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2012年09月ENGLISH29: Chat in English(英語で雑談)Part 172 (344) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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Chat in English(英語で雑談)Part 172

1 :2012/10/07 〜 最終レス :2012/10/23
( ´・ω・)  Let's have Earl Grey tea and chat!
( つ旦O  ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦
Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 171

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope Igirisu-jin and the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!
This is the place to have a blast!!!!!
Let's continue to support recovery efforts in Japan!!!!!

2 :
You are so cool.
You are I. I am you.
So I am so cool.
Thank me for my making this thread.
I appreciate my making this thread.

3 :
My DICK is bigger than whales.
Please tell me how big your DICK is?

4 :
Thanks a lot what had made this thread.
By the way, I had saw picture what my friends naked picture at somewhere. Then hornesty I had surprised at it. But its picture be seem so cute. I had fall in love that soon. So attractive so much.

5 :
How poor your English is!!
Have you ever learnt English grammar?

6 :
I had saw →I saw
I had surprised at→I was surprised at
I had fall in love →I fallen in love

7 :
Then, Why don't you help >>4 learning English?

8 :
The conjugation of the verb " fall" is as follows; fall-fell- fallen

9 :
help to learn English
help learn English

10 :
You must be a fool and only a junior high school graduate.

11 :
>>1 Good job. Here's a reward for you. Enjoy!
<Why Dogs are Easier to Live with than Women>
1 Dogs don't mind when you leave the toilet seat up.
2 Another man will seldom steal your dog.
3 Dogs are delighted if you bring another dog home.
4 When dogs hear a noise in the night, they check it out themselves ithout waking you.
5 Dogs still love you when you can't be bothered to shower.
6 Dogs never complain when you smoke in the car.
7 Dogs never ask you to put the garbage out.
8 Dogs don't mind if you forget their birthdays.
9 Dogs are delighted when they find another dog hair on your jacket.
10 Dogs like to ride in the car with the windows open.
11 Dogs don't mind when you watch sports on TV all day.
12 Dogs don't know how to use credit cards.
13 Dogs prefer it when the grass is long and the garden is overgrown.
14 Dogs are not allowed in expensive designer shops.
15 And, if a dog leaves, it won't sue you for the house and half of your savinggs.

12 :
Tell me what English-language newspaper you read on the internet.

13 :
Have you ever heared that 現在完了,過去完了??

14 :
help someone to learn/learn/learning
I think any of these is fine.

15 :

16 :
The only thing you can do is point out someone's bad grammar, because
that's pretty much the only thing you did during English classes.
There's a lot of bad grammar in >>4 but still I can see what he's driving at.
And that's the most important thing.

17 :
Online newspapers I read regularly are CNN and Yahoo!News (US).
Sometimes I go to USA today and BBC.
Recently I've been spending more time reading comments to the news than the news themselves.
I think that's a good way to learn to write in English in places like this.

18 :
How silly are you?

19 :
I am a genius.
Do you like genius people?
I don't like genius people, because one genius is enough for me.

20 :
the most important thing is the ability to tell the difference between a genuine novice and an obvious troll

21 :
×I am a genius.
○I am the genius.
English isn't acceptable for me.
The genius must use Japanese.

22 :
I'm convinced that you are not a genius at all because those who are called genius by other people never waste time.
For them, time is precious treasure given by God to achieve something.
You are fooling around here, which proves you are not a genius from the beginning.

23 :
If they were to be a real genius, they could post something in here as if they breath.
My power of geniusness spend 0.0000000001% energy to write in here.
I am sorry for being able to show you my geniusness in Englsih.

24 :
I will see a psychiatrist near future.
I don't know why my family tell me to go to it.
But I must show my family that I am a normal person(but genius).

25 :
lets stop wasting time and be a genius
anyone who posts in this thread hereafter is a non-genius and has a small dick and small balls
i gonna be a genius

26 :
You are not a genius. You are simply pathetic.
I hope you stop making Rual comments. You may find it's funny, but
it's not funny at all. It's quite offensive to some. People never make such comments
in countries where English is spoken. You better learn to behave yourself before learning English.
It's something that's not tolerated in forums overseas.

