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2012年3君GLISH3: Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 168 (179) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
リスニングできる気がしない 7 (686)
英検準2級スレPart12 (261)
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【洗脳】NCC綜合英会話学校 7【工作】 (338)
スレッド立てるまでもない質問スレッド part258 (222)
英検2級対策用スレ9 (978)

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 168

1 :
( ´・ω・)  Let's have Japanese green tea and chat!
( つ旦O   ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦
Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 167
Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboos from all over the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope Igirisu-jin and the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!
This is the place to have a ball!!!!!
Let's support recovery efforts in Japan!!!!!!

2 :
I thank myself!

3 :

4 :
Thanks for the tea. Kamenashi Kazuya is worshipped daily by KG2ch.

5 :
                \ │ /
                 /■\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ─(´ ∀ `)< I love Onigiri!
                 \_/   \_________
                / │ \
                    ∩ /■\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\∩ /■\ \( ´∀`)< No Onigiri, No Life!
I love Onigiri, too! >(´∀` )/|    / \__________
________/ |    〈 |   |
              / /\_」 / /\」
               ̄     / /

6 :
Aw onigiri-san I want to eat you all.

7 :

8 :
   ▃▅▆▅▃            ▅███████▅
 ▅███████▅         ██████████
▐█████████▌       ██████████▉
██████████▊   ▃▅▆▆▅██████████
       ███████▀▀▀▀         ▌  二度と覚めることのない
       ████ ▃▅▅▃▂▅▋ ▃▅▅▂ ▼  深い深い夢の国へと

9 :
        ██▀▅██████▃ ████▉  ▌
       ▀█▅▂▀███▀██▆ ▀██▀  ▲
        ███▆▃▂▃▅█▀█▊        ▍
        ▀████▀▀█ ▼▼  ▅▃▂◢◤
          ▀██▅▆██▅▃▂ ▂ ▼ ▌
           ◥█▀▅▋▃▋ ▌ ▍▂◢◤ ▌
             ██▃█▂▌▲▌ ▀  ▋
             ▀███▀▀   ▅▀

10 :
I want to eat onigiris at the Sitama chapter of the Liberal Democratic Party.

11 :
I wonder when Sparky will get HRT medicine. Do you think he will fail to become a woman?

12 :
Cut it out! Sparky is a hard gay. He doesn't want to be a woman.
There's no need for him to change. He can be loved by another gay as he is now.

13 :
no more talk!

14 :
We must the task force against the -lovers in this thread.

15 :
○must make

16 :
i like english

17 :
Thanks for the good job!

18 :
I cannot tell whether you love Japan or Kame-chan.

19 :
i have some questions
i want to know what do the Westerner think of Russian.
do they see the Russian as the Westerner or as the Asian?
they feel a certain distance between they and the Russian
because of the past Cold War ?
after all, do the Westerner like the Russian now?

20 :
what i only know about that qustions is that , i want to touch the boobs of russian girl.
i am not either american nor russian though .
sorry for my nosy answer.

21 :
i am *neither american nor russian though .
i may have done mistake with grammar above.

22 :
How can I get a hot Russian girlfriend?

23 :
Russian girls are truly beautiful.!
but until early 20s

24 :
I think it applies to any girl regardless of what race she is.

25 :
Apple can't sell i-pad because of the breach of rights in China!!
Oh, that's great. I didn't know a Chinese company created i-pad before Apple.

26 :
hey people
i killed my first deer!!!

27 :

28 :
Hey everyone. I've got the friends!!
I'm so excited to promised 3P.

29 :
Dear my sweetie.
I was hooky my work at costco... You say Why? Cuz YOU LOST ME.
I really don’t understand what went wrong with us. We had a great start, it was warm and sweet,
the normal way all successful relationships start. We had the warmth, we had the love,
we had the kindness, me being gentleman. All these things are constant,
they haven’t changed with me. YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE!

