the capacity. They underestimate the SPLA," he said, referring to South Sudan's forces, the Southern People's Liberation Army. 南スーダンの軍の広報官Col. Philip Aguerはスーダンの2機のミグ29が油田地帯を空爆し対空砲によって1機が撃墜されたと述べた Sudan army spokesman Col. Sawarmy Khaled denied that any Sudanese jets were downed, saying the claim by the south lacked evidence. "This is not right, and is a claim that lacks evidence and proof. We affirm this is talk for media consumption only," he said. 北スーダンの軍の広報官はこれを否定し、証拠は何もなくメディアへのキャンペーンのみだと述べた Wednesday's bombings are the latest in a series of open confrontations between Sudanese and South Sudanese troops that have world leaders on edge. President Barack Obama urged South Sudanese President Salva Kiir earlier this week to exercise maximum military restraint. But according to Aguer, the fighting has been "a daily thing here on the front line" since the initial confrontation. Aguer said that almost 80 people have been killed ? mostly military forces ? since the fighting began. While the region has been quiet since the downing of the MiG plane earlier, the border is tense. According to Aguer, South Sudan is "expecting ground troops to attack at any time." 南北の紛争が続いており、南スーダン軍広報官は地上での戦闘も予想されると述べている
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これはFTにある、北京特派員の書いているもので最近の中国の政治状況の不安定性、混迷について述べている。 この中で、特派員氏は >>83 のMinxin Peiの評論に触れていて、天安門直前の雰囲気に似た危うさを指摘している --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// China’s political chaos prompts reform By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing April 4, 2012 5:37 pm In a trenchant article in The Diplomat on Wednesday, Minxin Pei, a prominent academic, argued that the present “sclerotic authoritarian crony-capitalist order,” had led to the re-emergence of “many of the social and political conditions for producing a Tiananmen-style crisis.” This refrain is common among those who lived through the tumultuous events of 1989, the last time the party was as fractured as it is now. The trigger then ? the fatal heart attack of disgraced but popular leader Hu Yaobang on April 15 1989 ? was an event that seemed just as unlikely to ignite an uprising as the self-immolation of a disgruntled Tunisian fruit seller in late 2010. For two decades, the party’s greatest fear has been that a similar random event will occur at a moment when factional struggles render its leaders unable to recognise or collectively deal with the threat before they are swept away. 水曜日にディプロマット誌に書いた鋭い評論の中で著名な中国学者であるMinxin Peiは「現在の強固で権威主義的な縁故資本主義者 の維持する秩序」が天安門危機に類似の社会的政治的条件を創りだすという。1989年の天安門事件を経験した世代にとって、この科 白はおなじみのもので、その時にも共産党(中央)には、今と同じように亀裂が生じていた。当時に事件のトリガーとなったことは 1989年4月15日の胡耀邦の心臓発作による去である。それはチェニジアの果物売りの自が2010年に起こしたような予想外の結果 につながった。過去20年の中国共産党の最大の恐怖は指導者交代に伴う党内派閥抗争が管理不能に成ったり事態を制御できなくなる ような状況下で、ランダムなイベントが再び起きることであった