27 :
Here is 2ch.
None of your business.

28 :
Good point.
We Japanese tend to be too strict about other people's mistake. That's why we won't be able to speak English in spite of long learning of English.

29 :
He is quite a gentleman in real life, I suppose.
Japanese society is too stressful to make people being a gentleman.

30 :
>>26 I disagree. Every other word I hear on the streets is vulgar and pointing at
human reproduction. Office language is highly filtered and depending on the class
of the person you talk to, gentleman-like. I find it funny when you ask 2ch people
to behave themselves.
>>22 Most geniuses I know have no time for God either.

31 :
I wonder how long he intends to make up a story.

32 :
You mean his 武勇伝 of ero?

33 :
^^ i love you

34 :
no thanks

35 :
Why? Sparky's love is deeper than Mariana Trench and broader than the end of universe.

36 :

where can i download DOS/V
I want to try to reverse engineer it for FreeDOS!!

37 :
I'm not a gentleman. I consider myself a pervert. But being a pervent in
real life is one thing, using dirty words in public places like this is
another and I don't like it. And you know, being a pervert and being a
completely law-abiding citizen are not mutually exclusive.
I'm wondering, are you all gays? cause you guys seem to really like to use words for male Rual
organs, from what I've seen.

38 :
>> 37
I always thought it was some kind of sad attempt at bragging. "Look at me, I know all these swear words!"
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean though.

39 :
Do you know flashers who expose their chinpo and kintama in front of ladies?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not that kind of guy but I just want to say they are hard-core straight.

40 :
Anyway, suddenly my working places owner told me that“Kisho”・・. Then I surprised when heared it but its after could had ease to calm down. It their habit like that so I don't mind that. And my supperior suddenly said that “you still working there”.

41 :
I would had been suck his ××××.

42 :
would Have been suck her cunts.

43 :
I like the drama, ”Vampire Diaries”

44 :
would have been suck his cock

45 :
I'm no matter of the tolkative. How should I solve this problem. Hope ease to work through.
By the way, how should I to cure my headach??

46 :
Bang your head on a brick wall again and again until you you get unconcious.
That'll solve the problem.

47 :
Its seem so cruel isn't it??

48 :
And sounds like feared so much.

49 :
Today, I learned three bad English words, skunk, asshole, and mother hucker.
Language should be used for the feeling from bottom of own heart.
I always want to say bad words to people that I dislike.
This is my ture feeling.

50 :
Here's another good one for you. You are a pathetic loser.
People coming here are all pathetic losers.

51 :
I'll be correct befores comments part. Because not huther fucker, thats sentence is mother fucker.

52 :
I'm pretty sure being called a 'loser' is much more infuriating than
being called an asshole or mutherf@cker.

53 :
You are kind. I was wrong and I learned a new bad word " pathetic loser.

54 :
And be more kind treat us. Probably no matter of the pathetic loser. Most important is how can we solve that. Probably I really weak indeed.

55 :
Skunk is not a 'bad word', it's just a type of animal.
Motherfucker is usually written as one word, by the way.
I'm glad the new thread is off to such a constructive start.

56 :
You mean・・・・.

57 :
>>53 My pleasure.
But why would you want to learn bad words to begin with?
You want to use them toward the gaijin-s out there?
I don't think that will get you anywhere.

58 :
I read "Teach me, goo!" and there are many bad words.
I choiced two words from the best answer and one from another answer.
I learned "motherfucker" and "skunk is not a bad word" from you, thank you.
I don't dislike gaijins nor have a chance to meet gaijins outdoor.
So I will not use these bad words to anyone directly in my daily life.
I will use them in my heart.
It is important for me to express my true feelings in English in order to improve my Egnlsih and use English in my daily life.

59 :
I thought I had better use the same words in English as what words I daily use in Japanese in my herat.
Recnetly I became a victim of real-estate fraud against my landlord.
I use the mediation in a summary court.
I got settlement money but not enogh.
Meditation is not trial.
I didin't have a time to fight with my landlord over long period.
So I didn't move to tiral and accepted the settlement.
This is why I want to use bad words.