30 :
So you rejected the fact that we can have romance. Fine. You offered me friendship. So I thought you were good person and I still had feelings for you, as far as enjoying activities together with you and doing things together
I accepted that we could be "just friends." Now, most guys would have rejected you so quickly. Because they are very direct thinking and know
what they are looking for. Most men today are seeking relationship, to make family and build something wonderful together. As I am too!
But the difference is that I’m more soft and try to accept your uniquefeelings.
I wanted to give you same as friendship. And you even rejected me on that!?!? How “ABSURD” you are!

31 :
Even having a friendship with me you reject it? But you say that I'm warm and kind and I’m fun and exciting and I’m talent…
these are all the good positive things that build a relationship. But you reject me. You say you can’t give me anything. ABSURD!!!
And to tell truth, I don’t have the time or the life to waste on somebody who is absurd and can’t figure out their feelings.
So yes you are right: it is all YOUR fault. I know specifically what I want. I know how I want and I go for it.
And I’m going to get it and if the woman whom I lucky to find that can see the good value in me, connects with me,
the somebody can be best together. Breaking through culture gaps, eikaiwa.

32 :
YOU LOST ME!! You mentioned so many positive things about me that you like in a guy and you lost me! Because of your stupid absurd thinking HEAD that changed your feelings,
because we did have a magic start! You were supposed to be “MY SWEET NEW HALF WIFE”... you were meant to be my sweet woman waiting for me at home, ready to snuggle,
and recharge me after a long hard working day, and how happy I would be to see your lovely face.
That was the path we were on. Why you suddenly changed I have no idea. But I’ve seen this pattern a thousand times and I blame Japanese woman. Maybe I should date a Thai woman huh?
Because they are more soft and more logical. And they know what they want. As far as relationships. And they go and make it happen! It’s always give and take! 50/50.
My Bangkok friend Michel, same thing. He has suffered those same treatment from Japanese women a million times in past, he gave up went to Thailand and met very good Thai woman and
now they are happily married. Maybe Thailand is my destiny. Thank you so much for disappointing me and giving me bad image of Japanese new half, ONCE AGAIN!

33 :
I’m not trying to change your mind or feeling, but its so very unfortunate that you have changed. I don’t know how. I don’t know when. But very unfortunate and regrettable.
It takes two people to keep the fire alive. I was really hoping for that. The reason why I kept holding on is because you have no idea how hard it has been for me to try to meet a NEW HALF WOMAN that
is willing to give a chance to meet me and get to know me. It’s so rare. In the last few years Japanese new half have changed to be much harder and colder.
And now that I finally met someone, you,
who gave me a chance and showed me your heart I was encouraged. I was excited because I felt it was the beginning of a new wonderful and sweet relationship.
Then when you suddenly changed your feeling it really devastated me. And like I have to start all over again.
I just wish we could have found a way to turn it back to the way it was and start fresh. The very reason I hung on and not want to give-up is because I am serious guy, not the usual playboy
who just gives up on you “ok fine, goodbye” and then moves to the next NEW HALF WOMAN, and try to play games with her and fuck her. I was trying to hold onto something precious here that
we have started! Can’t you see that??!! Don’t you understand??!! That’s all I was wanting to do here! I’m not desperate or lonely that any woman will do.
I told already that’s it’s so hard to meet good woman. And now I met you and we had a spark and I was trying to develop that and let it blossom sweetly and naturally!

34 :
The end...
Incidentally, not to make you hurt or sad, but I went to speed dating last night. And amazingly, I met another NEW HALF WOMAN with whom we had instant chemistry.
We held hands and had some sweet kiss on lips after the event. NO SHE ISNT BITCH. She never had gaijin BF, NEVER yet! She likes me and allows her feelings and heart to lead instead of her mind.
But You don't apparently anything. So I will try forgetting about you. And I wonder just how long you will be alone in this world if you continue to be absurd and force your strange opinions of love and
romance on people. No one has any patience for that. How long will you be alone, or have a string of short relationships until they each blow up and he loses patience and dumps you. How long indeed.
IF you ever have ANY FEELINGS about ME….It's too late. YOU LOST ME.
Please end this contact. I do not wish to hear any more garbage and excuses from you. Do not wish to hear anymore from you PERIOD. Just leave me,
Say GOOD LUCK for me, for my new romance. YOU LONELINESS at home there FOREVER!

35 :
Anoo... sumimasen.. Just what is a HALF WOMAN?
You don't happen to be a Japanese Jack the Ripper, I hope not.

36 :
Who said this? Own up guys!!!
"I don't like real women," one bloke superciliously sniffed on Japan's
2channel, the world's largest and most active internet bulletin board
site. "They're too picky nowadays. I'd much rather have a virtual

37 :
It's an ended story for us who are homoual...
I don't say any more...No, NOTHING at all.
see you...

38 :
>>29 to >>34 .. You sound so unhappy. Was your significant person a gaijin
from this thread?

39 :
oh my god. what's?
im soshoku. where is this amusement?

40 :
  +                          +
 +      Now it's Onigiri Time !        +
    +                         +
 +                           +
  +                        +
      Let's eat !
   /■\    ./■\        /■\
  ( ´∀`)△ ( ´∀`)       (・∀・ ) looks good !
   /    つ  ⊃目⊂) ∬    ⊂  ⊂ )
  (人_つ_つ (_(_) 目△▲  (_(_つ

41 :
onigiri tumannai
who enjoy

42 :
              ,, -―-、
             /     ヽ
       / ̄ ̄/  /i⌒ヽ、|      
      / (゜)/   / /      い〜や〜らし〜い〜 あ〜さがきた
     /     ト、.,../ ,ー-、            ろぉこ〜つな〜 あ〜さ〜だ
    =彳      \\‘ ̄^   
    /          \\ \  
   /         /⌒ ヽ ヽ_>i 
   /         │   `ー−'
  │         │     
  / / ̄ ̄12 ̄ ̄\\
  / /    |     \\
 | | 9   ○    3 | |
 | |     |     ||
  \\   6     //

43 :
What a disgusting face!

44 :
i have been watching the anime named southpark.
it is fukn funny video .
for me , it is too speedy but i can understand some .
all character of the anime says speedly ,like a hayakuchikotoba.

45 :
Reply to Part 168 >>1000
Are all men the same all over the world? They think of men and women as
body parts.Just like a manufactured car, they talk about structure and build.
It is amazing that you apply a strict criteria as to what an ideal human
should have in terms of structure.

46 :
Reply to Part 168 >>1000
I think men do not have a realistic view of the world, or rather a rigid
view of the world. That kind of inflexibility is detrimental to human

47 :
I killed 2 squirrels today!

48 :
35 Aussie?

49 :

50 :
I had a mistake.

51 :
Come on spice up this thread. Write something.
Tell me about the love of your life. Pour it out!

52 :

53 :
What a stupid man you are

54 :
Hey guys. I haven't been here in months! How's Japan been?
If anyone needs help with English, I can try to help. Looks like I
have a lot to read through in this thread.
I have no idea what the post confirmation pages say. Something about a

55 :
Seems like you have tons of spare time...

56 :
I don't! I am extremely busy right now.

57 :
We are one piece!
I'm gonna be the king of the NEET!

58 :
\               |         /
  \             |        /
             / ̄ ̄ ヽ,
            /        ',      /     _/\/\/\/|_
    \    ノ//, {0}  /¨`ヽ {0} ,ミヽ    /     \            /
     \ / く l   ヽ._.ノ   ', ゝ \        ただいマンモス  >
     / /⌒ リ   `ー'′   ' ⌒\ \    /          \
     (   ̄ ̄⌒          ⌒ ̄ _)    ̄|/\/\/\/ ̄
      ` ̄ ̄`ヽ           /´ ̄
           |            |  
  −−− ‐   ノ           |
          /            ノ        −−−−
         /           ∠_
  −−   |    f\      ノ     ̄`丶.
        |    |  ヽ__ノー─-- 、_   )    − _
.        |  |            /  /
         | |          ,'  /
    /  /  ノ           |   ,'    \
      /   /             |  /      \
   /_ノ /              ,ノ 〈           \
    (  〈              ヽ.__ \        \
     ヽ._>              \__)

59 :
I'm happy because I'm out of work.