60 :
>Recnetly → Recently
>Meditation → Mediation
I'm sorry for my mistakes.

61 :
Almost all Japanese people can't speak English, even uneble to make a hentai conversation in English.
So those who chat in English here are winners, I think.

62 :
When I get angry with Brits I "criticise" them in Venusian
and they don't understand.

63 :
You are a real Nino, aren't you?

64 :
Oh yeah? Where did you get the idea that "almost all Japanese
can't speak English"?

65 :
You think you're a winner because of your juken-style English?

66 :
2ch is a place for losers to console each other, in case you haven't
realized yet.

67 :
Anyway, if you are still young, which I assume you are,
I would strongly suggest not coming here regularly. Or our loserness would rub off on you.

68 :
It isn't the subjunctive mood, so you should omit'would', I think.

69 :
No. It's correct. This "would" just makes it sound more polite. Ask native speakers.
I'm sorry if you found my comments offensive. Just because I'm a loser
doesn't mean you are too. I know you are a winner. In real life and in English.
I'm a loser in real life and in English.

70 :
From here.
You see, almost every Japanese speaks Japanese even on the ENGLISH BOARD.

71 :
I went to karaoke today.

72 :

73 :
I'm a loser, microphone abuser...
By Emin3m

74 :
i got a free poster of DR. yellow wwww

75 :
×suggest not coming here 5,790→○suggest you not come here 20,800,000

76 :
The only thing you can do is google. lol.
You think just because there are a lot more results, the one with the fewer results is wrong? Do you ever come across this expression in real life or anything?
I bet you never have come across it even online. lol.
Anyway, I don't want to talk with people who think Google is everything.
Any objections? Answer in English.

77 :
I bet you are one of these incompetent teachers.

78 :
You even included (here) in the search. That goes to show how unintelligent you are.
Try "suggest not going" and "suggest you not go" and the results are quite different.

79 :
It's my first writing!!

80 :
I congratulate you on your first writing.

81 :
I think he is Kataoka Sukichi.

82 :
I agree. I really hate those incompetent teachers.
They are the reason the majority of Japanese suck at English.
They have no business coming here.

83 :
I heard an-almost-porn novel called Fifty Shades of Grey is erupting in
popularity worldwide. It's not still translated into Japanese.
I think I can buy it in the original and read it, but Amazon reviews
differ from person to person. Some say it's like written by a junior high student
withuout any writing skills, some say it's a real page turner, so read it as a mindless
entertainment novel. The reason why I'm sitting on a fence is that I don't want to looked
dumb reading it. Did anybody here read the book? Or do you have any friends who read it? What did they say about
the book? What's your take on the book?

84 :
I must add that I'm middle aged.
Imagine a middle aged man reading Fifty Shades of Grey...
It's long been said that the best way to improve your English is to have bf/gf from
English speaking country, o rif you're a man, to read a porn. So I should give it a

85 :
Japanese women live in the kingdom of MoteMote but no native speakers don't want to see a Japanese man.
Japanese women's English skill is becoming better and better.

86 :
×no native speakers don't want to see a Japanese man.
○no native speakers want to see a Japanese man.

87 :
I would strongly suggest not coming here regularly.
→I would advise you not to come here regularly.
What do you think about the second sentence?

88 :

89 :
Indeed thats right, been wrote English this thread.
By the way I'm nurvous now. I'm grad to heared that can to be go journey at prefecture of Aich. I can to be eat what Hitsumabush.

90 :
Your English is so bad

91 :
im masa

92 :

93 :
i have to study english
I want to become a companion

94 :

95 :
Japanese language

96 :
i have to study 日本語
I want to become an Electrical engineer

97 :
I have to learn Englsh to communicate with Filipinas at Philippine pub.Talking with them is the best way to master English, I think.

98 :
I were blame from around myself. I'm pity now. This thread excist member no matter of the so shit bitch. Please help me pit it off all of it.

99 :
I got wrong collect word case so lazy enough. befores pit off→put off.

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