60 :
If I were to work, I would be a loser.

61 :
From the beginning, you are a loser.

62 :
No. I am a rough diamond.

63 :
take a look at my anus. this is a awaited diamond-anus.

64 :
Louise! Louise! Louiseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
yarghh...uh...aaahah-! AaAAAAA!!! LOUISELOUISELOUISEaaaaAAAAaaa!!!
Ae...sniffsniff! sniffsniff! sssssaaahsssssaaah.. smells good.... sniff
 gasp! I can haz sniffsniff pink blonde hair de Louise Francoise?! sniffsniff! Aah!
No! I want fluffing! fluff! fluff! Hair hair fluff fluff! Scratch scratch fluff fluff... Kyunkyunnkyui!!
Louise-tan was so kawaii in vol.12 of the novels!! AaaAA...AAA...AhAaAAA!! FaaAAAnng!
Congrats on the 2nd season of the anime Louise-tan! AaAAAAA! So cute! Louise-tan! Kawaii!AaaAAA!
2nd volume of the comics were grea...nnNrAGGggghHH!! Nyaaaaaargh!! UGyaaaAAAAA!!!
Nnnnnnyyyyuuuurrrrgggghhhh!!! Comics...................... AREN'T reality!!! ?...what about the novels and the anime....
LOUISE I S N' T R E A L????? AAAAArgggghhHH!!! Uwaaaaaaannn!!
NononononoNONONONONO! EEeeeeaAAAA!!!! HGGGGrrrrruuyynnnnnNN!!! Halkeginiaaaaaa!!
You! BASTARDS! I'm quitting! I'm QUITTING REALIT...Y....huh!? She's...looking? Louise-chan on the cover is looking at me?
Louise on the cover IS looking at me! Louise... at me! Louise-chan in the pictures in the book are looking at me!!
Louise-chan in the anime is talking to me!!! Phew... reality ain't so bad after all!
Yessssss! Wheeeee!! YEAH!!! I have Louise!! I've done it Ketty, I can do it alone!!!
C..comic... Louise LOUISE-CHAAAaaaaaAAaaAAAN!!!!!!!! HyaaAAAaaaAaaaAAaA!!!!!
Ahahaah...ahahaaahhhhahaAnn! Si, Siesta!! HenriettaaaAAAAAAaAA!!! TabithaaAAAAA!!
u....uuuu..sniffsniffuuuUUU!!! May my love reach Louise!! May my love reach Louise of Halkeginia!

65 :
Your TOEIC score must be 980.

66 :
It's the 2ch cookie system called ninpouchou.
When you post on 2ch for the first time, it shows you that page
and then you have to wait about 5 minuites before you can actually post.
It creates a 2ch.net cookie, and if you delete it, you will have to do it again.
It also creates server cookies (such as awabi.2ch.net) but you can delete those.

67 :
this is a adorable model of hokusai by Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music

68 :
What a disgusting monster this is!! woeeee...

69 :
taco is yum . do you guys know that ?
for some foregner , taco is just DEVIL . so they can't eat takoyaki .
i heard so , is this rumor true?

70 :
If you say "taco" in English, we think it means the Mexican food.
I assume you mean "tako" for octopus. Most of us have no experience with it because of how rare it is here.
I have no idea if I would like it or not.
It takes several days to ship things from the ocean to here, so we don't get anything that spoils faster than that.
This works both ways - That's why you guys have lots of fresh fish, but you don't have fresh corn or beef.

71 :
Awesome model! Hokusai is amazing. I bought several calendars
containing his art, but none of them had the graphic prints.

72 :

73 :
Awww Happy Birthday Kamenashi Kazuya! The most beautiful man in the world, body and soul!!!

74 :
 / ,.、 ,.、田んぼ/ /  /,.、 ,.、 /   / ,.、 ,.、用水路見てくる
  ∠二二、ヽ の /  ∠二二、ヽ / /∠二二、ヽ /
 (( ´・ω・`)) / (( ´・ω・`))  /(( ´・ω・`)) / ビュー
 / ~~ :~~~〈 / /ちょっと堤防 // ~~ :~~~〈  //
ノ   : _,,..ゝ/\/\/\/\/\/ノ   : _,,..ゝ /
  (,,..,)二i_, / 死 亡 フ ラ グ /  (,,..,)二i_  /
────<      の    _>────
,.、 ,.、 畑が/  予    感!/  ,.、 ,.、/   /
二二、ヽ /\/\/\/\/\// ∠二二、ヽ/雪かきを
・ω・`))/ /(( ´・ω・`)) / (( ´・ω・`)) //
:~~~〈 / 屋 / ~~ :~~~〈//  / ~~ :~~~〈 / 
: _,,.. / 根ノ   : _,,.ゝ/ ノ   : _,,..ゝ  /
..,)二i/  を  (,,..,)二i_ / /  (,,..,)二i_, / /

75 :
Long time no see.

76 :
What does the following mean guys:
@kg2ch 私生活ではいろんな女性に好かれても困るから、自然とバリアはったりするけど(笑)、ライブは開放区でしょ!?
Machine translator is vague as always. Thanks!

77 :

78 :
I come back!!!!!!!

79 :
Fack you.

80 :
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 167
227 名前:tinpo ◆iL8OKfslp2 [sage] 投稿日:2012/01/28(土) 14:42:22.28
Your answer is correct.
He never become a girl.
Only person who can go over that wall is Kayo Sato.
If sparky want to become a girl,he must be reborn. LOL
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 167
228 名前:【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k [sparky4@sparky4.net] 投稿日:2012/01/28(土) 14:50:46.81

81 :
        / ̄\/ ̄\
        |  ● | ●  |  I'm hungry♪
         ‐--‐' `ー--‐
     / 〇          〇 \
   r^ヽ.___    \/    __,ノ
  `ー/    ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ヽ.\
    l__________ __l'^´
      l__,_____,____j   ,__,______,_,__!

82 :
Kamenashi usually would have an offhand attitud to women around him
because he doesnt want to get bothered by unwanted attention from them:D
But in his live concert, it is different case, he seems to feel free and more open there
sorry, if i made mistake in the translation

83 :
who are you ?

84 :
You can call me whatever you like.

85 :
        / ̄\/ ̄\
        |  ● | ●  |  I'm keroppi. Call me KJ♪
         ‐--‐' `ー--‐
     / 〇          〇 \
   r^ヽ.___    \/    __,ノ
  `ー/    ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ヽ.\
    l__________ __l'^´
      l__,_____,____j   ,__,______,_,__!

86 :
I'll call you pyonkichi.

87 :
Was the word 解放区(kaihouku) used from the audiences' point of view?
I feel it makes the last sentence sound slight different.

88 :
both are 2-D frogs!

89 :
亀梨bot's anser to kg2ch is a little bit strange, isnt it?
something doesn't add up

90 :
>>82 Thank you for the translation, so the message reallly was vague!
>>89 I know. it is just a fangirl robot so I am not surprised.
I have doubts that artists reveal their real names or birthdays anyways.

91 :
my kame-head is not wide .
any human would wanna try this ?

92 :

93 :
Hello everyone who loves 2 ch.
I'm living hand to mouse in MAtsuyama for long time.
Today I came across a strange catch phrase
when I was driving my car in my home town which was
"I am afraid of ghost, but I wish to feel my grand father who has passed away.".
I think it is very confused advert for showing of my home town like this.
I wish it to be changed to other phrase.
What do you think about this?
Thank you!

94 :
if i were the man in the CM, i would have just prayed that my grandfather could die safety,
so as not to turn into silly ghost .
I don't blieve that there is a heaven in reality.

95 :
i am going to make a supper .
i will wear a epron in case stink tomato cakes with my fleece.

96 :
It may be needed for the city development
The goal should be another itako city.

97 :
"I am afraid of ghost, but I wish to feel my grand father who has passed away."
I can't understand what it exactly means.
What is it in Japanese?

98 :
so as not to make* him(grandfather) turn into ghost.
i wish the city was not my city.

99 :
ah... "i hope " is better?
i am now confused .

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